Can we delete Sactum of Wrath?

Seriously, I cannot see anything on this map. I've had it three times today so far, and I've felt like dcing the moment I see it's what I'm playing on. It can't be that hard to brighten it up, can it?
Anyone remember moonlight offerings?
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Blendette heaven. Heck even as survivor its ridiculously dark.
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Still prefer it over Yamaoka Estate. Ffs do I hate those maps. It's too dark and as killer survivors hide in those bushes and you can't ever see them. Same with swamp.
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idk, maybe calibrate your monitor, it should not be THAT dark
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I suspect it might be a monitor brightness issue. I have no problems with it on mine - it's darker than most other maps, but not to the extent that I find it difficult to make out objects because of it.
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Not a monitor issue, thankfully. Maybe my eyes, because I have some difficulty with Yamaoka map as well, though only in specific parts. Sanctum just appears really dark to me. I can make out the map, but during chases, survivors can simply disappear with how dark the corners, around rocks, and in certain patches of reeds. Especially when they're using dark themed skins.
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Sanctum is Yamaoka Estate, Yamaoka Estate is the Family Residence and the Sanctum with different combinations of each. Same as Mother's Dwelling and Temple of Purgation are both Red Forest.
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Hmm.. Well, it's not unlikely that the devs might make lighting adjustments to it in the future, given how many people have complained about the darkness. In the meantime, is it possible to boost your monitor brightness when you're playing on that map?
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Are you using a TN panel that is washed out compared to IPS monitors?
The map is dark AF with correct black levels (black=black and not grey)
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No clue. My monitor is fairly old, though (not even 1920x1080) so that could have something to do with it.
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My eyes have been a little itchy with allergies, lately, but straining to see on Sanctum of Wrath gets my eyes burning. I've had to go AFK on that map recently because it's actually painful trying to search for survivors on it. The one survivor who messaged me after one of those matches was understanding about it, so that's nice.
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I agree even with a good quality gaming monitor this map is too dark, well both yamaokas are.
They urgently need to update the lighting, this combined with bugged sounds makes the experience miserable
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This map is horrible. They shoukd really update the lighting. It's extremely ridiculous that the lanterns on this map don't act like a source of light. They are simply a bright texture...
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I cracked up my gamma, brightness, and colour saturation specifically for that map.
It doesn't solve Blendettes becoming one with the bushes, but atleast other prestige characters are visible now.
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Oh my bad. I thought Sanctum was Temple map lmao
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Sanctum of Wraith is also the smallest map. Period. I think it’s a good change up to the others but I do feel sorry for anybody with eye issues.
I know there are lenses that make monitor light easier on the eyes.
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Yeah the Yamaoaka maps and quite a few others are way too dark. It's very bad. It isn't balancing. And it isn't bring any scariness back to the game like they probably think it is. It's just a bad idea for the game altogether. A basic brightness level among all maps is what we need.
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Also you should never have to boost your monitor's brightness just to play a specific map on a game. That's just nonsense.
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It is good the way it is. It is just too big for killer
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Too big? Huh. I don't have an issue with the size, just how dark the map itself is.
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I personally greatly dislike the Yamaoka maps especially sanctum of wrath. Its like the devs that designed this map play their weekly match with small game, urban evasion, spine chill, and self-care and the killer is hag. It just seems like their style of play and thus their map design choices are based heavily on stealth. I've literally lost blendettes in chase 3 feet in front of me under the main building. And if you're playing billy..... best of luck.
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Where do you get that it's the smallest map? It's a medium sized map with several smaller maps. Coal tower, Lery's and all the Springwood maps are smaller.
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Looks like new Lery’s is smaller.
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Hey Fibi, while @Peanits didn't confirm they are changing The Sanctum of Wraith, he did acknowledge how dark the map was.
Hopefully, in the near future, they will confirm a map change and make the map enjoyable because currently, darkness isn't the only thing that bothers me. It's a nightmare for Nurse players because the amount of bugged zones makes it near impossible to play her on that map, I'm not exaggerating the problem — it was ridiculous. 😕
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I don't think they need to delete it but they definitely need to brighten it a little, at least on PS4.
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Good to know. I quite like the lighting the way it is, personally, but it seems like I'm in the minority there. I definitely agree that the dead zones need to be fixed up for Nurse, though. As I understand it, she's just about unplayable on that map at the moment.
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It should be called Scrotum of Wrath