What should I do now?

I had this game for 3 months now. I used to play a lot (preferred playing killer but I played survivor as well. ) until the Ruin nerf came out. I couldn't stand how survivor sided the game is and how the devs plan on further buffing the survivors and treat killers like ****. The Most of my trials I was play against survivors above rank 9 because the ranking system is awful and I was being bullied by bodyblocking, flash light saves, genrushing and looping. And once they even reported me for playing bad. (I know I was camping and slugging, but like come on! It's a strategy as well. You know like your OP perks items and add-ons. ) I had enough and uninstalled the game.
However I still follow some youtubers who are decent (killer) players. (Umbra and PainReleavers) who motivate me to play this game because I hope I can once get to their level. And because there aren't many games like DBD. It's just the ranking/matchmaking system and the attitude of the devs what drive me mad.
So my real question is: Should I get back to it bearing all the negativity this game has or just leave it for good?
If you have played just 3 months, then drop the game.
I'm not joking, this game will haunt you, many people are so mad and stressed because they sank so many hours (too many) in the game to just drop it.
also, I don't know how much time is left for DbD, maybe two years at best? idk, in the end the choice is up to you (from a ~3 years player)
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It's already haunting me.😵
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What killer do you play as usually?
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Drop it
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Leave it. Don't even bother giving it a chance.
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I'd say leave it, judging from your experience you're not having fun and it's only been 3 months. Drop it and only return once you feel the game's in a better state
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I main Pig, but I also liked playing Spirit, Legion, Demoboy, I sometimes played Plague and Doctor.
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you do what you gotta do
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I miss those good'ol times.
Well then, hope I'll see you guys around again sometime.
Bye! 👋