Scott junds gen slowdown video devs look at this
I agree with this 100% this would help killers out so much it would also let devs continue making bigger maps I see no downsides to this -also to make it to where it can’t be cheesed by wraith- just put a 120 timer on it thus giving the killer time to find someone without being gen rushed right off the bat
My idea is that only 2 generators can be worked at once, the rest are blocked by the entity until someone finishes repairing it or leaves it, gens blocked by the entity regress at 50% the normal regression rate
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Only two gens can be worked on? We have corrupt for that
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This seems a bit overkill imo. Maybe if the two open gens had an aura?
Regardless, I'm still partial to Jund's idea.
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we just need something at the start of the game to slow down gens until we find someone..I know corrupt helps a lot with that but I still get gen rushed with this perk at times
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Oh, I absolutely agree. I've always thought that an early game slowdown was necessary. It's one of the reasons I was so mad about the Ruin nerf lmao.
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Wow, those are some nice ideas. I like the adding incentives into the game, like the chosen idea. Makes it not so bad being the "first" person found either (which was annoying for new players starting out as well). The start idea with the ominous effect would probably insert more "scary" into the game and creepy factor especially for the killers that need to set up a bit as well. Very interesting.
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I think the ruin nerf is a good thing ..I was mad but the devs and everyone else can now see that gens do go very fast
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Imagine that with Myers or ghostface lol or even spirit ..I really like the idea and I hope the devs consider it but knowing them I doubt it
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Jesus, the devs really need to see this, its a really nice and simple fix that could easily be implemented, just let the art team do their job on the aesthetics and you got the gen problem partially fixed.
@Peanits @not_Queen @Almo Any chances of this making it into the game?
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@Peanits @not_Queen you guys need to look at this sorry I didn’t know we could tag you before
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This is a terrible idea. He literally wants to force survivors to run at the killer. Stealth play is already not rewarded as it is. His idea would actively punish it.
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ok Lol
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By all means. Tell me how it doesn't.
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Because you can wait out the time still it would only be like 120 seconds and if the killer hasn’t found anyone by then ..well the survivors are obviously hiding also you can’t hide against a doc so .. this is a great idea are you a survivor main?
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Well if you are so eager to be stealthy keep doing it then. Stealth in DbD is such an annoyance, learn how to run a loop instead of hiding in a corner of the map.
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whats bad about legitimate stealth lmao
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Stealth play is massively rewarded if you are good at it (not hiding in the corner of the map and letting your team take all the aggro).
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The hell you can't hide from Doc. Calm Spirit completely negates him. It also isn't hard to duck into a locker to avoid his Static Blast. As far as survivor main, at this point yes. I'd say my game play is about 70/30. I agree that something needs to be done to help with early game. I just think this is a terrible idea.
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Because you "evade" the killer because they didn't check that spot. Then you keep hiding not doing anything for 10min wasting everyone's time.
Either gen rush or get sacrificed stop delaying the game flow.
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Nobody said anything about hiding in a corner. You can make the killer waste tons of time if you can anticipate them and rotate around them correctly.
You get no points for stealth. And it takes for ever to build evader with it. It's most certainly not rewarded.
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nah I'll stealth when I feel like
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I think his idea has potential, but I also agree with you that stealth play needs to be considered. The main flaw I can see in Scott's argument is that he's assuming chases are what makes the game fun to play, for both sides. For a killer, I would generally agree with him, but there are some survivors who actually have the most fun playing stealthily, evading the killer, and doing generators to feel useful. I know because I'm one of them.
Interaction with other players is what makes the game fun, which is why stealth is as fun for some survivors as chases are for others, but it's not fun for the killer if they don't know that they're interacting with the survivors. So the question is, is there a way to (a) adjust this idea so that it's equally rewarding for stealthy players as aggressive ones, and (b) make playing against stealth-inclined survivors less boring for the killer?
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Nothing. It is a legitimate strategy that killers don't like.
Just like how tunneling and camping are legitimate and are not liked by survivors.
It only becomes bad when they just hide and do nothing.
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Unfortunately for people who do enjoy stealth, the game does not really function with stealth as a good idea. Its high risk medium reward, while looping is low risk high reward.
For example, even if you are on a gen and you try to hide the millisecond you hear a terror radius begin, you have like 6 seconds to get where you're trying to go before the killer is at the spot you were. Because you're being stealthy, you didn't run, so you're not moving very far in that 6 seconds at all. Any good killer is going to know the areas to check, knowing someone was just on this generator.
Then, if you're caught, you're dead, as opposed to a looper who is always trying to make distance from the killer. Sometimes stealthy players do evade me. Most of the time, I catch them in a complete dead area because they chose to hide there instead of using the other defensive mechanics of the game.
There's nothing wrong with that playstyle, but it is definitely objectively weaker than looping against good killers.
Also, in the scenario, if you're fleeing every time you hear the faintest heart beat, the 15 times the killer isn't actually coming to you you're spending time not doing generators and generally being useless.
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I'm of a similar mindset. I find looping kind of boring. It can be fun. But to me it's far more enjoyable to try to sneak around the killer. Having that did they see me moment.
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Whisperers plus his ability make stealth pretty much impossible also what if your going up against a Myers with scratched mirror? No stealth same with ghostfaces rare addon or BBQ there are so many ways to counter stealth
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There a few flaws with this like if the killer moon walk or if the killer refuses to make a effort chase and have the game slow down by 50 percent for the entire game.
Edit this also counter stealthy plays which is a core game mechanic for a few survivors
Edit edit i wonder how it would work on ghost face he could expose a survivor then down them at the start dosnt that mean at the start of mostly every game he could have at least 1 survivor on the hook before gens could get back to normal speed?
Post edited by KingOfBadRNG on1 -
Did you not read my post lol ? I said there would be a 120 second timer
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You can moonwalk all you want but you have to hit them at some point. A two-minute timer as people have suggested would be a good idea as well
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Ohh my bad I just read up to 100 percent agreed on this and watch the video
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Spine Chill gives you a small window to avoid a Wispers using Doc. Again Calm Spirit counters him. Scratched Mirror Myers does completely negate stealth yes. But a killer with specific addons to counter stealth is a hell of alot different from a base game mechanic.
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stealthin Dbd is pretty much nonexistent especially in red ranks ..your wasting time stealthing around the map you only really see it in the lower ranks
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Wasting time in your opinion. I'm not talking about Urban Evading around the entire map.
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"Good idea, lets not do this" -devs
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I’m done arguing with you lol I can tell you don’t care if gens go to fast or about killers fun’s all about the survivors fun guys!
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An idea like this I can get behind, unlike all the “add time to gens!” or “make survivors collect gas!” crap that buffs camping and tunneling. This does nothing for that, and only gives the killer an assist where it’s needed at the start of the game. Sounds fair.
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All they said was that they don't want stealth play to be punished even more than it already is, and somehow you took that to mean that they don't care about game speed or killers having fun? That's some seriously impressive mental gymnastics.
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Yeah, I don't care if gens are done too fast. Pay no attention to where I said above that I agree there needs to be an early game slow down. It's not like I've made threads in the past with suggestions on how to slow the early game. I certainly didn't oppose the Ruin nerf. It couldn't possibly be I just think this particular way of slowing the game is a bad idea.
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@Fibijean @thrawn3054 With all do respect stealth would still be a play style just not an early game one basically meaning if you are found first just loop you can still play stealthy mid to late game its not completely crapping on the playstyle all this does is add more killer and survivor interaction early game which honestly is healthy for the game.
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Calm Spirit does not counter doc if they run Restraint (or Iri king and get good rng that gives them the restraint effect) your madness still tiers up so it still reveals your aura.
If nothing happens they'll know to check lockers
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@ScottJund Also props to you man this idea is honestly the best i have seen proposed its healthy for both sides while finding the sweet spot to help killers and also making for a fun early game!
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A big part of stealth is the early game. Getting stuff done early is crucial for it.
I should rephrase that it doesn't completely counter Doc. But it does severely limit him.
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I agree that killer/survivor interaction is healthy, but I don't believe it should come at the cost of what we might call player freedom or agency. The point - at least, my point - is that players shouldn't be forced to play the game a certain way, at any stage. If stealth is a mechanic in your game, if you have dozens of perks dedicated to pulling it off, you shouldn't be actively discouraging players from employing it. As I said, I think the concept has merit, I would just like to see it adjusted to be less punishing on those who enjoy and design their builds around stealth play, while still remaining enjoyable for the killer, if such a thing is possible.
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Still though stealth can have a impact mid to late game it's not like this change completely cripples this idea and honestly all this means is early game you just play stealthy until the killers finds a survivor there you go you can still technically play stealthy.
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It would actually be way easier and more effective to simply change the way skill checks work on generators.
1) Put a 2 charge-per-second cap to generator speed. No matter how many survivors, toolboxes, perks, etc., you can NEVER repair a gen faster than x2 speed basically. 40 seconds would be the absolute fastest you could do a gen barring great skill checks (see #3/4).
2) Rework charges per second of individual survivors when they group up on a gen. Right now it goes 80s - 44s - 33s - 28s. The charges per second should be adjusted so that, at base, the times would be 80s - 60s - 50s - 40s.
3) Remove great skill check zones from repair actions until 2 gens are done or a survivor is hooked. Let's call this the "opening phase" of the game.
4) Toolboxes no longer increase repair speed. Instead toolboxes increase both the frequency of skill checks and the size of great skill check zones. Maybe they could also provide great skill check zones during the opening phase where they would normally be absent.
5) Rework toolbox add-ons to work with the new toolboxes. Either they increase frequency of skill checks or the size of great skill check zones. BNP should do both at the cost of reducing charges on the toolbox slightly (80 to 70 for example).
6) Rework some survivor/killer perks where the new system might not work right. For example, Unnerving Presence would both decrease the size of the skill check zones and removes great skill checks completely (unless they have a toolbox). Prove Thyself could give an extra 1% boost to great skill checks for all survivors repairing a gen within 8m of that survivor. Stuff like that.
IMO doing this would benefit the game WAY more. Scott's idea is nice but I don't see it making a big impact in the long term. The fact it ends so easily with just a chase starting makes me thing there would be serious cheese going on somewhere. I mean just imagine as killer walking through corn, a survivor runs in front of you where you can't see, starts a chase, and now gens can go at normal pace while you lose the survivor in the corn. IDK I just see a lot of holes in the idea.
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@thrawn3054 i never understood what's so fun about stealthing? There is so small amount of interaction between killer and survivor,if there's any tbh at all. Enlighten me
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Yeah i mean its not like you still cant play stealthy early game again the idea is based around an early game interaction so all that means is you just wait until he finds another survivor then you can start your objectives i dont think this really hurts stealth i mean does it punish hiding and not being found yeah but honestly im not against that. The developers have said looping is what the game has become and they have accepted it with all do respect just learn how to pallet loop and there ya go stealth will still be useful throughout the game but if this change is added whispers needs a serious change.
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Which still wastes your time in the early game. Your forced to dive at the killer early or lose a massive amount of time. That's not even getting into all the extra toolboxes you would see to counter the early game slow down.
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I mean you are not technically "forced" to run at the killer you can just wait until he finds someone else also Toolboxes are not the biggest problem you can wipe through gens without them you can still have a 2 minute game without them they only increase the speed. Gen times are still a problem.
In regards to the stealth argument just wait until he finds someone else there ya go the generator penalty would be gone you can easily do so and honestly if this was to come into the game id imagine Whispers would need a change so that would reward stealth gameplay even more.
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Here's one thing though:
Most killers I have played against will flatout quit the game if they don't find someone in the first 2 mins(Which is a suggestion addendum).
its simply because while successfully hiding is fun(Even though I do like looping a lot I still try stealth when applicable) for the survivor you might just bore/frustrate the killer out of the game if they can't find anyone within 2 mins.
Stealth is fun but the fun of the killer needs to be considered as well.