I quit the game

Just wanted to let the devs know that i'm quitting the game. Hopefully everyone who's quitting will do the same and maybe some day this game will become more playable. You all know what the problems are and devs know it too. Maybe if they will loose more of their playerbase they can finally start working on the gameplay instead of implementing tons of skins and random nerfes just too keep the majority of dummies in game. I hope one day i can come back cause i rly like the concept of the game but devs just simply not doing their job here. BB
Have fun with whatever game you choose to fill the hole!
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Your doing us a great service. I salute you. I might be joining you soon if MM keeps dicking me over.
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No one cares if you or anyone else quits. 😁
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You will care as soon as your que times get to 30 mins. Which were not that far off.
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"BB"? Give me back my BB.
Keep on keepin' on.
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It's okay if you don't want to play anymore, and it's okay to make a post about it if you really want to. But it's not necessary for everyone who quits to do the same. The devs can see their player numbers rising or falling whether or not those players take the time to personally inform them about it.
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"Change it up, maybe your are just tired... Or play something else, for a week".
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can't say you're wrong. I am just waitig for an alternative.
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Queue times are fine on my end. 😁
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After I hit my 1000 hrs (personal milestone) I really found myself questioning how much fun vs frustrating this game is in it's current state and ultimately uninstalled. Here's why
I was attracted to the horror and feeling of intense fear/excitement at first, which as we all know goes away very quickly.... Now I catch myself mumbling things like "hope I don't get DS'd", the plot twist is I could be a survivor and am referring to dedicated servers (it's not just a killer term anymore, which feels VERY weird). Not to mention the specific frustrations such as hits that you see land as killer but don't translate to an actual hit, exhaustion bugs, grabs, hitbox everything... All the stuff you've heard about, beaten to death, over and over again.
Now I understand that a good video game is meant to frustrate you to a certain degree so as to encourage you to feel like you can do better and overcome... DBD is so far beyond this right now it's jaw dropping.
I wish they would perform a complete overhaul of their approach to updates and new content... We have SO MANY killers, survivors, maps, items, perks and the endless combinations of procedural generation. PLEASE STOP MAKING NEW UNDERWHELMING CONTENT AND POLISH WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE TO A HIGH, COMPETITIVE SHINE. Please, I'm actually begging.
I want my awesome, unique, SCARY, FUN cat and mouse hook murder game back.... Not what we have now. So until that happens, I'll return to my old favorites.... Or maybe give Squad a try.
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Thing is. They don't make money if they fix the game. Useless cosmetics they can sell us makes them money -.-
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Very true... Cosmetics is only a good thing, I think my major hangup is the push for constant new chapters all the time when what came before it is far from optimized.
If it got to the point of being legitimately competitive, they wouldn't have to crank out new boring chapters. Just a thought.
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Yeah a lot of the killers/survivors lately feel very lack luster. Their perks even look very niche. Like they were designed specifically to draw in more players but not to keep them.
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If you don't want to get DS'd then play around it. It's not hard.
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k bye
Post edited by michaelexile on0 -
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I think newer perks seem more niche because they're running out of basic perk ideas. Theyve done most of what can be done with perks, except for getting really specific and niche.
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It does really help to read posts instead of reading one phrase and responding with something that makes zero sense given the context
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