General Discussions

General Discussions

A Constructive Discussion

Member Posts: 21,210
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

How can the game be improved on? What would you like to see changed or added in the future? Please give some reasons why. Let me emphasize, I want this to remain constructive. No bashing the Devs or anyone else.

This is just my attempt at seeing what the community is interested in. I will do my best to reply to everyone, no response is too long! I will read it! One last thing, debate is healthy and good, petty arguing is not. Please, feel free to debate, but do not attack one another. You may simply have to agree to disageee.

That being said, go nuts guys :)


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  • Member Posts: 496

    I would like to see the console optimization finished. Still waiting on 60 fps and the ability to increase sensitivity to a reasonable level. I know its achievable, I have higher sensitivity and better frames on other games.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I agree 100%. I believe Peanits said that it was mostly technical stuff but that progress was being made.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
  • Member Posts: 980

    I wouldn't mind seeing a Chapter go by with no new Killer/Survivor, just bug smashing and optimization. I know BHVR needs money to keep servers going and pay salaries, but a single season of bug killing could seriously improve the state of the game, and draw new players to it while also bringing back old players when they see BHVR is serious about keeping the game healthy.

    Instead of just rebalancing maps, completely redo them. Put more verticality into them and more interaction. Similar to how The Game has doors open when generators get done, you could do this with hatches, gates, etc... in other maps, themed appropriately of course. This way, even though a map is smaller in physical size, it could technically be larger if you were to spread it out in a single layer. Heck, maybe add switches or locks that Survivors can interact with to open it up more so they are a bit safer and less constricted in their movements.

    More objectives. Adding just one more objective for the Survivors, then rebalancing things as needed, could really enhance the game and bring it to a healthier state. Whether it's finding gas to fuel the gens, throwing a circuit breaker, or something along those lines, there needs to be more for Survivors to do other than M1 + loop. Otherwise you end up with people simply playing to bully the Killer because that's at least something they can have fun with, the chase.

    Legitimate Ranks. I think the rating system they are working on now could work out okay. Just hoping they do it logically and rationally instead of simply throwing it together and praying for the best. Matchmaking right now is pretty nasty for new players, and for older players learning new Killers, so something needs done about it. If they can come up with a solid system that rewards the skilled and forces the potatoes to get better, maybe we can get some rewards for doing well during a season.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I recommend changing generators. Massively increase the amount of time taken to do a gen to like 4 minutes, but put parts around the map that you can collect and put into generators, which would work similarly to brand new part. Ideally if you found all 5 parts required to rush up as gen it would take 80 secs total for one person to fix it, but this would be broken up by them running around digging through scraps and boxes to find them across the map.

    This would be better for survivors because they aren't just holding m1, they're actively searching for gens. This is better for killers because while survivors could co ordinate to boost individual gens, they would still have to run or sneak around, giving him more time and more chances to find people as the map traffic exponentially increases.

    This stops them from having to reduce map sizes, because they can keep the number of boxes and scraps equal on every map like they do gens, meaning survivors also have to run all over these huge maps looking for parts.

    This makes trapper and hag stronger because it gives them time and opens up more traps due to the aforementioned traffic increase.

    Demogorgon might need looking at as a result, because survivors only being at gens for 20 second periods will definitely have its issues when he can detect and travel there whenever they tap a gen.

    This also means all the slowdown perks would need touching. I'd imagine you probably couldn't finish a game with new ruin in its current state. Pop would be devastating too.

    This means loops can stay powerful as there's plenty of time for big chases. We all know that the chase is the best part of the game, and I can say I would actually chase good bloopers if they made this (admittedly massive) overhaul to the primary objective.

    Let me know what you think.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Also toolboxes would need to become sabo only, maybe with Brand New Part giving you a part at the start of the game.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Map design is my only problem really, some maps have too many strong loops or main buildings that can last three gens easily every chase. Main building should be less safe and loops that prove to be too strong should rightfully be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 364

    Way to killer-sided of improvement requests. Killers are swift in knocking out all 4 players as is I couldn’t imagine playing if it was any worse.

  • Member Posts: 364

    it’s too easy to find survivors and ring them up. I’m not even getting my 2nd hook struggle sometimes it just auto kills. Not sure if it’s a bug. Killers are fast if they got rid of pallet looping there has to be ways of stunning killers repeatedly to get them off your tail. Why play if you’re inevitably going to get caught and can’t shake them via an effective enough stun or loops?

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    None of us want loops removed, we want them to be less safe because a lot of them actually are just too safe.

  • Member Posts: 496

    And as soon as that happens I want crossplay for all platforms :)

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I want the game to become more balanced but with the difference in solo and swf I think it's near impossible. I'd like to see the devs:

    • Add voice comms and buff killers in the same patch.
    • Nerf keys and ebony moris in the same patch

    I know adding voice comms sounds scary but hear me out. We need to give all players the same information as a swf in order to balance the game properly. If everyone has comms then the devs can buff killer to match properly imo.

    Nerf keys and ebony mori in the same patch also. Both end the game prematurely so I think its beat to nerf both at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 477

    Maps. Maps have been and still are the biggest problem. Like someone else has stated, they need to speed up the fixes, because currently we wait 3 months for a single map "fix".

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020
    1. Map size/Gen speed. On some maps its harder to apply pressure because of thevsize, but gen speeds are the same. This is not fair and should be changed. Maybe just increase the speed on small maps and decrease on big maps.
    2. Bugs and lags. Everyone knows how the game looks like right now. No sound, placing traps 5 meters underground, teleporting surviviors, bugged grabs, survivior hitbox lagging behind the survivior, revealin Gostface not working, ... etc.
    3. Animation Enchancement. This one mostly infuriates only me, but I believe its the reason the whole "Hook Tech" exists. Its commonly called "autoaim" or "aim assist" but unlike those things it NEVER helps you. All it ever does is make you miss. That damned thing needs to be fixed ASAP, or if you cant fix it, let players DISABLE it in the settings. Or no, actually let us disable it even if you fix it.
    4. Killer buffs. There are quite a few killers that need buffs, they are just not strong enough. Clown (big power buff or rework), Legion (small power buff), Trapper (reduced RNG and Basekit/Addon balance buff) Pig (reduced RNG and small power buff or rework), Wraith (big Basekit/Addon balance buff), Demogorgon (small power [portals] buff or complete rework), Nurse (small power buff and small addon buff). Thats about it after Doctor rework.
    5. NOED and DS. These 2 perks reward you for playing bad, and this is not fair. DS also counters tunneling, but its abused for other purposes. NOED rewards you for letting surviviors complete their objective, doing gens. DS rewards you for letting the killer find you, and it does not matter how many other people were killed/hooked in the meantime. NOEDs effect should be affected by your performance, for example number of people hit/downed/hooked. DS should be reduced/disabled if the survivior is no longer tunneled, for example is doing gens/cleansing/healing/unhooking, is the last survivior, gets caught in a trap, gets fully healed and when he lets his location be revealed to the killer. Timer can be stopped during a chase and slowed while slugged if it helps against tunneling.
    6. Perk balance. Some perks are too weak, or just can be used only in rare situations. KILLER: Cruel Limits, Mindbreaker, Spies from the Shadows, Monstrous Shrine, Bloodhound, Predator, Shadowborn, Remember Me, Fire Up, Bamboozle, Coulrophobia, Beast of Prey, Territorial Imperative, Blood Echo, Zanshin Tactics, Fruitive Chase, Hangmans Trick, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Hex: Third Seal, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Iron Maiden, Lightborn, Overcharge, Overwhelming Presence, Thrilling Tremors (now that we know how it really works), Unrelenting. SURVIVIOR: Autodidact, Boil Over, Breakdown, Buckle Up, Calm Spirit, Camraderie, Dark Sense, Deja Vu, Distortion, Diversion, Flip Flop, Left Behind, Lightweight, Mettle of Man, No Mither, Object of Obsession (needs complete rework), Premonition, Saboteur, Second Wind, Slippery Meat, Small Game, Sole Survivior, This Is Non Happening, Tentacity, Wake Up, Were Gonna Live Forever, Windows of Opportunity. THATS A LOT. Im not saying all of these perks are bad, but in my opinion, they are underperforming, and I bet their pick rate is low. This is especially true for the Killer perks.
    7. Matchmaking. Devs know about this one, so just a daily reminder: MATCHMAKING VALUES HAVE TO BE AT LEAST PARTIALLY VISIBLE TO ALL PLAYERS TO ENSURE ITS FAIR AND BALANCED.
    8. DCs need to be adressed. More punishment for DCing and more rewards for remaining. Ensuring that no pips will be lost by the ones remaining should be a standard.
    9. Keys and Moris. These items allow for unfair plays. Key should open the hatch only after it has been closed, Mori should be usable only on surviviors that reached struggle phase (except for Cypress)
    10. Toolboxes, Items and Addons in general. More expansive items/addons shouldnt assure you a victory. If nothing is done, going back to 1 rarity of every item/addon could become a neccesity. Grind, RNG and balance of matches needs to be looked into.
  • Member Posts: 4,570

    This game would be so much more fun if the devs switched their focus from creating a low-skill party game with focus on new players to a balanced competitive game.

  • Member Posts: 886

    First I'd ban campers they aren't healthy for the game at all it is just toxic behavior from a player c who wants to ruin the entire game for Everyone.

    "Killers camps" everyone does gens escapes with no points and depip.

    They rescue guy getting camped now gets tunneld

    Hook distances are too close and wiggling is almost impossible and distance are to short that some killers can travel to those hooks fast

    NOED shouldn't reward ######### gameplay and should only affect those they've been hooked or after so many hooks on survivors like devour

  • Member Posts: 984
    edited February 2020

    In 2020 I would like to:

    • See the game optimised for PS4, so I can finally play demogorgon at more than 5 fps.
    • See matchmaking improved in order to reduce queue times. I'm currently dreading having to do my survivor tome challenges, because it means sitting in lobbies for 15 minutes between each game.
    • Get toolboxes reworked, so that they add different mechanics to the game instead of increasing gen speeds
    • See a fix to sound bugs without the introduction of brand new ones
    • Get a rework for: Haddonfield, the Hawkins Complex and Lery's (I still strongly dislike that map)
    • Be able to create custom game on my own.. or just get a practice mode or something like that
  • Member Posts: 3,387

    I would like to chainsaw survivors arms off.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    A concept i have in mind would be to punish survivors a bit more when hitting them while theyre performing an action. I think it'd be a good change to compensate that "solo-swf-equalisation". It'd need some new animations tho.

    • For continous actions like repairing/healing etc I'd like survivors to flinch in place like a failed skillcheck, making them unable to move for that animation and applying a failed skillcheck penalty to said action.
    • Getting hit while vaulting should slow down the rest of the vaultibg action. (Example: Instead of completing the fast vault, theyll fall down for a moment and have to get up.
    • The main gist of it is to reduce the speed boost of getting hit if you're being too cocky.

    Individual killer rebalances have been discussed a lot. I think some general killer-survivor mechanics need to be tweaked.

  • Member Posts: 3,703


  • Member Posts: 182

    On top of the map/balance changes others have already mentioned here, I'd like to see improved graphics (without making the performance terrible obviously).

    Update older models and textures, improve lighting, give better/more animations and whatnot.

    Also Quentin face rework soon pls, I need it

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Because most the issues are on killer side. Survivor is currently way too easy.

    I play both sides at rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I say we could slow new ruin down just a touch and make it base kit for all killers. If you get chased off by the killer the entity regresses the gens.

    Also why not get rid of the hatch. I think it has overstayed it's necessity. Third survivor dies, exit doors are powered. No more slug for the 4k.

    I would also say moris go and I was going to say get rid of toolboxes as well. But if new ruin is base kit maybe just slow them down a bit as well.

  • Member Posts: 364

    Yeah make everyone quit playing dead by daylight 😂 Watch you queue up as a killer and listen to the crickets at the campfire

  • Member Posts: 364

    Sheesh... Doctor just needs to be tamed lmao it’s just not fun playing against him 🤔 why does a killer deserve to know where everyone is all the time? Oh what... was I supposed to run calm spirit? Hide in an obvious locker? Get outta here. Doctor ruins the game that’s just what it is. Please take his ability down he doesn’t need to know where everyone is AND make your skill checks all screwy while making you go insane at the push of a button. That’s lazy and impudent to survivors time. I’d rather back out like I see all 3 of my other teammates do as soon as they find out he is there 😂 it’s broken

  • Member Posts: 364

    My favorite is Demogorgon though he’s so fun to go against . Plus I love hearing his killer radius noise 😌 stranger things was One of my favorite shows for sure so it’s a really nice reminder 😂

  • Member Posts: 364

    👆🏼impudent because I just spent an hour queued up trying to find a match that I don’t have fun playing in.

  • Member Posts: 377

    The game needs improvements in these areas:

    1 map size: they need to be reduced to a decent average size and be the same size around the spectrum

    2 map strength: they need to be balanced to have a similar strength across the spectrum. No more RNG, no more OP connected tiles (shack into jungle jym into cow tree? really?)

    3: killer POV and FOV, they need improvements. Killers view is pathetic at best, they are (mostly) eyesight predators and their eyesight is insufficient for what they do. I am a reasonably tall guy at 6.4, I bet I am taller than nurse, legion or hag and it NEVER happens to me that if a person is just under and in front of me that I don't see them. The narrow view is really silly

    4: remove all the things that stop killers from seeing, like corn and tall grass in Yamaoka AND add field of view blockers for survivors to hide behind. So don't hinder the killer's capacity of seeing, it is simply frustrating BUT improve the survivors' capacity of hiding

    5: the grind, although the recent changes are good they NOT sufficient. I think removing perk tiers is needed at this point here or at least have a character start with all of their teachables at level 3 right of the bat. Plus increase BP gains by 20% across the spectrum

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I disagree. He doesn't have map pressure or high chase potential.

    Basically, if he is OP, so is Legion, imo.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Some things I would like done:

    Console optimization, map balancing (like what they did with Lery's, with safe and unsafe loops, more balanced gen spread, better totem spawns, balanced windows, good tiles for both sides, not favored) especially for M1 115% Killers, so they have a chance rather than needing a mobility Killer, look at old mechanics and perks to bring them up to date, UI work or miscellaneous work (menu stuff, etc), make Killers and Survivors feel unique and different with different chase music, maybe voice lines or different animations.

    PLEASE work on how gens can be improved, make that experience more interactive.

  • Member Posts: 599

    For starters, devs could increase loudness of breathing when survivors get exhausted... A very old suggestion that never was implemented. Making survivors suffer from running too much would be unfair, better make a KILLER run faster, with a bunch of conditions to keep the buff. We don't want encourage survivors to hide from the killer to take a breather, do we?

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Put a key icon on survivor name to indicate the key is being held when the hatch spawns on map. This gives the solo survivors the option to go with the new escape plan instead of be clueless and die as well as gives the killer the option to stop it instead of be clueless and lose.

    Make ebony mori require four hook states, make ivory require two hook states, make cypress basekit.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I don't understand why that would make everyone quit. It would seem to balance the game a bit more. Your comment added very little to the discussion. At least make a counterpoint or explain why this would make you quit.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Maps. Instead of reducing map size which like devs have stated reduces variables. Increase the base speed of all survivors and killers so they can get around thevmap faster. Either make small maps bigger, or have different speeds depending on map size.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Exactly, there shouldn't be any spot on any map where survivors can go and killers have to leave them or they'll throw the game catching them.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I want perks to be less generic/simple, I want each to be hand tailored to fit the balance of the game. Maps need to have a more consistent ratio of chase to patrol time, this also means boring god windows/setups need to go as well. Killers should all be at Billy or at least Myers level in terms of power, and should be wayyy less add on dependent. Survivors need to have a chat wheel so they can communicate, to compensate for this like I mentioned most killers would be buffed to Billy's level. Keys, toolboxes, and moris: Toolboxes affect repair speed much less, a 10% bonus cap from toolboxes seems reasonable. Keys do not let multiple people go, and they require a 6 second channel to open hatch with. Hatch spawn requirements increased by 1, except after all gens are powered (4 gens = 2 survivors, 5 gens = 4 survivors). Pink and green moris should not be usable until all survivors have been hooked or the survivor you want to mori has already been hooked twice. Moris now count as sacrifices. Finally, reduce the bonus for great skill checks when repairing.

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    Increased sensitivity on consoles this would make my life as playing nurse much better

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    -I would like to see every killer on the same "power-level" (-/+ 5% killrate stats).

    Background of this is, to give killer players another reason for variety.

    -I would like to see more indoor and town maps.

    Just because I find this setting more interessting as always some forest.

    -I would like to see either more stronger survivor perks, or that they weakenn the most used survivor perks.

    Just for variety reasons. It is for me so boring, to see in every match the same perks, by 1 or more survivors.

    -I would like to see the majority of killers buffed.

    So that survivor have again fear for them, because dbd should be imo a horror game.

    -I would like to see other ways of killing in the regular gameplay, as to hook someone.

    Moris could mix it a bit up, but I would like to see more ways to use indivdual killer animations, as just moris.

    -And I would like to see more m2 killers in the game.

    Because I think, they have biggest potential to mix the gameplay up and lure other gamers into the game.

    As you can see... I would like to see more variety in the game, with balance maybe as only second in mind.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited February 2020
  • Member Posts: 494

    Perks are being abused to annoy the killers. They are not used to save their hides anymore. They have so much time on their hands that perks are now being used offensively in a bait and slam style. They bait you past a locker and then you get stunned.

    Fine. These are kids doing this. I get it. And i did get all 4. But still. I am seeing more and more of this kind of gameplay where the sole aim is to annoy the killer and when things dont go their way they throw a hissy fit and move on to the next game if you know what i mean.

    Same with flashlights. You get a save with a flashlight? Fair game. If you are just annoying me with this thing i am going to get you and make sure you do not get off of that hook. Then they leave if you know what i mean and move on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 494

    Or you could play doc, he is one of mine i play, and then find out what people do to you to win the game. Like staying well the heck away from him if you cant 360 or juke him well. Doing gens on rotation to run you ragged in circles withotu seeing anybody ever. While the gens are popping all over. There are ways to beat him. I am not saying that this will work every time. But there are ways to beat him without calm spirit. I have done it several times today.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    Yeah, that can be 1 point. But what I really would like more to see are just different ways of killing.

    In a normal match, we hook always a survivor 3 times and then he dies.

    That is repetitive.

    I would like to see killers who completely forget about hooks and kill survivor differently, or maybe that killers in general would be able to kill survivors differently under different circumstances.

    Maybe also with the help of the survivor perks.

    As example, let us take one of the strongest survivor perks, adrenaline:

    Adrenaline would not be changed for the survivor, but if a survivor wears this perk, we would be able to kill him on a different way, as an ordinary survivor.

    Instead of that he would need to be hooked the third time, we would be able to cut his legs off and kill him then with a final blow, after he got 2 times hooked, as example (I don't get it anyways why we killers have always to use hooks, besides that it is easier for the devs to design the game).

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