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A Different Perspective on OP Killers

mmain Member Posts: 430

Anybody that reads on this forum very often knows this is always a much debated topic. I wanted to give an opinion here and see if others agree with me. This is completely anecdotal to what I experience when I play and I'm curious if others have a similar experience.

I don't think there is a single killer in this game that is just straight out OP. However, the map can make all the difference. Here's what I mean. For example - When I play against a Billy on a map with lots of open space he's likely going to get a 3k or 4k. All the open space makes his speed a huge advantage. However, when I play against a Billy on a map like Lery's or something it's quite common for 3 or even all survivors to escape. His speed isn't nearly the same advantage on a map with lots of small areas and narrow pathways. I see the opposite results in my experience with a killer like the clown or doctor.

That's why I never think any particular killer is necessarily OP. I think an argument could be made that any particular killer is OP on certain maps and exactly the opposite on others. Having said that I want to make it clear I am not trying to say we need to nerf this killer or that killer. I've just learned to accept that there are going to be times I end up in a match with a killer/map combo that isn't likely to end well for me, but there are going to be times I end up with a combination that is in my favor too. As I said in the first paragraph I simply want to see if others have the same experience.
