Most unlucky moment you had in game?

No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

DBD has a lot of RNG to it. What the time that the RNG gods just absolutely smited you?

For me, it happened just today. A little bit of background info: I very rarely get Rare or above stuff in my Bloodweb, and when I do, it’s useless stuff like maps or Slippery Meat T2. So, when I managed to get a Coomodious Toolbox and a White Ward in the same web, I was immediate to run them both. I did NOT want to lose such a good item to bad luck. I was extremely hyped. I couldn’t believe my luck!

The subsequent match was the first time in a couple of weeks I’d fought a Killer who was using Franklin’s Demise.

It’s a wonder I didn’t immediately rage quit.


  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited August 2018
    I was playing Piggy on Lerys a couple days ago and wanted to try a stalling build, murphies law went to full effect and it all backfired really fast.

    Ruin, Hex Lullaby, Thrill of the Hunt and Pop goes the Weasel

    The totems got destroyed in the first 30 seconds simultaneously, i assumed 3 of them spawned right next to one, they all got their RBTs off on their first try, one of them had technician and another one had stake out so they countered my Pop goes the weasel.

    They didn't even loop or abused the windows and still defeated me in 4 minutes.
  • nooxet
    nooxet Member Posts: 88

    I remember one day my Ruin totem spawned every time right next to a gen. My day was pretty ruined so I had to switch playing survivor for the rest of the day. :|

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770
    edited August 2018

    Wasnt me being unlucky but a rando i was playing

    So i was just saved from basement hook and the killer was upstairs and the gens just got done. So since the killer was trapper i thought he must have NOED. As me and the rando were going up stairs i saw him and dead harded just before he hit me and instead he hit the rando he did have NOED....I still feel bad to this day

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    When I was the only person that spawned in the match, had to fix 2 generators but couldn't even touch one because the killer hooked me pretty fast :/

  • SNTD
    SNTD Member Posts: 84

    I was playing Freddy with NOED, the final gen popped and NOED spawned next to the finished gen,
    lucky for me i got the person off it and killed 3/4 of them.

  • CamoRanger
    CamoRanger Member Posts: 26

    I never get out of bear traps alive (no add-ons) unless my teammates free me. I've attempted to free myself over 10 times in a certain trap. Base chance of getting out of bear traps is 25% ? Chance of me getting out is less than 0.06% .

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    I loaded into a match on Badham Preschool with only two teammates. The killer was a prestige three nurse.
  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328
    One time I wanted to protect someone who was being chased by taking a hit for him and draw the Killers attention. Instead, I bodyblocked him and got him downed, hooked and killed. I instantly recieved a salty message as if I didnt hate myself enough already.
  • Inquisitor_Pingu
    Inquisitor_Pingu Member Posts: 8

    I was playing Dwight and was on the meat plant map, so I strolled over to the nearest gen since it spawned me in the bathroom (#ohnoroom), and what do you know... ruin... so I spent the entire match stalking the map and looking for the lit totem.

    Now, while I was doing this, noticed no one was getting hurt and we even got a gen done? Where was the killer? Well... I found the ruin totem and cleansed it... only to turn around and noticed that a EW1 Myers was stood there watching me... needless to say he blocked me in said corner with my work and murderized me while my 'teammates' stayed on their gens.

  • NoOne
    NoOne Member Posts: 42

    A few days ago, i tried to escape a Wraith. I was hurt, also would be my last hook and Exits were open. I had Lithe equippted, so when i saw that one window, i was rly happy. Suddenly a full-health-Meg is jumping thru that window. She was scared of the Wraith. Well, end of story, i died and called her a potato. Man, i was pissed af. Could have made it out. :'D

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I spawned, took a couple of steps and saw a hex totem. Next thing I know I hear the heart beat coming in fast in the first 5 seconds of the game, try to stealth away as quick as possible but I end up running right into Leather Face who has some Chainsaw add-ons that accelerate him and decreases start up time, so I get insta downed. I get put on a hook, Leatherface starts to leave, but not even 10 seconds pass before another survivor tries to rescue me. Of course he turns around and before I even have the chance to go anywhere I instantly get hit and mori'd.

    During that match I also equipped a very rare tool box with great add-ons and party streamers....

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    for me its when i used slippery meat up the ante and a ultra rare luck offering and i didnt kobe

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Not me but a last survivor I was playing against as Trapper. It was a hatch standoff, which I usually break by moving away and letting them have it - don't wanna waste my time for that 4th kill.
    But in this case I was using the darkest trap addon, and there was a trap nearby, which I placed long before hatch even spawned... and it was in tall grass. The setup looked somehow like this:
    ME ____ HATCH ____ SURVIVOR ____ TRAP
    Took a while, but we danced around so he was finally between me and the trap. I moved away a bit, just enough to make him believe he can make it if he runs for the hatch. And he could have :)
    If only...

  • CamoRanger
    CamoRanger Member Posts: 26
    While in PTB yesterday, Adam threw a pebble at a random locker to distract a Doctor. Problem is that I went into that locker (before both of them turned up) to hide from the Doctor's static field. Both Adam and Doctor did not even have aura perks. No need to say what happens next.
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    I was saved from hook from camperface. Got into enduring and run to the gates. He was very far, but enduring ended before i reached gate. 3 meters.
    Another survivor decide that it was a good idea to heal his dying comrade.
    3 ######### meters.
    I hate survivors.

  • Dolphin9192
    Dolphin9192 Member Posts: 130

    I used my best toolbox and addons for it and that offering that starts you as far from the killer as possible. So I start working on a generator I spawned beside and within 10 seconds I get pulled off of it by Myers. Damn glitchy offerings.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    Reaching R1

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Okay so the game was pretty much over, 1 dead, and 1 escaped right after unhooking my fellow Jake of the hook. Jake was being chased by the Doctor and was near the exit, so I thought let me be a good teammate AND TAKE A HIT.

    I did not see the Devour Hope coming at all. My fellow Jake escaped, I died.

  • pureleeawesome
    pureleeawesome Member Posts: 30

    Mine was today... my PC must be having some issues because it froze my game twice today causing me to disconnect while the killer was chasing me. Now everyone's going to think I'm some jerk survivor who disconnects because they get caught :(