I have seen may people asking about autoaim/aim assist in the Q&A thread, even thought Devs already explained that there is no auto aim/aim assist in this game.
Q: So why does my camera move when hitting a survivior?
A: The thing that does that is called ANIMATION ENHANCEMENT
So whats the difference?
According to Peanits, Autoaim can help you hit a target, this means that it can make you hit a target you shouldnt have hit, because you werent aiming for it.
Animation Enchancement does not do that. It activates AFTER you press the attack button, and AFTER survivior is detected in the "attack zone" then it adjusts the attack animation to be aimed at the target, making it look smoother.
Then why am I missing hits?
Again, according to Peanits, unfortunately, Animation Enhancement, just like Autoaim can make mistakes when judging surviviors position, especially if the survivior is moving very fast (360s, DH, SB, etc) and it results in your character missing an attack that should have hit. It happens more often if you or the survivior has a bad internet connection.
So, what can I do to stop missing hits that should have hit?
Thank you for reading, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP CALLING IT AUTOAIM. Go to the Q&A thread NOW and change all that "autoaims" immediately.
@Peanits please correct me if I understood something wrong or explained it poorly.
The original explanation is in this thread (Peanits' comment):
There is no war in Ba Sing Se
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OMFG! I adored this comment!
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oh yes no auto-aim, maybe one of the biggest lie after shrine being completely RNG and out of their power.
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I never thought there was auto aim on PC, but I didn't doubt the possibility of it's existence on consoles.
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Yeah, its not auto aim, even though its a cone that registers if it will flick you to the survivor and its the reason why Legion is terrible on console. Along with the fact that randomly going to swing results in hitting walls instead of the survivor
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Yup. Just pay attention to the devs and you'd know these things already people.
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Please read the whole post. Everything is explained.
And no, shrine is not 100% RNG, its always:
- 2 survivior perks and 2 killer perks
- 2 free character perks and 2 paid character perks (auric or shards)
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they can call it whatever they want (last time was object detection or ######### like that), it's something that hinders the killer, that good survivors can manipulate and that should get deleted.
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I can give you two videos where my aim is clearly jerked to a Survivor behind me, when I was facing another Survivor in front of me.
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He is denying autoaim, not animation enhancement which is clearly the culprit.
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"there is no autoaim"
i played LA Noire and i know a Doubt when I see one
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Oh yes, of course. "Enhanced Animations."
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So... it's autoaim, but it doesn't work.
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Damn it
People cant even read 2 paragraphs of a highlighted text...
You are free to ask Devs about autoaim, but dont cry if devs reply with the same thing I posted here...
If you asked about Animation Enhancement, they would have admit that it makes people miss and that they should add an option to disable it.
Look at my question in the Q&A thread (one of the first) and see how its done.
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yeahhh... like how old freddy would lock on to the survivors who were not in the dream state even though you are aiming that those that are?
yeah...totally no auto aim.
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oh so it's autoaim with a different name? Got it.
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No, no, no. You missed the whole point.
Its an autoaim with a different name, that doesnt help you hit surviviors, instead it helps you miss surviviors or hit hooked bodies/window frames.
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It adjusts the animation to hit THE CLOSEST survivior. Apparently it does not matter is a survivior is hooked, awake, dead, undergound, in the sky, a ghost or if its your mom
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yeah so it auto aims for the closest survivor then.
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Like I explained above: you cant hit surviviors you cant hit. But if there is more than one survivior that can be hit, it will choose the closest.
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and that is just nonsense, 2 survivors infront of you, you aim for the one usually right infront but the camera swings left and you "hit" the one not even in the dream, you would have hit the one you were aiming for 100% if that other person was not there but the game auto aimed you to the other.
Auto Aim is just a thing nad its terrible.
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Whatever you choose to call it, it's still something in the game screwing with Killer's ability to play, and is easily taken advantage of by Survivors. I know when I play survivor. I slide in past the corner of a rock while in a chase, knowing that even though the killer should hit me - aim assist is going to register it as hitting the rock. Same with corners, tree's, and etc. I also know the 360 maneuver which is easy to get away with against any killer that isn't playing with a ms over 60.
As Killer It's annoying when I am looking at a survivor, and I intentionally don't swing yet, knowing all the survivor has to do is press A/D once, and my attack is just going to forcibly go into that corner even though I wasn't looking at it - just because they F1 a corner.
Don't even get me started on the fact that the "animation enhancement" even see's hooked survivors as targets. So when you are hitting someone who is performing an unsafe unhook, the feature forces you to hit the survivor on hook, through the survivor in front of you instead. Giving both survivors a free escape.
So yeah - tell Killer's to "get gud" in a game where every second matters, and they are forced to wait seconds because the game is broke, is dumb. They should fix their game, and be made aware of issues it has.
Post edited by NullEXE on7 -
Well thats why Im saying there should be an option to disable it in the settings.
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Thats just how it works, but thats not autoaim, at least not by Peanits' definition.
But I agree there should be an option to disable it in the settings.
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If it makes my hit connect when the center of my screen is not on the survivor, it;s auto-aim. To be clear I don't mean a giant ass cone in the center of my screen, I mean the point my cursor is on. Periot.
Also check the config, the option is literally called auto-aim
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I think I explained why it doesnt classify as autoaim.
And the "AimAssist" in the config file is a just a misdirection, its set to =false by default, and changing to =true does absolutely nothing.
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You didn't, in fact in the OP you basically just said "Peanits said it isn't auto-aim so it isnt"
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Thats not what I said. Read it again.
TL;DR: Autoaim makes you hit hits you shouldnt have hit AND (when it fails) it makes you miss hits you shouldnt have missed.
Animation Enhancement make your hits look better AND (when it fails) it makes you miss hits you shouldnt have missed.
So basically AE has the same downsides as autoaim (when it fails), except that when it works, it doesnt make your aim better, its just a graphical thing. Missed hits are real thing though, but it happens only when AE fails (dedicated servers lol)
TL;DR:TL;DR: Its not autoaim because it does not help you aim even when it works, but it can make you miss hits when it doesnt work
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Autoaim, Aim Assist, and "Animation Enhancement". Are all the exact same thing, they all are just doing the exact same thing. Peanits described it as "Animation Enhancement" to give people a better idea of why it exists, not because he wanted people to think it's different than an aim assist.
The purpose of it is to make attacking look more fluid. The issue it's making is that attacks are being manipulated outside of the Killers control. The dev's are aware of this (and have admitted it's an issue), just it's not something easily fixed.
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Mhm he didn't discount it, he just asked that you not tire the devs by repeatedly misnaming it.
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Autoaim can help you hit a target, this means that it can make you hit a target you shouldnt have hit, because you werent aiming for it
So, Autoaim = helps you hit your target
Animation Enhancement, just like Autoaim can make mistakes when judging surviviors position, especially if the survivior is moving very fast (360s, DH, SB, etc) and it results in your character missing an attack that should have hit.
Animation Enhancement = helps you miss your target = the opposite of Autoaim
So, what Dead by Daylight has isn't Autoaim, it's Anti-Autoaim. It's actually worse than Autoaim, because rather than helping killers hit targets, it causes them to miss targets they should have hit.
However, Autoaim in many games also helps you miss targets you should have hit, because if you try to track targets and aim for where they will be, Autoaim shoots at where they are instead, which causes the shot to miss.
So, since Autoaim can also cause hits to miss by making bad judgement calls, and since it's a lot shorter than "Animation Enhancement," isn't it easier to just call it Autoaim? (I'd also accept "Aim Assist." Because in general, if someone comes in reading about how "Animation Enhancement" causes killers to miss hits, they're not going to know what that means unless they're a forum regular. Meanwhile, "Autoaim" and "Aim Assist" are well known terms that mean nearly the same thing.)
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If you read Peanits' original comment then you can see they literally wrote a whole paragraph about why its not autoaim, as I called it in the title.
So again. Its not autoaim because it doesnt help you aim. If it does something that has impact on the gameplay then it one of two things:
- makes a good hit look better
- makes a hit a miss.
Its more of a "AimCounterAssist" than "AimAssist" becaise it helps you miss more than it helps you hit
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Animation Enhancement never causes missed hits to succeed
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-sigh- How about "Anti-Aim-Assist" then?
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If you really hate the name it really is(Animation Enhancement), maybe you should start a petition for the devs to rename it lol.
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I have no problem with calling it Autoaim for short, but devs seem sensitive about it.
So instead of giving them the argument: "BuT tHiS iS nOt AuToAiM" just call it Animation Enhancement as they want you to.
And yes, this term sounds confusing to new players, but at the same time it sounds so mysterious and ominous that those people repeat this term without knowing what it actually means.
And it works.
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Maybe I'm just that bad and hit every single button on my controller when I
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This is a very serious case of "Animation Enhancement wanting to hit the dead survivior"
Basically the dead survivior IS it the attack detection cone AND it also is the closest survivior. This is what causes the famed HOOK TECH to exist.
Your video is an extreme case, hitting a hooked survivior just before sacrice animation bugs the AE and makes it move your camera unnaturally upwards to attack the floating survivior. This doesnt happen normally, but thats how I doscovered that the Hook Tech doesnt really exist.
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either way it should f off, i can aim better without that ######### going off and deciding it wants to hit else where
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If it really wasn't auto aim, it wouldn't require and explanation. It really is that simple.
You can paint a horse with black and white stripes and call it a zebra till you're blue in the face.
In the end, it's still a horse.
Don't worry, I don't blame you for wanting the wool over your eyes. The world can be a scary place. It's a natural reaction and I empathize with you.
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haha it's just so silly, calling it "Animation Enhancement" to try to cover up what it's actually doing.
Yeah, reading comprehension. It surprises everyone. lol
"Animation Enhancement" doesn't sound ominous: it sounds like something helpful because of the word "enhancement." And it is helpful for the visuals, but it's detrimental to gameplay, the thing that really matters in a game. Because it has an effect on gameplay, and because that effect is negative, the name should indicate such.
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How did you know I couldn't read?
Regardless what you change the name too, it's still the same thing, and it's still causing the same problem. I don't even know why you attempted to come back at me with just repeating yourself, but I do enjoy games of Ring a Ring o' Roses.
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Animation Enhancement does sound positive, but if you start saying: "AE makes you miss hits", "AE is what makes 360s so bad" or "AE causes the damned Hook Tech", then it sounds like just some wierd ######### that does bad things. And thats what it is. Someting that enhances visuals at the cost of the gameplay.
People start calling it "Aim Enhancement" or just "whatever Adhskdkjdjs Enhjajdjjssk that makes me miss" and it already happened, just look at the Q&A thread.
Calling it "autoaim" may make it sound more negative, 1- but there people who dont believe in it, 2- it gives the Devs argument that its NOT AUTOAIM".
Just look at the linked thread.
I used word "AutoAim" in a clickbait way to gain views, Devs saw it, but all they did and say was an explanation that ITS NOT AUTOAIM. And they can do it again. Just because you are using a wrong term.
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Aim Assist helps you aim when it works
Aim Assist makes you miss when it doesnt work
Animation Enhahancement makes animation look better when it works
Animation Enhancement makes you miss when it doesnt work.
Do you see the difference now? Its very simple.
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You are splitting hairs OP. If it pulls my screen toward the direction of the survivor when I'm swinging then that sounds a lot like autoaim. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
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It doesn't work remotely like that
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It's auto-aim. Calling it something else does not change that fact.
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The thing is: it doesnt. Unless survivior is in your attack range, it does completely nothing.
I already explained the difference to the other guy:
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Aim Assist =~= Auto Aim
Aim Assist helps you aim when it works
Aim Assist makes you miss when it doesnt work
Animation Enhahancement makes animation look better when it works
Animation Enhancement makes you miss when it doesnt work.
Do you see the difference now? Its very simple.