Why don’t Doctors run Iron Maiden

I’ve just been wondering this and if any doc mains could tell me I would like to know to me this seems like a decent combo
Best Answers
Doctor's strength is already detecting survivors - lockers are the most consistent counter, but if survivors hop into lockers every time you're within range, they aren't exactly getting anything done.
I at most use Whispers (or BBQ for points!) on new Doctor to know when people are within Static Blast range, but other than that, my build usually focuses on things that Doctor doesn't have built in to his kit (i.e. game slows, like Sloppy Butcher or PGTW). I think the perk slots are better used for filling out his weaknesses.
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Its mainly from a detection perspective its redundant along with its detection also being counted by calm spirit which is a counter to the doctor anyways.
Also most people who get revealed and exposed by it generally speaking start to run to a loop until the expose from it is over which most can loop out the exposed timer given that you'd have to both catch up to them from a distance + do the loop.
But is it a good idea at least I’m a surv main but I’m still a red kill so o do understand the problems with killers sometimes but I would think I would have ran into one doc with that perk but no
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I see your point but they do hop in lockers against the doc so it is a common occurrence and even it procs once that exposed can help snowball the game
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Eh, a lot of people run Calm Spirit right now. So, I wouldn't, right now, want to equip a perk that also gets countered by Calm Spirit lol.
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The exposed rarely seems to be relevant in my experience, except for Head On users. It's just bonus, and not the main reason to run the perk.
Iron Maiden definitely has better use on Doctor than most killers, though 😁
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I would thank everyone for answering my question as you can tell I suck at the game the advice is welcomed
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Because usually when I use static blast I use it to find where they are and not if someone is in my area. If I hear no screams then I start looking in lockers. It suprisely helpfully without using a perk slot. But that's just me.
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I used it on doctor pre doctor update, but honestly it was useless compared to most perks.
Like they said, if they are already in range hopping in a locker doesn't do much usually, and once it goes off one time- survivors know you have it and it rarely goes off a second time all game.
It's not useless on him, like it can help a little bit, but as soon as you get a better perk for him take it instead.
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I wouldn't call myself a Doctor main, but I actually thought of Iron Maiden and have been using it. It does work pretty well. Especially with all the survivors hiding from his static blast. It certainly makes for entertaining moments.
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The exposed from ironmaiden is very rarely helpful due to how quickly it goes away. If you run whispers on the other hand and use your static blast, it can tell you pretty easily if someone is in a locker. Whispers is on and no one screams? They either have calm spirit or are in a locker. If your using the restraint addons for Doc, you'll still see the auras of calm spirit users and you'll likely notice the point bonus for hitting them with static blast anyways. If you can deduce their in a locker...yank em out, lol.
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Because it's irritating, players will abuse it by jumping in an out etc. You already have a static blast to gauge if anyone is nearby, so if you down someone and immediately use it, you can tell who is nearby, and when you hook you have bbq to take mental note how many auras you see
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Lol I’m sure you don’t suck! And asking about a perk/combo is nice because usually there is another side you haven’t considered