Changes to every killer

Otz released a video saying what he would change about every killer. I think he makes some really good points, and I think a discussion about them or changes you would make could be very interesting.


Summary of the video (watch for context, he always explains his position and I might not portray them perfectly)

Trapper - carry capacity of 2 traps by default

- Injured survivors need help to escape traps or they go down (similar to honing stone)

- Reset traps without picking them up

- traps spawn closer to the center of the map

- less rng when escaping traps

Wraith - fully invisible from afar (like freddy)

- windstorm mud = base kit

- shadow dance works for a while right after uncloaking

- blind addon, remove/change completely

Billy - change addons

Nurse - smaller terror radious

Huntress - addons don't follow the recipe

- change irihead to 1-shot from a certain range

- change movespeed based on how many hatches are left (110% to 115%)

Michael - make tier 1 end faster

- tier 3 faster action speed on all the other things.

- rethink stalk movespeed addons

Hag - rusty shackles changed rarity with iri shoe.

- most purple addons aren't worth it

- no insta removal of trap with flashlight(need to sacrifice some battery for it)

Doctor - he good

Bubba - he boring

- rework (several suggestions)

- addons bad (funny rant)

Freddy - addons below purple are boring or too situational

- remove sound q from teleport

Pig - remove sound from crouching/standing up

- change trap rng( each trap gets removed in a diferent number of searches, so 1 trap is removed on the 1st box, one on the second, one on the third and one on the 4th, in a random order)

- revert terror radious to 28m

- addons too situational and/or sinergize terribly with her playstyle

Clown - he bad

- needs mobility

- change recharge to be bottle by bottle

- hooking fully refils bottles

- addons need rework

- too simple

- rework power

- change bottle direct hit to slow down survivors more

- direct bottle hit = gen kick

Spirit - mostly ok

- small change to power (watch the video, hard to explain in text)

Legion - reduce stun after power

- legion blocks pallets and windows they vault for X time

- addons are bad

- missing an attack punishes too much

Plague - survivors should want to cleanse (add effect to sickness)

- addons, too situational

- cooldown addons should be base

- she should know how sick survivors are.

Ghostface - cooldown is too long

- addons are terrible

Demogorgon - remove portal travel tell

- addons are terrible

- gives too much info to survivors on everything

Oni - green scalp addon should be partially base kit

- no sound tell when the power is activated


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    As a rank 1 P3 LVL 50 trapper main, are you sure you wanna give me more base build number of traps?

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    that would be a nice touch for legion wouldn't have to use bamboozel

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    It's the other way around, the less hatchets you have the faster you go.

    We both know trapper can only achieve a good level of power with a bag. (Or bad survivors, either one works 🤣)

    God...I feel naked when I don't use a bag. :p

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Yep, I 4k every match by using a darken addon + an extra traps addon, if they actually give him more traps as base build I'd be happy to bring another addon to own them even more.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited February 2020

    I didnt watch the video, so basing it solely on your summary (Tanks veddy much, btw), I agree with most of these changes.

    The only ones that I would like to comment on:


    • She should definitely be able to see sickness level of Survivors.
    • They should give her slightly higher infection rate with Vile Purge and adjust her add-ons accordingly.
    • Most of her add-ons are fine, I feel. They arent that interesting like Freddy's, but I wouldnt call them situational.


    • I think he is perfect.


    • Cant stress those points enough. Bad add-ons and gives way too many tells to Survivors.
    • The portal teleportation sound, I dont have much problem with it. I would however make it so that ALL add-ons that increase the duration of the Undetectable effect also removed it, at the very least.


    • Add-ons are fine (except for maybe Tattooed Middle Finger). His basekit is what lacks. They logically would have to be adjusted if they were to rework him.
  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    As a freddy main his add ons are not fine. Sure he doesn't need them but the add-ons dont change jack ######### about gameplay. They all just increase or decrease a number. No interesting ways to change him up unless you wanna use the trash pallets. I find myself running the blind blocks and whatever i click on because there is no really good add-on. His paintbrush is good though.

  • Pyromann700
    Pyromann700 Member Posts: 13

    @Peanut what is your opinion on this?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Who's that? I haven't seen them around the forums yet.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Wraith - fully invisible from afar (like freddy)

    - windstorm mud = base kit

    - shadow dance works for a while right after uncloaking

    - blind addon, remove/change completely

    I don't dislike the "Blinks" as much as he does.

    They're certainly very weak, but they make an okay replacement if combined with "Windstorms" or "Shadow Dances".

    That said, since i like the first idea he mentions, "Blinks" might as well affect that mechanic instead.

    "Blink" - Mud
    • Decreases the range at which Survivors can see your shimmer by 5 meters.
    "Blink" - White
    • Decreases the range at which Survivors can see your shimmer by 10 meters.

    And then set the standard range to something a bit higher than what he says, like 24 meters.

    Something like that.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    While I agree with the majority of the changes the one I can't agree on is the Huntress gaining movement speed with fewer hatchets. For the main reason being I want to see maps fixed first before such a change is considered. I don't want to see a killer creep ahead in terms of power if they don't actually need it.

    I've always believed Huntress should require to Snipe survivors with Iri heads because it's one of those addons that can get you positive results regardless of skill level. You're either a god with them as you're already good at Huntress or you just bloodlust people down and one shot them. Raising the skill floor for the addon would be ideal.

  • Kimura
    Kimura Member Posts: 40

    As a huntress main I love the idea of that iri head addon. I don't like running it, just cause it's too easy. I can walk up to a survivor, wait for them to screw up and then down then immediately. I like the idea of being rewarded for being able to hit snipes with the hatchet, not just handed a down every time I get a hatchet. Maybe fix the hit detection first though.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    and ofc we cant wait any dev response... not surprised :)

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Nobody is entitled to a response from the devs, sorry.

    Even with that said, I think they will most probably take into account some of the things Otz said in this video, he makes really good points about balance and fun/unfun aspects on all killers.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I think Trapper should start with all of his traps

    As for Nurse I would remove the CD of her blinks because it's too much of a punishment since she controls how long her fatigue time lasts

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2020

    Overall good changes and I agree with most of them.

    Some exceptions:

    Spirit change is unnecessary. If that extra counterplay was added she would need compensation elsewhere.

    Pig buffs aren't enough. She still needs her ambush improved and traps reverted to previous state as well. I also still want her crouch viewpoint raised, not being able to see above the grass is extremely annoying. Rule Set #2 base kit. Blindness should affect boxes.

    Plague still needs more changes. I don't think he gave enough incentive to cleanse and wanting to make Iron Will somewhat counter her coughing and some way to make healing perks/medkits not entirely useless is not a good idea. She has a lot of weaknesses and one of the few things she has going for her is the entire point that she makes quite a few other perks useless. If we made those perks not countered by her should would need a lot to compensate.

    Clown changes aren't enough. He still needs more. The ideas he gave were good, but quite minuscule and not significant enough to fix Clowns problems imo.

    Legion changes also not enough. The changes he proposed were good, but again not enough, he would still be weak. There needs to be a detriment to getting hit with FF while injured to encourage survivors to heal and he needs his 1v1 improved. Reduce his fatigue coming out of his power to at least 3 seconds instead of 4 at minimum. Drop his base TR while not using FF to 24m. Since Deep Wounds is now unrelated to TR, make Deep Wounds have Oblivious attached to it. FF hits on injured survivors makes the Deep Wounds take significantly longer to cleanse.

    For the most part all his changes were good things, I just think many of the killers still need more than he was giving them.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Yes. Trapper at minimum should have a base of 2 trap capacity. I would prefer 3. With how fast matches are these days, it’s very hindering for a Trapper to have to pick up traps while defending gens.

    Off topic: We also need a shirtless pre-Entity abduction Trapper. His manly sexiness will aid him by stunning survivors the moment their gaze falls upon him.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I didn't ask for it. I just wanna talk to the community.

    And they can't really talk about changes to characters as openly as we would want them to either way 🤷‍♂️.

  • MrGummeBear
    MrGummeBear Member Posts: 94

    Lol I'm a rank 1 Freddy and Survivors fall for fake pallets all the time. I don't use snares.

  • Tipper117
    Tipper117 Member Posts: 41

    Demo is my favorite killer, but also my worst unfortunately. I would love to see those Portal changes. I also think letting him have some sort of control during his thrash move would help with breaking the painful loops he gets stuck in during chases. Allow him to curve his path a little during thrash, kind of like billy's chainsaw.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    He is the only licensed killer I do not currently own but have the auric cells on account to purchase him. I know I wont play him solely for the ear ######### every time he screeches. They need to lower his screech relative to the sounds in the game. Sounds in the game overall need work. ######### Demos screech and ######### the chase music.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    I am a pallet freddy as well. He can be very strong on maps with lots of pallets and really weak on other maps that have next to no pallets like the korn maps. Survs who do not solely rely on pallets are also tricky. But i like that he can shut down loops fairly quickly sometimes.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited February 2020

    An idea I'd recently had for Legion, though one I concede probably isn't feasible, even if it could be tempered to not be OP:

    When multiple Survivors are Deep Wounded, it summons bot-controlled Legions to pursue the Survivors the player is not actively chasing until downed, mended, or a time limit passes. Their attacks won't down directly, but will be like when hitting Deep Wounds with Feral Frenzy. Alternatively, they can't down survivors, but can push you off objectives, or their attacks don't damage you but instead make you scream to alert the Killer like the Doctor or Iron Maiden.

    Another idea, given this idea was inspired by a video that describes how the Pac-Man ghosts move, each Legion acts differently. Frank's attack are Deep Wound Frenzy hits, Susie pushes people off objectives, Joey makes Survivors scream, dunno for a fourth.

    I've always felt that not using Legion's gimmick of "actually four people" was a wasted opportunity. This could make them do the one thing no other Killer can: chase multiple survivors at once.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Something like this could be fun, but I don't know how to make it work... :p

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    The rng for pig is already really simple. When you get a trap on your head, the key to it is placed in one of the boxes on the map. It doesn't matter how many boxes you search or how many skill checks you hit. The only thing that matters is what box you go to. It's not decided while you're searching the box.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I have my own minor changes for just about every killer to make them all more balanced, however there are some that I simply have no clue on how to fix them.

    Main one for me (suprisingly.....) is Pig, and I think that it all stems from ONE thing: Ghostface literally does better crouching. If we made their crouches the same, then Pig would possibly be a viable option. As well as change her roar to start at the start of the dash, yadi yada. Usual Pig changes. Not really Ruleset No 2. as base kit, though. However, I would like general Blindness to work on boxes, but not Face Mask.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    Yes, because right now you're forced to either have amazing traps but you're handicapped by 1 carrying capacity, or multiple traps but they suck.

  • Pok
    Pok Member Posts: 100

    I only watched parts of the video, but I overall agree on a lot. Even if he gives idea on every killer, I think most of the L priority are fine as they are now, and focus only on H priority to start.

    Trapper should have some changes as he said (it doesn't change much, it just removes ridiculous things), Clown needs help, and Bubba is really boring, to play as, and against imo. I'm not sure what to say about Legion, I should play him more and see.