How do you guys feel about M&K being enabled on consoles?

This would make killers like nurse and even huntress more viable on console I asked peanit’s (that’s his name)? On stream and he wasn’t against the idea..
Not sure how much it'd matter. This isn't an fps game so the gameplay difference would be minimal. Even a killer like huntress is more prediction based than tracking based
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Fine by me, i can use controllers on PC.
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mouse and keyboard would make a huge difference especially for nurse or huntress
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To anyone who argues this would be unfair to people playing with controller: At that point, people playing with controller have the same option to switch to KB+M that controller players on PC have.
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I don’t see it as unfair lol you see people on pc playing with controllers and they do fine it would also fix the sensitivity issue aswell and make more killers viable I only see positives for this change
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Huntress and Nurse aren't all that common on PC from my experience as a rank 9 survivor. Maybe mouse and keyboard would be a nice buff for them on console. I just think you're kinda over exaggerating how much it would matter
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It would also help legion aswell and it would be way easier to hit 360s it’s not over exaggerating lol there’s a big difference from controller to mouse especially on a killer like nurse
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I hope the devs see this post plus the other one because honestly i don’t see why they wouldn’t enable it?
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I see you’re all new to console, K+M has been a thing for a long time on console, Apex everyone sheesh lol now I know who doesn’t play FPS religiously on consoles.
oh that INB4 comment about K+M being ‘unfair on on console....oh my sweet summer child lmao
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Right now for dbd I’m console if you use apex it’s sensitivity is that of a controller it’s not really that great (I have a friend who uses it)
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Apex was just a example, but it works fine for me, you need the right K+M config if you don’t set it up right it’s not going to feel too good. And you need specific K+M brands otherwise you have to tweak a lot.
but the point stands lol, there’s been 3rd party software for years, ever wondered why that guy on CoD gets the insane kill streaks or the Widowmaker in low Masters getting a 22 kill streak.......yeaa :,) (K+M is a plague Overwatch console high ranks btw)
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While I would like this to happen, the major things actually holding back killers like Nurse/Huntress is the frame rate.
But this would be a good start to helping them.
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That’s other games lol but dbd controller sensitivity is low so so will yours be to
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It would help them .. and even with the FPS drops nurse would actually be viable on console
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Oh boy you've never gotten huntress 10 games in a row before then.
None of them were the same person just requeueing. No. All a different player each game.of the (roughly) 50 games I've played this past week, 20ish were huntress. Had the 10 in a row in a night. Then saw at least 1 every other night, and 2 a couple of the other nights.
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I'm curious: How easy is it to set up KB+M on PS4 Pro? And how much would it cost? Anyone know? (I'd love to use KB+M if it were an option, but it being affordable and not needing to hack the system would be requirements.)
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If the devs can do it they should do it.
M&K is far superior hardware.
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My friends 3rd party thing costed him 200$
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We need them to see this and keep reminding them
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Well like I play her with a controller at red ranks and the hardest part is the frame rate honestly. I was playing on Game and went through the ground to the bottom floor and the game lagged for a full second. I probably wouldn't have gotten a hit anyway but it was very jarring.
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I just think she’s the most fun killer tbh
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Let’s keep this discussion alive I want the dev team to actually see this and look into it
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Controllers are fine, it's the console itself that causes issues. Whenever a status effect pops up it freeze frames or whenever you shake your screen it lags like crazy.
I'd much rather see optimization happen before any m&k support. The sensitivies are limited as well, wish they would raise them.
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Help me get better with nurse
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if they enable M/K that would make the killers experience (in my opinion way better) is actually play huntress then and play a lot more nurse plus it would help with getting 360 by survivors
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I want steering wheel compatibility so I can finally play Hillbilly the way he's meant to be played.
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I already play those two regularly with a controller, it comes down to commitment and effort I suppose.
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I'd like a stable 60 fps on console with M&KB, I don't know why it's not supported already.
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Hey @Peanits, help us with this
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That’s laughable tbh it’s well known that there’s a huge advantage to using a M/K people who don’t are at a disadvantage
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I play Killers with M&K, but I play survivor with controller. I can't play survivor with M&K, I tried but I can't.
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Wouldn't use M&KB anyway.
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I would
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Xbox has m+k support already, its just up to devs to enable it.
You can use controllers to play survivior on PC, so you should be able to use m+k to play killer on consoles