Let's talk about Freddy

before I start I just wanted to let you know that this is just my opinion, yours might be different and that's okay.
The majority of my time on dead by daylight is spent playing killer. I'm currently rank 2 and have been for the past couple of seasons . I main legion and most recently Bubba.
Now , I have played as freddy dozens and dozens of times . while he isnt op he is a little boring to play as. there is really no mind gaming, you just sit your snares down and shut down the loop. I do however like faking teleports to get people off of a gen.
Some of his addons are very lackluster , I never use fake pallets because well, most survivors arent dumb enough to fall for it.
That's one of the main reasons I don't play Freddy now it's generic gameplay
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Ehh..I like how he can just be anywhere..hes hard to keep track of amd pre setting a good snare is very satisfying
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You mind game with bubba?
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right, and when I play against him I still find him boring
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I try to , but the part I love about bubba is the challenge. we all know he is a weak killer which makes 4king without camping more satisfying!
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the only issue I have with Freddy is his BT immunity. I don't believe any killer should have the abilityto camp/tunnel without any form of repercussion
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Technically that falls down to the unhooker. If they have BT but don't use an Alarm clock or get another survivor to wake them up, then it's on them.
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His immunity to BT while survs are in the dream world is stupid, but apart from that I don't mind where Freddy is at now. I like playing him simply because he's a strong killer, and I enjoy actually having abilities that do something worthwhile and give me map pressure. He's simple and fun imo
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Freddy is boring to play. Good compared to other killers, but boring.
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Ok well playing as legion makes u a bad human being.
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I certainly don't miss having to put people asleep and wait 7 seconds before I was able to hit them. The teleporting gives him some much needed map pressure. I think his reworked helped him but I don't main Freddy.
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I think Freddy is a great template for what a killer should be...
Unique mechanics (dream/lullaby)
Multiple powers (pallets/snares)
Map Pressure (teleport)
Add-ons that synergize with his perks/theme of slowdown/stall
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I mean, if you want to mind game, either dont spam his snares or use pallets. I find pallets more fun to be honest.
I mained freddy until the rework. Was so excited to get a viable freddy, but to do that they had to take all the stuff that made freddy fun away. I like nee freddy, just prefer the old one
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Wut? You don't mind game with Freddy? HIs mind game potential is huge, the no red stain when in dream world alone makes him a pain in the ass for survivors trying to loop the new and old jungle gyms. His snares are best at simple loops or mid mind games at larger loops. Then you have the tp to catch them off guard when they try to get to the next loop.
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Insidious. Because, standing still is a mindgame. Source: Spirit Players.
Yeah, Freddy is kinda boring. He does not need to mindgame, because he can "reverse-bloodlust" with his Snares. Cant really imagine that this is so much fun to just run a Loop, spam Snares until you catch the Survivor.
His Sleep Mechanic is also kinda meh. You get put into Sleep either after 60/90 seconds or after a Hit. However, while this mechanic is somewhat flawed, it is a good solution to grant Freddy his Power, if one of those conditions would not exist, it can be very frustrating for Freddy to get to use his Powers. And his previous Sleep Mechanic was simply weak and unfun - as Survivor you practically cannot wake up after Gates are powered and as Killer you have to wait a few seconds to actually hit someone.
Powerlevel-wise I think he is ok. He is not OP or anything, but also not weak at all.
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Freddy may not be the most exciting killer to play as, but he is now a standard of killer that we should all look towards, same with the Doctor.
I could call half the killer range, if not most "boring" as their powers are basic as. It's part of the reason I play stealth killers.
And like others have said, his BT immunity is rather busted. It would be nice for the Oblivious status effect to be removed, and his Lullaby to become a "unique" terror radius.
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Only problem with Freddy is that he should not be able to have 10 dream pallets. They are the main survivor defense. Reduce to 5.
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He's a basic M1 killer, you have to mind game to catch a survivor out of place to land an M2
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This man mind games with Bubba alright, I played him this past weekend. Very active with Bubba no camping required.
On topic:
I'm biased because I pretty much bought DbD because of Freddy back in 2017. It was after the initial nerf. I enjoyed playing as Freddy back then though there were several frustrating components to his gameplay, so I enjoyed when he finally got the rework. I don't play him as often now, but I do still enjoy it, granted I still play fake pallets for the laughs, despite thinking the snares are stronger.
I think he is in a good place power wise, but BT needs to adjusted so it works against him. Granted OoO is still really strong against him in loops, making it impossible for him to mindgame jungle gyms.
I can understand why survivors would think it is boring playing against him, I can still loop him like other m1 killers so I don't personally mind it because I enjoy chases.
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I've been having a lot of fun with Freddy, and have been finding his kit has a lot of finesse with certain perk synergies.