Match Quality

Guys, is it just me or the quality of the matches overall dropped to a insanely low standard? Like srsly, the ranking system was bad before, but now this is getting pretty insane... Besides that, these latest changes (ruin and etc), made killers start playing sooo much toxic, purposely, when there's no reason to do so, for example the last game I played, it was a 3x1 cuz an entitled survivor dc'ed after the 1st down (which was him btw), and the killer still played like the game was a Major League game or something... I don't blame killers for this cuz even I don't play killer as much anymore, because I think the experience isn't worth it, but daaaaaaamn, it's being very hard to find quality games lately, either they are extremely quick or some1 DC on the first/second minute and the killer still plays like it's his life on the line...
It's getting kinda hard to love this game nowadays lol
Can't blame them really. 1 DC can mean losing even a safety pip these days. It's absolutly nuts that survivors can still pip like crazy but killers are pretty much screwed from 1 single DC.
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Agreed. My average gaming experience suffered for several reasons.
Bad ranking & matchmaking system is throwing people together who should not play together.
Matches are often over so fast that not a lot happened. Killer gets 2 hooks and the exit gates are open. Too much gen simulator. Or the killer camps & tunnels to make up for the gen speed.
Or somebody dc's.
Or people are doing their challenges and don't play the game how it is supposed to be played.
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I agree. Matches either go 0K or 4K and the 4K has 2 dc's a facecamp a dedihit and a good killer. I, for one, play more if I lose more because I like to rebound and besides if I win I'm less likely to ready up because of the toxicity a new match may entail, erasing my good feels of winning.
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I'm not saying your wrong but in my case, it's venting.
Every match where I get a 4k, keep in mind I probably had 2-3 matches before that where I was paired with red ranks, at rank 14, and had zero fun. So I put on my try hard pants and show no mercy to the next unfortunate group i come across. In the post game chat I say Sry, I was bullied last game and i needed to take out my anger on something, gg. I'm not saying all killers are lovable people who want to have fun. Some really are ######### but in my case, that is why :P
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Can't blame the Killers, Early game is too in the survivors favor right now so Killers now have to use scummy tactics to try balance that.
DC's still have no punishment so they're here to stay until the devs can fix the DC penalty causing crashes, which could be god knows how long.
The games in a pretty bad way, I don't think any side is happy right now.
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Yup, Sadly the devs don't realize that the harder they nerf killers, the harder they will have to try to win, making the games way less fun to play... I don't care about pipping, but I know other ppl do, so all these things (gen rush, dc punishing killers, etc), reinforce bad/unfun behavior.
Exactly, I'm going through pretty much the same thing... And the main problem is that since I've been making content to youtube for fun, it's really hard to make something happen... I'm even looking for other games, cuz damn this is rough lol...
Haven't ever thought of that lol, good point
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Yeah Evil, I know that, when I play killer I think in the same way sometimes, but that's the exact point... These last changes made so people feel more anger and frustration towards the game, that SOMEONE will have to pay the price, and usually that someone had nothing to do with your bad experiences, so in the end it becomes just a spiral of negativity.
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Worst part about the MM is the devs KNOW it's a problem. Instead of fixing it they are going to hide the ranks so it isn't "as" noticeable. Covering up the problem won't make it go away.
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Hits the nail on the head. I gotta admit, I've had matches where Red ranks or a SWF just bulldoze me and I encounter a team of casuals, and my god, I make them wish they hadn't joined my lobby. I feel terrible for it afterwards, because I vented my anger on the wrong people.
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Yes the MM is so broken, played 4 games last night, I am a yellow killer and the average rank difference between me and the survivors was, 9, 5, 7, 8. Now me not being a good killer compounds this to not fun games as a killer.
My last game I did 4k, but that was because one guy DC's as soon as I uncloak(playing Wraith). Hit him once and then let him run. He DC'd right after, which was weird, I never downed him. Then one of the other survivor just wasn't very good. Literally ran into me (I was uncloaked) while they were injured. Twice. So there ended up being 2 survivors left with 4 gens left. I might have played it harder than I needed to, because like someone previously said, frustration gets taken out on the wrong people. I had 1 kill and my previously 3 games, with one of the games to be less than 5 minutes (they had 3 tool boxes going in) I did try to slow down and practice my chasing with the last 2 survivors, but in the end that probably wasn't fun for the survivors.
The balance is so far off right now that rarely do both sides have fun.
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This is one reason why I try my hardest NOT to rank up, because I know I won't be able to play the killers I want at rank 1 (even when the game wasn't so bad, I already couldn't), I'll play to crush ppl and not to have fun... Problem is that now even at rank 9 (which is the lowest I can be without throwing) I still get teams full of red ranks, so killer is pretty much unbearable if you want to have fun with the game lol...
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Believe me mate, depending on who you're up against high up on the ladder, being skilled as a killer or not won't make a difference, odds are you'll get rushed and bullied regardless... I've been playing killer/survivor for more than 2 years now and I can testify that it's true lol...
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you totally nailed the problem.
The atmosphere you can breath in this game after the last update is highly toxic and negative.
Seems like almost everyone realized that, but none of the people who should say a word about it are facing this issue.
What is the plan?
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Yep, it's unfortunate. No matter what, I can only get Red rank survivors, and I try to stay at rank 10. Even before all this matchmaking stuff, I never wanted to go to red ranks because it just feels like everyone goes super tryhard and it's not fun for me needing to sweat hard to even get a down. I personally just play for points and try have fun with silly little builds, but lately, that can't even happen when I get survivors who just run me down. I'll still keep playing killer. I mean, someone has to. But god help survivors when they finally push away the remaining killers.
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I saw a video once that a guy said that BHVR only cares about new players nowadays, that will come, stay for lil time, buy some DLCs and leave... And it really makes sense since they r only balancing the game for rank 20's... This game is pure moneygrab at this point lol... I'll never forget that 'civilization' comment that the BHVR communication team made.
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i actually dont remember that communication :)
what was it about?
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I said exactly that on a video I made... Call it conspiracy theory if you want, but I believe that when they start trying to fix killers, this game will already be at a point of no return cuz no one will be interested anymore. I won't play killer anymore, that's for sure, only to make a video or 2...
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It's certainly getting to that point. Players who played killer will just leave with a really bad impression, and as you say, even if they're fixed, that impression will remain. Honestly, if this new skill-based MM system falls through, I'll most likely quit killer. As much as I enjoy playing as killer, there's only so much you can take before enough is enough.
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I couldn't find the full Q&A, so I'll send a link to my video, the clip is at the minute 6:36.
Srsly, no matter how many times I see that clip, I still can't believe how BAD it was lol... The type of thing you don't know if you laugh or cry about.
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I think the devs assume this
when there's no killers left survivors won't have a game.
Survivors will then get bored and switch to killer.
I don't think step 2 works that way. I think what happens is Survivors will then get bored and play something else.
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You're very resilient mate hahaha. I gave up trying to have fun with my fav killers. I'm 100% sure I'll never buy a new one, no matter how cool it looks, cuz they all turn out to be super bad, and if they're not at the first week, the devs will make them suck on the second, so yeah... MONEY GRAB AT IT'S FINEST...
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Comes down to little fun for whoever plays killer and what has happened to DC penalties?
With the majority of killers and survivors seeing more DCs from survivors, BHVR really don't do themselves any favours when people talk about their favouritism towards survivors
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Funny enough it's starting to not be fun for anyone, because I stopped playing killer cuz it's not fun, but nowadays survivors only press M1 for 5min and that's it, either that or the game goes miserably wrong for whatever reason... So yeah... "I think we did a pretty good job so far"... lol
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The match quality is at it's worse in the 2 years i've been playing. Playing as rank 1 survivor is not fun anymore. Nothing but green rank killers who stand no chance and provide no challenge at all. If you do get caught eventually you are normally camped and if you're unhooked youre down again by the time your feet hit the ground.
rank 1 killer is extremely sweaty to play right now. I will say I enjoy killer more again now as like i said survivor is just boring at the moment.
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woah man...I know situation was bad, buy didn't thought it was SO bad!!!:O
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Omg like srsly I kno rite lol teehee
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The main problem in my view is that the killer HAS to be sweaty to get to rank 1, at the point where we'r always paranoid of it being a SWF team, so that's why killers tend to treat everyone poorly regardless of knowing for sure if it's a SWF team or not, all due to previous bullies and due to the insane stress that is trying to win at rank 1 as a killer... This game is an INSANE state at the moment. I've been challenging myself with No-Mither builds so I can feel some intensity at times and not feel so bored while playing.
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The worst part is that if you read recent patch notes, the devs STILL have the same mentality, they couldn't care less about the killer's experience, so yeah mate... The situation is DIRE... lol