Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


To start off I play on xbox if that help with my argument, I also understand there are things like borrowed time or, the septic agent that try and prevent these things.

Tunneling on this game is insane, almost every match I play if I'm the first person hooked I automatically am the one the killer goes after even if there are others standing in his way. Something needs to be done so that tunneling can be stopped because its gotten to the point where its so annoying. And I know that im not the only one that gets annoyed by this because I see people disconnect all of the time for it. I came up with some ideas that could help:

  1. Bonus on wiggle bar - the wiggle bar will start off with progress already on it, not too much because than it wouldn’t be good for the game
  2. make it so the killer cant see the hook he already hooked you on - most of the time this wouldn’t come into play because they would probably have remembered where the hook is or know where another hook it
  3. Make the wiggle bar go faster - an increase on the wiggle bar would be good not just for this situation, but for others as well, BUT NOT TOO MUCH OR ELSE IT WOULD GET ANNOYING

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  • Member Posts: 2,396

    Or you could learn to loop better. That’s the best defense. If you learn how to waste the killers time and you can loop and mind game them for 3 gens the killer has basically lost the match if you’re their first target.

    You also have the option to bring in Decisive Strike and to ask your teammates to bring in Borrowed Time.

    Your team should also make sure to not unhook you until the killer is a good distance away before unhooking you. Also, you should walk away so as not to leave scratch marks.

    Its annoying for killers to get blinded, should devs remove flashlights?

    Its annoying for killers to repeatedly get stunned by pallets, should devs remove pallets.

    It’s annoying for killers when survivors body block, should devs allow killers to one shot survivors when there are more than one person in their range?

    Its annoying for Killers when survivors always head for the strongest loops on the map, should the devs remove looping from the game?

    Stop asking for nerfs and get better at the game yourself.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Right I made some simple suggestions and people come for me anyways, I know how to look and I bring decisive but decisive only works one if the killer continues to tunnel you your ######### no matter what and also half the time I cant tell people to bring borrowed time because I dont play in a group of 4, its not so easy for all people and ive played this for a while, this is a perfect example of the toxic community we have and im over it

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    The game shouldn’t be easy for everyone. If it was it would get boring quick. I can’t loop or mind game at all, so I play immersive. I’ve gotten good at it so much so that the only time the killer finds me is when I’m unhooking, when I want them to find me or if I screwed up.

    With how fast gens are done these days, Killers really have no chance to be nice and not tunnel. If you want them to stop tunneling, instead of asking the devs to change killers to make it easier for Survivors, how about you ask the devs to make the game less stressful for killers. Granted, it won’t stop all killers from tunneling, but it would decrease its frequency.

    And no offense, your ideas are not very good. If the killer wants you dead, he’ll just tunnel you again. Survivors would also take advantage of what you propose in endgame when all the gens are completed. Tunneling is kind of required then.

    My original post on this thread wasn’t toxic in any way. I didn’t insult you, and I gave you suggestions on what to do in order to avoid getting tunneled.

    Killers will tunnel the weakest link if the sense that the team has some strong loopers. It is the best strategy for them. Why should they be punished for playing smart?

  • Member Posts: 379

    If you are weak at chases, it's in the killers best interest to get you out of the game asap so they can focus on stronger looper without having to worry about you being in a Gen.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I personally play killer a lot and there are ways on trying to get us away from looping with perks like bbq and make your chpice which requires you tp get away from the hook and eben hang different survivors for bonus bloodpoints.

    I also recently picked up legion, which I really enjoy to play and their whole ability is made to get different survivors.

    And if you want to learn how to loop and stuff, just watch ochido, he talks a lot about that and reading killers, learnt a lot from him.

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    Loop or run DS. Your suggestion is imbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 984
    edited February 2020

    The only problem with being tunnelled in my view are queue times. I do understand the frustration in waiting 15 minutes to get into a match only to be killed off in the first 2 minutes. I don't think too many people would complain about getting tunnelled if they were able to hop into the next match straight after.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Not that other responses were toxic but I'll be super-non-toxic lol.

    Your suggestions are already perks to some point FYI. Flip-Flop will help with wiggle bar progression, Boil Over blinding killers of nearby hooks.

    To be clear though, being tunneled off the bat is SO much fun if you practice looping. Watch some streamers or videos on looping. It's actually not hard with a little practice. But if you loop for a few minutes the killer WILL lose the game.

    Also as someone who plays both killer and survivor (not sure how much killer experience you have) you tend to focus people who are not as good at looping. Because ANYONE can do gens. So if they see one person is good at running and one is not, taking out the bad runner will apply more passive pressure. It keeps you from doing gens while they go after the stronger loopers, and gets other people off gens to come save you. It's in the killers best interest to take out the weakest runners first.

    Thus the "practice looping" suggestion. Learn terms like "safe pallets, fast vault (holding sprint isn't the only requirement to fast vault. It's about angles and timing too), learn what jungle gyms are (there are a few major ones that appear on almost every outdoor map), running in circles around a wall and drop the pallet at the last second. You will lose some games as you learn the timings and how to hug walls... But with practice, I PROMISE survivors are much stronger than killers (until they make some changes that do not appear to be in the works yet)

  • Member Posts: 2

    You are part of the toxic end of the community. And then there is the normal part of the community that actually enjoys the game. Quite crying about fairness and putting a label on everything. Tunneling, camping etc. I play both killer and survivor and I've seen plenty of toxic survivors. Get good kid. The most important thing that the devs should focus on fixing is the matchmaking, the wait time is rediculous.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Honestly camping and tunneling along with some bugs and glitches that have been around forever and havent gotten patched in months is why i stopped playing the game

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