Opinions: Most unfun killer to play as?
Spirit and the Stand Still To Mindgames.
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Use PWYF, you’ll not regret it. I love Mike and combined with that + some add ons, he’s deadly.
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I main Hag, but sometimes she is unfun, especially in maps with high grass and a lot of high structures because of her height. It is also frustrating to have someone in the game with a flashlight.
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Hag for me. Her gameplay is just trap setting simulator.
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Oni, Billy, Ghostface are all boring. Perhaps Oni is the most unfun of the lot.
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Well, I can't decide on just one. Trapper is up there, because he takes alot of set-up, and I hate how slow paced it is. I also don't like Bubba for how basic he is. Legion is unfun to play as also. If I had to pick just one, probably Trapper.
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Play with your food!
It increases your speed each time you let your Obsession escape. Up to 3 tokens.
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Hag or Nurse. Hag is 110%, and I have no clue how to use her traps and am always way too far away to teleport to them when someone triggers them. Nurse, especially on console for me, feels terrible, especially with the blink recharge.
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Hillbilly. It's dumb how he's the best of multiple killers and has so many built-in perks. Last time I bothered playing him in green/purple ranks for a daily, I 4K'd via slugging at 5 gens. Maybe I'd struggle now that Ruin is nerfed and I haven't played him in a long time.
Wraith and Legion are boring and I reroll their dailies as often as possible.
I got kinda demoralized first learning her, but that was before ANY of her buffs. With practice, and her new buffs, she's a little monster.
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Pig. You just hit mouse 2 to win. Traps put everyone out of position.
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Nurse killer is in desolate state filled with bugs, completely unfun, horrible to play.
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I hate playing Nurse- I can never figure out her blinks, she's the only killer that I would consistently derank with (my killers are usually red-purple rank depending, my Nurse would be below brown ranks.)
Playing against, the worst is a good Huntress. I've had Huntresses that can hit me from across the map at any moment (usually from the typical Huntress perks- BBQ, Bitter Murmur, etc.). Generally, probably Billy.