Body Blocking Hooks

Hello guys, I am new here, I have been playing DBD for over a year now on and off, Although I have rarley seen anyone Bodyblock Hooks until now, Is there any opinions on this? As I personally don't think it is fair when you are trying to play a killer, Is there anyway to counter it? Also I don't think the person who is on the hook should be able to Bodyblock either, Is there anyway too give your opinion to the Game Developers?

Kind Regards :)

Best Answers


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020


    Before I get into tips, I just want to address bodyblock as a whole.

    If you were wondering if it's a bannable offence or if it's an offence at all than no, it isn't.

    [Here's a link to the Game Rules page about this subject]:

    For context i'll post below what the Game Rules states as discarded report reasons.



    • Camping
    • Slugging
    • Tunneling
    • Streamsniping
    • Teabagging
    • Bodyblocking
    • Looping
    • Tapping generators with ruin

    besides bannable offences, here are some tips I can give

    Before I do though, i'd like to reiterate that Bodyblocking the Killer from the hook is considered a strategy among Survivors and as the rules state is not a bannable offence. Anyways, there are some ways you can try and work around it with certain perks and what-not, but the action itself is considered ok to do.

    You can try using perks like Mad Grit that shortens the cool-down between your swings when holding a Survivor or you can also try using perks like Iron Grasp and or Agitation to help you get to the hook a lot quicker or hold the Survivor for a lot longer. Usually Killers use both when it comes to basement builds, but if this is a big issue for you than i'd just recommend using Agitation or Iron Grasp and not both.

    Eventually you should try and get used to not using these perks at all, but if this is a big issue for you than you can try those perks as an option to circumvent this problem. If you want to try and learn a way to get around this than you should simply just power through it and hit each Survivor that gets in your way to the hook, focus on getting there first and than hit any Survivors that're in your way from hooking the Survivor on your shoulder.

    If they still wiggle off, than you at least damaged most of the team, which allows you to down another Survivor quickly and than hook them right after. If the entire team wastes their time bodyblocking you from the hook than no progress is being done in terms of Generator repairs, so I wouldn't worry about the chance that the Survivor on your arm wiggles off... since most of the team that blocked you will be damaged from being hit and nobody is on the Generators for the most part if they're busy blocking you from the hook.


    Just focus on getting to the hook with the Survivor you have on your arm. Once you're there, if anyone attempts to block the hook than just hit them to make them move out of the way, if the entire team is there blocking the hook than they're just giving you free hits and not spending time on the Generators.

    Usually if you're fairly close to a hook than it'll require the entire team to get that Survivor off your shoulder, if it took you a bit to get to that hook than you should try focus on getting there and attempting to hook them, ignore Survivors that try and follow you as they won't have enough time to get in front of you unless they're already at the hook.

    Also, try using perks like Mad Grit to decrease the cool-down between swings (when holding a Survivor). If the issue is severe than you can try using either Iron Grasp or Agitation to help with this issue, Agitation increases your movement speed when holding a Survivor and Iron Grasp gives you more time to hold said Survivor.

    Don't use both, it's not recommended.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I'm not sure what you mean by "The person on the hook" as the person on the hook doesn't have the ability to do anything if they're on said hook.

    If you mean where the Survivor attempts to hide behind another hooked Survivor than you can simply just mind-game them by going back and forth from side to side until you double back on one side and hit them.

    If you mean the person who's sitting on the hook (not actually hooked but they're standing under it) than you simply just go to the hook and than hit them out of the way, if anyone else attempts to get in the way than you also hit them one by one. If it takes the entire time to get that Survivor to wiggle off your shoulder than that means none of them are on Generators and, most likely, they're all in the Injured state after taking so many hits to prevent that Survivor (on your shoulder) from being hooked.

    as for ghostface

    He's considered a Mid-Tier Killer, meaning he's neither the best or the worst Killer to use. GhostFace has a lot of potential in-game due to this power (NightShroud) giving him a 0 Terror Radius when active. NightShroud isn't perfect though, GhostFace can be broken out of it from a Survivor looking at him for a few seconds, GhostFace swinging his weapon, or grabbing a Survivor out/off of locker, window, etc.

    Also, like Myers, he can give Survivors the "Exposed Status effect" by stalking them until their "circle meter" is fully charged in the bottom left hand corner on their play icon itself. This is hidden to the Survivors until you're marked, but for GhostFace he can see how far a Survivor is before they're marked.

    Also, the Exposed Status effect is basically the equivalent to a one-shot down when applied to a Survivor. So when they have this status effect they can be put into the Dying State (I.E. downed instantly) in the Injured and Healthy states.

    The differences between Myers and GhostFace is... quite a lot actually, but in terms of how they apply this status effect GF can only do this for one Survivor at a time, while Myers has his own Tier "Called Tier lll" that puts gives every Survivor the exposed status effect when active.

    That's a different topic though, the point is GhostFace is a solid Killer to use and face, but he's still just an M1 Killer at his core, so nothing special happens in a chase except for basic chase mechanics that Trapper, Wraith, Pig, etc all do.

    how can I counter ghostface?

    Well for one, GhostFace can actually be broken out of his 0 Terror Radius power. To do this you need to be facing the direction GhostFace is in (your body needs to face him) while also looking at GhostFace himself, after a few seconds you'll he'll a "surprised noise" get slightly louder until GhostFace is enveloped in a white aura and no longer has a 0 Terror Radius until his power recharges.

    So, this is a way to put him back into the base 32 meter Terror Radius while also hiding behind rocks, since you can do this even if you're behind a decently sized rock and facing your body towards him. It's a bit finicky when you do it that way, but it can be done.

    That's essentially it in terms of how to counter his power... since you can literally turn it off by doing that. If you want to know how to loop a basic M1 Killer or a Killer like GhostFace than i'd like to recommend a video below that'll teach you the fundementals of every basic tile in-game. A tile is essentially a loop and there is always the same tiles/loops in most maps, not every map has these basic tiles, but most of them do.

    this video will explain how to use these basic tiles

    (Side-Note) This video is slightly out-dated in terms of new maps that were introduced AFTER or maps that were reworked like Lery's for example. The video is still solid though and still goes over a lot of basic and intermediate tips that any beginner should learn about when playing as a Survivor AND even a Killer when facing said tiles.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Just as a side note, your body doesn't actually have to face Ghostface in order to break him out of stealth - I've done it many times while looking behind me during a chase. He just needs to be in the centre of your screen, and at least 20% of his body needs to be visible. But the mechanics of it can be a bit finnicky.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    I think its toxic to do full team body block on first hook. EGC I expect it. i just find it somewhat of a bad mechanic, when 3 survivors sit in front of the killer knowing, he has about 2 swings (dependent on distance to hook and what perks he is running) before the survivor wiggles out. Like, Bubba come smack my face with that mallet, and ill totally just walk it off. I think it could be balanced better, but with how the game is designed its fair play.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    @FleshTorpedo @FireHazard and Fibijean Thank you ever so much for your comments, Hazard I am watching the video now so helpful too watch and learn, Fibi I have never tried that so thank you as I seem too have most trouble with Ghostface and I seem too see him a lot everywhere, Apprantley he is Top Tier at the moment? @FleshTorpedo I completely agree with you, I think it is a stupid strategy but as Hazard said if they want to waste time body blocking then it gives the Killer more advantage and also when I see that in a game I usually know if it is a 3/4 stack, May I ask who would you say the Top Tier Killers are? Also I really think it is a cowardly move when they body block then Teabag... Saying that I was playing Ghostface earlier today and I had 1 hooked and 3 body blocking and they all died, So it does pay off it is just annoying and tideous :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Ghostface isn't typically considered top tier (except perhaps by particular streamers), but most people consider him mid- to high-tier. Personally, I would probably say that the top tier killers, based on the strength of their power alone, are Nurse, Spirit, Freddy and maybe Hillbilly. But Spirit and Freddy are the strongest in terms of their strength to ease of use ratio.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    @Fibijean Okay thank you :) I am considering maining Pig as I really like her playstyle but is she too weak to use in meta? I thought Ghostface would be mid-high tier, So basically any killer that has a lot of pressure is good in mid-high tier? :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Controversial opinion, but you can do well at high ranks with any killer as long as you're good enough at using them. Otzdarva, for example, dominates at red ranks as Trapper, who is typically considered to be among the weakest killers in the game. So if you enjoy playing Pig, I would absolutely encourage you to go ahead and play her 😊

    To answer your second question, yes, in a broad sense, the killers that are easiest to apply pressure with tend to be the strongest. That's why all the top-tier killers are the ones with high mobility, because they have the best map control and also the ability to end chases quickly.

    The important thing is to play to your strengths. Ghostface, like most stealth killers (Pig included) tends to benefit from anti-healing, hit-and-run type builds because while most of them are reduced to simple M1 in a chase, the strength of stealth killers lies in being able to get the jump on survivors and secure the first hit. So perks like Thanatophobia, Nurse's Calling and Sloppy Butcher tend to be quite effective on them.

    Having said that, don't be afraid to try out non-meta builds that you think might be good or fun to use - you might find that you have more success with them than you expect!

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77


    That is very true thank you :) What killer do you play? That is awesome that he is red with Trapper :) Trapper is awesome! You have been an amazing help, Thank you everyone for all the comments it is greatly appreciated :) Will definitely know where to ask questions and help :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    No problem! Feel free to come back here with any questions you might have 😊 FireHazard and I are usually around, and will be glad to help.

    Personally, I'm a Doctor main mostly, but I also really enjoy Pig and have been getting into Plague recently as well. Apparently, I enjoy killers with good tracking potential who can interfere with survivors from a distance. I find Trapper very satisfying as well, probably for similar reasons.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2020

    @Fibijean @FireHazard I will do definitely :) Doctor is awesome! His laugh has to be the best in the game :) Good choice of Killers, I must say I struggle with Plague, I just can't work her out very well, Literally I went against a Plague who didn't even use her power and just went around using her weapon she was so fast and killed everyone, The trapper is good as well, I am playing him quite a bit, Firehazard who do you main? Myers? :)

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    @FireHazard oh nice :) It is awesome that you mix thing's up :) I main Spirit and Playing a lot of trapper at the moment and will be maining pig as well when I get the right perks for her, My BF mains Doctor and Legion, He also asked is there a recent Tier List at all you know off? I like Myers I just don't understand his Power but he is so scary and fast :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Myers is essentially the same as GhostFace, except Myers has a small Terror Radius that comes with him in his base-kit, Tier l has a 0 Terror Radius thanks to the Undetectable status effect being on that Tier, Tier ll has a 16 meter Terror Radius with the normal walking speed and lunge distance, and Tier lll applies the exposed status effect to every Survivor in the match while also giving Myers an increased lunge distance and vaulting speed.

    Without getting too into it, Myers starts off in Tier l with a small lunge, no Red Light, and no Terror Radius because of that status effect. He gradually gets to his next Tiers by stalking Survivors, similar with how GhostFace stalks Survivors to put them in the exposed status effect (I.E. Mark them), once in Tier lll it lasts for a base time of 60 seconds and than goes back into Tier ll until you recharge it again.

    Also, there is no official that I believe exists, DBD focuses primarily on a character appealing to every type of person, with Killers and Survivors alike. having a Tier list that says something like "This Killer is better than the rest of these Killers because..." would be sending the wrong message, especially if it was an official thing from BHVR themselves.

    It would in a sense discourage players from trying out the other Killers, so that's most likely why a Tier list doesn't exist from BHVR themselves.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Tier lists in DBD are a fairly objective thing, since everyone has their own opinions about which factors make up a "strong" killer, and what each killer's individual potential is.

    I can give you a very general idea of the ranking, though opinions will differ so take this with a large grain of salt. Most people consider the strongest killer in the game to be either Nurse, Spirit or Freddy. Personally, I think it's Nurse, but she's a lot harder to play than the other two. Most would say that Hillbilly and Oni are also up there. Huntress, Ghostface, Hag, Myers and Plague are all considered by most to be fairly strong, although opinions differ on which of them are the strongest. Doctor and Pig sit around mid-tier in most rankings, and Trapper, Wraith, Clown, Cannibal, Demogorgon and Legion are generally thought of as the weakest killers in the game, although again, opinions differ as to who is the absolute worst.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    @FireHazard I get it now, He seems very powerful, I think he creates great pressure as well, I definitely think you can tell the difference between a good Michael and a bad one, Are you prestige with him? I think his Tier 3 is really powerful considering you are exposed for so long, I understand that, Thank you just thought he would ask, How long have you been playing for?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    He was my first P3-50 Killer, so I am prestiged in him yes. I have almost every Killer P3-50, but I go very slowly to keep the longevity in terms of a goal for me.

    I believe I have 13 out of 18 Killers P3-50'ed and i'm about to have my 14th Killer (Trapper) get to P3-50. After that, I plan on maxing out all my P3-50s perks before I continue P3-50ing my Killer roster. I'll most likely dip into my Survivor roster so I don't run out of Killers to P3-50.

    And I've played since October 1st, 2018. Not since Day 1 like some Killers and/or Survivors here, but I have played before NOED was buffed, DS was nerfed, Insta-Healers were removed, etc.

    Post edited by FireHazard on
  • Kranchers
    Kranchers Member Posts: 3

    Drop the survivor and hit the person who's body blocking you. They'll usually back off, and if they don't then there's even more pressure on the survivors.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    @FireHazard Nice! That is awsome, What do you think about Oni and Flower? The flower seems quite powerful :) Do you think they will release more killers? They seem to be releasing content regularly.

    @Kranchers Thank you that is an awsome idea :) Will try that out thank you for your help, I usually just slash them haha :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The Oni is ok, he has better maneuverability when dashing than Billys sprint, at least in my opinion.

    Demogorgon is ok too, he's usually around Mid-Tier or so because of his Shred and portals, making him decent in chases and good around some loops that can be Shreded or mind-gamed with Shred.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    Oh nice thank you :) Looking at getting the flower to be honest, Not sure about Oni that is why I asked

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Oni is ok to use, depends how far you're into the game and how familiar the controls are to you.

    Play Billy a bit and than see if you want to try Oni, Oni requires you to gain his insta-down power before it can be used, it can't be used off the bat like Billy.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    Okay thank you, May I ask the ranking system on this game seems a bit weird, My Bf is a rank 12 killer and he is going against survivor rank one's is it based on your skill at the game because that doesn't seem fair match making? Thank you for all your help again :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The matchmaking is currently acting up. One of the main issues at the moment is the "rainbow rank" issue, which is where low ranks sometimes get paired with Purple or Red Rank Survivors/Killers in the matchmaking queue.

    This is where the name "rainbow ranks" comes from, its the different colored ranks being queued into one match. Obviously this isn't normal, so BHVR has made a post in the news section about a matchmaking overhaul, this is scheduled to be added gradually, so it's not going to instantly happen in one patch.

    [Here's the link to the Matchmaking status update for more information]:

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    neither does the tunneling or camp seem fair to me. Each part does what they want in the game, the developers don't think that camper and tunneling is something baneable or that it needs to be changed is for something, just as they have made a lot of changes with the Body block bellied as it was before, to They are "teamwork" and tunneling and camper are "strategies" and not against the rules. In my case i use iron grip.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    They did change the points you lose when camping a hook for too long, but that's about it. Camping and Tunneling are considered strategies yes, it's kind of hard to circumvent this through buffs or nerfs. That's why DS was changed to counter-act tunneling, I suppose its a solution to the problem... depending on if it's a problem to you or not.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428


    the answer to prevent bodyblocking as a killer is? i can not see it :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It's not one of the accepted answers. It's in this comment right here:

    The TL;DR is, you can use Mad Grit to counter it, or you can use Agitation and/or Iron Grasp to make it easier to get to the hook, or if all else fails, just try to make it to the hook while hitting any survivors who get in your way, and take comfort in the knowledge that each survivor trying to bodyblock is one less survivor working on generators, so it's not the end of the world if they manage to wiggle off since it won't actually buy the team that much time.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    right ok, thanks! i'm using doc so i probably won't use them but body blocking has been quite bad for, especially for a new killer.

    survivors can seem pretty desperate for team mate not to be hooked. i get it if it's the first survivor or even if there is one or two gens left and iv'e not hooked one person.

    soooo painful

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, bodyblocking can be really frustrating as killer. But as FireHazard said, at least if they're bodyblocking, they're not doing anything else useful, and they're giving you the opportunity to get free hits on them.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    Thank you I understand the ranking system a bit more now :) I look forward too see what they bring to the game @Loey I agree I have seen a lot of Killers who camp and Teabag at the hook, It really is pathetic in my opinion but then again I feel it is because they are not a good killer, @bomb1720 Do you not have people bodyblocking you? Thank you @Fibijean and @FireHazard :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's what I figured, I hope I didn't step on your toes in doing so.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020

    Of course not lmao.

    I don't mind, I can't be here every second so having a 2nd opinion explain it is good.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428


    yes sometimes i do have survivors body blocking me

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    if a suv dc or kill herself in the firts hook,the killer still have bp. If you camp,the suv don't get any bp,but the killer get bp and maybe 2 or 3 gens two..

    and i want the old ruin back...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Sadly, the old Ruin will not come back for various reasons.

    It's best to move forward with the meta and not dwell on its past.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2020

    @FireHazard @Fibijean @Loey I hope you are all well? That is very much appreciated, I am quite liking the new Meta if I am honest with you, I must say I am looking forward too seeing what they will do with the Ranking System :) Who do you think the new Killer will be? I think they should bring a Chucky Doll into the game :) What do you guy's think?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Chucky is too small to hook anyone and BHVR has said before that they don't intend to make a Doll Killer anytime soon.

    Also, the next Killer is also unknown since there is no hints or information on it, it's hard to theorize on a Killer that has nothing to work off of.

    I also look forward to what they're doing with the ranking system, the concept of a skill based ranking system is a good idea that a lot of people asked for and i'm glad they choose that as their approach to the issue.

    And I'm doing fine thanks for asking.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm doing alright 😊 I'm also quite looking forward to the MMR system, as polarising a topic as it is. Regarding the new killer, personally I'm hoping that the"Revelations" lore from the last Tome was a hint at the new killer and survivor, partly because I like the idea of both of them and also just because I think it would be really cool if the devs hid clues to future killers in the Tomes.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    @Fibijean @FireHazard I am glad you are both well, That makes sense actually didn't think of that haha, I have just brought Michael and I must say I am really enjoying him, He is so fun to play! I completely agree with you guys and what you are saying, To be honest I do think they have been needing to fixed the rankef for a while, I am excited too see what they have in Store for the next Killer :)