Opinions: Most unfun killer to play as?

Nurse. She is terrible to even try and learn on Console. Especially in Red/Purple ranks.
I do decently well with ghostface but it's annoying when people take you out of stealth early and you're just an m1 killer or you're sneaking up to a gen but someone has spinechill and they run,
wasting stalks and having low mobility is also annoying
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I agree with you. I tried learning the nurse but I got depressed. After 4 games with her I gave up and I played a sweet game of my man doctor and remembered why I love this game.
Don't do nurse kids. It's bad.
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Spirit. For the life of me I can't learn her, and since her nerf I can no longer get her Grudge daily (hit a survivor right after coming out of phase). Honestly the only thing I like about her is her awesome Mori. So if any of you Spirit mains see me in Lobby. Mori me bby, and be badass af.
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Wraith, m1 killer with shiny bingbong
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For me personally it's Spirit. I just don't enjoy how she plays at all no matter how strong she can be or if it's while stuff like sounds and her post-phase lunge works properly or not.
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Oni probably, trying to learn how and when to use his power on loops is difficult especially since you have to build it every game and you don't have the liberty to use it whenever you like as opposed to someone like Nurse, Spirit and Billy. If DBD had a training mode where you can test killers powers in a simulated match like F13th then it would be much more fun to use Oni.
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Nurse is frustrating but I’m not good with her. I won’t count Huntress or Nurse because I’m terrible. If I was good with them I’d have more fun.
I gotta say Legion is a snoozefest for me personally. I hate Legion. I have more fun with Clown than Legion and that is saying something.
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Hag, I just don't get how to use her, and I can't hit anyone with her traps.
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I haven't played wraith much but he has good mobility (therefore pressure gens), he can also body block pallets and with the right add-ons he's a decent stealth killer.
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If I wanted stealth I'd play GF
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doctor, my least played killer, boring
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I'm not into breathing ASMR.
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Leatherface. His "power" sucks, and is boring to use and play against.
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Hillbilly or Legion.
I just find both of them boring which is ironic because I hate playing against them too. Hillbilly just feels cheap and feels like you’ve enables god mode when compared to other killers and Legion has the most brainless ability in the game. You just tap m2 and then run/vault after survivors for a free hit.
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Leatherface or Clown. They're both complete memes but at least with Bubba I have an instadown and a hilarious pwyf, nemesis combo that is worth making it work just for the hell of it. As for Clown there's literally nothing fun about him. Absolutely nothing about him is fun or satisfying to physically do. I don't have a fun power like Hillbilly or Nurse, nor is it even effective. Freddy's abilities aren't very fun or interesting but they're at least strong. Absurdly boring and just straight up painful to play as Clown especially now.
Edit: I'd also give a nod to Spirit. Easily the most brainless and cheap killer in the game, her power is so uninteractive it's like you're playing a single player game when you get your power and the survivors are injured.
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Nurse, so unfun to play.
Blink, hit, wait, blink hit, wait... etc
At least old nurse was really dynamic and fun.
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Nurse. So frustrating on console.
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Nurse, huntress and oni on console. Once you get past that noob threshold it becomes fun but till than it's very unsatisfying.
I got decent at nurse but haven't brought myself to do the same with huntress or oni.
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Nurse, but a long shot. Half the time you can't even use her power, due to bugs, and the other half you're just waiting around for a blink to actually land.
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Nothing feels worse then when his power hits a survivor but doesn't count since it's finishing his animation
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Demogorgon on console. I absolutly love him overall as a killer, but the frame rate drops he suffers from are so bad at times, it makes chases damn hard when the FPS clips itself as you swing for a survivor
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Clown. Throw bottle the the ground, loop around almost without a power.
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Leatherface, chainsaw is the most annoying thing.. I'll clip a F'ing tree or barrel 10 feet away from it, but a survivor 2 inches away? nah fam keep trying
trash killer
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Nurse for me, I hated her even before the changes.
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Bubba XD
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######### Nurse.
At least with Leatherface you can still meme.
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Hmmm. Trapper 100%
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Leatherface and Clown. They're just boring in any way.
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Nurse makes me extremely motion sick. Hag is just unfun and boring.
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Im a hag main. Set traps near every gen. And when one is triggered, remember to put it back. Survivors often think you wont put it back. Also put traps near chests. Trap hooked survivors in loops and then put traps at every entrance to the hooked survivor. Use deer stalker perk. Down 1 and chase another.
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Michael Myers. I love thecharacter. But his stalking ability is too slow and with perks you can be spotted.hes not very fast so chases take longer.
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Legion is just as boring as it gets
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Billy boi. Ive owned the game since huntress was released and I can count on one hand the number of times I've chainsawed someone. Hurts my soul. Back to Hag.
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I feel like I’m stalking you but I’m not <_<
Anyways, I really want to play Nurse but she gives me migraines. It’s a shame because she has some of the best costumes.
If they would just remove the screen darkening I think it would make it bearable.
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Nurse is actually quite rewarding if you're decent with her. There are other killers who will always be painful to play regardless of skill like clown.
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Ghostface, i just have bad luck with him.
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If ur stalking me ur Myers. Don't u like that idea? 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
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Ok then, stalk you I will. Don’t be mad when you end up handcuffed to a bed.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Jokes on you, who said I'm not rn?
Also you can't possibly stalk me if you are not in my discord server?
I win no matter what!!!
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Huntress for me. Not a fan of 4.4 m/s killers in general, feels slow af. Sure they usually have very strong abilities and Huntress is no different.
I do like the idea but Hatcher hitboxes give me a headache and learning what you can and cannot throw over is just a massive PITA since everyone I go up against whenever I try to play her seems to know just fine.
Nurse is a close second to me. I've only tried her pre-nerf and blinking + fatigue made me nauseous. Her breathing and the noises she made were also really obnoxious to me while playing with headphones. I have no intention to play post-nerf Nurse, it's probably not going to be fun. Tried her once on console. Most miserable experience I had in DbD so far.
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Nurse or Plague.
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Why doesn't the title say "Clown"? I preffer trying to blink in console than just a non fun killer set up
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;_; I don’t like how my voice sounds so I would t talk on Discord anyways.
I’ll stalk you in your dreams then.
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I find most of the killers fun in some way, if i had to choose i think pig is pretty boring. Her traps rarely do anything else besides slow the game a bit and everything to do with her crouching just sucks imo, Ghostface is better for that. Her super lunge is too much of a give away and situational. I hope they make her more fun eventually.
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Spirit I just don't like playing her idk y, just don't
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We don't use voice lol
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So no you’re just teasing me!
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90% of the discord server hate their voices so we just message. I played swf while typing in chat.
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Spirit due to my headphones being half broken it's hard to use a power that relies on sound
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As a former Nurse main that learned her on console before switching to PC, she's worth learning in the end simply because all the practice she requires to learn her pays off really well when you master her. The world's top nurse mains will tell you that the best way of understanding how to use Nurse is to take the spanking