How To Fix The Game

Theres an underlying problem with the game that causes everyone grief. And that is, thats its a game. It needs to be more realistic. And therefore i propose we bring it to reality. We need 4 survivor mains and 1 killer main to volunteer to be locked inside a walled up field complete with a barn and farmhouse. All participants must wear cams so we can see the action in pov. And killer must have a machete and bear traps. And survivors cant fight back.
No glitches, no bugs, no perks, no 360 spins.
Hmm? It's not supposed to be realistic, it's supposed to be terrifying or something like that.
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Nothings more terrifying than reality.
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Satire this is. Just in case, you know, you thought this was serious.
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I'm sure someone on here did xD
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I volunteer as tribute
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Damn, I was hoping we had finally found a solution