You ruined this game

I'm a 3 monthish in player meaning I'm the noob youre trying to cater to. Im a Red rank survivor and purple killer as I dont play it much but I'm not bad when I do. This game was awesome!! Killers were fun to play with and against. Then you nerfed ruin... every single game since is either a 3 minute slug fest against billy or a 3 minute gen rush (I do both). Completely non enjoyable at this point and obviously the uproar since the announcement of this nerf, there have been tons of complaints. Are there plans to fix this? If not as im a paying customer you should feel obligated to tell me not to waste any more money on this product.
A good killer shouldn't depend on ruin just saying
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By the time u down 1 guy, 1 or 2 gens have been done, maybe 3rd is getting close or done too.
If they wanted to kill dbd they are doing a good job.
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That only happens if you are bad at downing survivors or if you don't run corrupt. I do both and more often than not I get two hooks before a gen gets done
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You’re so blind to the fact that Killers need more nerfs lol
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Sarcasm, right?
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You sound privileged. Honestly, even if you guys only get one guy that should be enough, you’re not looking at it from a standpoint that survivors should be able to actually survive Without needing all 4 to do it. 4/5 people in each lobby don’t want to come in and get slain. 2nd hook insta kills is a thing. Invisibility is a thing. No heartbeat is a thing. Killers can be really efficient. Too efficient. It’s just not fun. Doctor running around making everyone go insane giving up their position because he just has to push a button unless someone’s running calm spirit? A perk that’s specific to ONE character? That’s ridiculous. More nerfs please . How do you think the average survivor that has to plan guinea pig feels playing decoy for the killer to die and get hook camped until 2nd stage hits and insta killed without being able to struggle? Then gets the boot with 5K bloodpoints to show for it. 😔 this is what I spent money on? Privileged killers complaining about not being able to slay all 4 every game? Gens should be done faster if killers are hook camping. Give em a speed boost. That’ll teach them. It’s ridiculous. Someone’s always bound to get caught at some point so why give them just 1 stage to wait out and then insta killed 2nd stage of sacrifice? Frustrating sometimes as a survivor. Really is
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I come in and see survivors backing out when doc shows up 😂 get the hell outta here it’s just too much. Killers should have to work a little harder. You guys are plenty fast, plenty of abilities to sneak up on unsuspecting victims. 5 gens is a lot of work plus exit gates 😂 surviving doesn’t need to be a thing for all 4 every game but neither does slaying all 4. Realistically 1/2 should slip through the cracks more often.
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Doing the killer challenges was god damn painful, I might just skip the killer side of the tomes honestly. I don't belong in red ranks as killer, hell I don't even have 90% of the teachables there.
Playing as survivor has been super boring lately too. Matches are done within 3-5 minutes, and sometimes I won't even see the killer cause someone on my team will run him forever. So I just end up going from gen to gen cause what else am I gonna do?
18 -
I’m seeing a lot of people not bringing In toolboxes or items at all. Maybe people want to scavenge. Then again that takes time plus 5 gens and exit gates. This game really is about LB and RB interactions only for the survivors so lay off I’m trying to loot too 😂
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"Survivors don't come into a lobby to get slain"
It's dead by ######### daylight, not animal crossing. If you can't handle the possibility of being killed then this game, especially the survivor role, isn't a great choice.
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Nope he's just that delusional.
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I don't know what else survivors think need nerfs. It's not hard to pump gens out anymore so you don't have to be able to loop well.
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i don’t mind getting killed. Except for getting killed by no fault of my own. I’m simply saying that certain abilities might be too excessive. Invisibility and no heartbeat allows one to sneak up on the unsuspecting survivor, yeah sure. But I think with how little one gets to play due to 2nd stage sacrifice insta kill and.. hook camping which accelerates that process i don’t think it’s a level playing field.. But sure... whatever 🤷♂️
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i was hoping that my impression was wrong but now I really have a feeling that dbd has come to its final year, this last patch killed the game, turning almost all matches into a toxic fest.
I noticed how devs avoid to directly answer to questions about this situation that has been created since the patch, so it led me to think that they actually want to mlve to new projects and let dbd die.
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not seeing the killer because someone’s looping him? I don’t see that happening in the average match 😂 often I see people going down and backing out. Interesting.
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And the devs balance the game around people like him...
God this game really went to ######### didn't it?
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that can’t be. I don’t know a lot about the studio but this game is their golden goose right?
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I don't mind games being balanced around being enjoyable but it's certainly clear BHVR has no idea what their own community finds fun in this game.
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Why you using a crutch perk like CI
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I think so too, but can't see any other reason, actually...I mean, what doesnt work it really obvious, so why this silence?
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I can't survive without it if the devs got rid of it that would ruin the game omg noooo
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Just those games with killers not good enough, so they became ruin reliant, changed to even more cheap killer play. The other killers, who were obviously better than those reliant ones, just play like before. Its not the devs fault players werent good enough, so they got ruin reliant, and now are shown how bad they are.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I’m aware he’s not entirely invisible. But I’m telling you, in most cases, he’s invisible enough to make it too much. That’s a really bad counter argument by the way 😂 What else? The fact that he has a “delay” when he uncloaks? 😂😂😂😂 nonsense. I’ve played him and heard from other people that have played him that there’s something that allows him to uncloak and strike faster. Thats too much 😂 I can’t believe you guys defend this with every last breath because you want it the way it is. Who cares what everyone else thinks right
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You’re really lacking the concept that killers don’t need to get all 4 survivors every single time right? Some of the killers That I have seen (which are most often played 9 times out of 10 - which should be another sign something isn’t right) are capable of efficiently taking out all 4 survivors on a consistent basis. But okay.
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I'm getting lectured with the good old 'you don't need a 4k' by someone who can't see or outrun a Wraith.
Truly we live in the strangest timeline.
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...this thread is losing any credibility by the people turning it into a "Wraith is OP" discussion.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how its reading
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It's exactly how it's going.
It's hilarious.
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I’m actually partially blind in one eye. So that’s offensive. Maybe try thinking about what you say before you post.
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My TV is 4K. I can see fine with my one eye 😂
look all I’m saying is as invisible as they are plus no heart beat that might be excessive.
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The majority of you all missed the point. I dont care about ruin. I didnt use it then I dont use it now but obviously many people did. I am that casual noob player in case you missed it. In the beginning and by day 2 I was easily hitting great skill checks so to say ruin was "difficult" for noobs is ridiculous. Point is, changing this perk has greatly affected this dbd community and not for the better. Can you not see it? If nothing else, ruin gave survivors a reason to get off a gen and pop a totem. It gave killers a second to breathe and made the over all game experience 10 times better. I just want to know, if there are plans to fix the current state or is this it?
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Use the other eye 4head /s
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im guessing you get rank yellow/grey survivors. once you go against red/purple rank survs you'll understand
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Yet, you are the one that sounds privileged lol!
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Guess again my over assuming friend
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Iaght man my bad, dont know how console is. On PC gens go nutty fast and quite a few games by the time you get to the gen they were working on it pops. Few, almost none, games go by where by the time you get first hook 1 gen is done and you get to the next gen it pops. admittedly 3 gens popping in this time is fairly rare.
Plus that MM XD
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So the survivor mains call him entitled and yet they sound stupid and lacking any IQ and the killer mains are saying you shouldnt rely on a perk like ruin only to suggest another perk making them sound hypocritical
Yeah ima just play the game
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spine chill should give you an aura of the killer not just activate. Seems kinda weak in my opinion.
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im saying the combination of the killer being invisible without a heartbeat is excessive. I think Spine chill needs to provide an aura then not just highlight the perk when he looks in your direction so that way it can tell us where he’s coming from.
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LOL. Don't make me laugh. I played survivor and it got way to easy with only 2 other friends that barely know what meta perks are. I barely ran the meta perks and escaped and then I got bored of survivor. Now playing killer makes my hairs turn grey since now I know what killers go through with the T bagging and the bullying done at exit gates. Survivors have way to many 2nd chance perks that allow them to either, take a hit gaining a speed boost, or body blocking, or just DHing through me since you can phase right inside a killer. And before you say this fix your statement, no, NOED is not a second chance perk. A second chance perk is something you can always use when the killer/survivor is in a situation. *cough cough* dead hard, sprint burst, Ds.
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Yeah haven't been on PC for awhile it got lonely without my friends. I actually would probably have that issue but corrupt intervention is actually the best perk to use atm and if you understand where survivors spawn generally compared to where you start you can get a down before a gen even gets touched.
Matchmaking is very bad atm been tracking my games and ive had like 65% red rank survivors in my matches
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Yeah you’re experiencing something entirely different than what the average LONELY Queued up survivor goes through. I mean, I just see a few things about the game that doesn’t make sense. Never should anyone be killed off for getting hooked once during 2nd stage of sacrifice that paves the way for killers to abuse hook camping. Regardless how fast the other 3 can wreck those gens it’s frustrating and deflating. Load times for playing with 2 or more friends is also LENGTHY. I am bringing issues about the game that should be addressed. Im A customer too man.
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Even a good killer is at the mercy of survivors doing gens. Ruin atleast made the games last longer.
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So does Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes The Weasel, Thrilling Tremors and even New Ruin.
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I can 100% with the queue times for 3 man loading times. Like oh my God me and my friends play another game (like yugioh or exploding kittens) while we wait for the game to put us into a match. And about 20% of the time either one of us get some type of error and we all have to leave just to rejoin. That grinds my gears. And the worst thing ever is when we find a game, load into the game and right when we touch the Gen, insta DC. That gives allllll of us depression.
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Ruin makes the games last longer or give the killer more time to kick back staring at someone on a hook?
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It makes the game go longer if you try to stop people from working on gens but I don't know you can do what you want with Ruin how you will
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what about when killers do all the bad mannered stuff they do? Hook camping, leaving survivors in the dying state.... pshh please... tbagging at the exit gates. Poor you 😂
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Corrupt is only for 2 minutes, sure you can get a few downs there an there but for how versatile survivors can be, the gen times and bad map design it's only gonna do so much. While pop regresses one gen its not enough for a wide spread gen rush. Thrilling Tremors is 16 seconds for a longer cooldown not really that much. Lastly if new ruin is slowing you down then your doing something wrong because it only regresses the gens faster if your not on it plus its a hex so idk what to tell you on that one.
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The game has gotten noticeably worse since the Ruin nerf. As survivor, the queues are longer than ever. As killer, the gens fly absurdly fast. 2 kills like a major accomplishment and you have to play dirty for it.
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BHVR got lucky with DBD, look at deathgarden, its basically a wasteland and a dead game, because the Devs don't know how to balance.
I'm really hoping Last Year gets more players, as BHVR really needs some competition to stop being lazy. Heck Last Year are doing bug fixes every week, whereas it takes a patch or midpatch to fix some bugs.
BHVR's monopoly in this genre needs to end, or BHVR kills DBD like they did to deathgarden. So far, it looks like Devs are going with option #2