The SWF Bias

Can't wait to get hate for this...
Why are people so quick to jump on the SWF hate train? Anytime something happens in game that they don't like, someone goes off about "SWF Crutch" or "SWF OP" or "Toxic SWF".
I'm not denying that super sweaty SWF groups exist. Just like there are super sweaty Killers. But do you ever think that people just want to come home from work and hop online and play a game with their friends?
When I play Killer, I hope that I'm up against SWF. Why? Cause I know they're gonna be SUPER altruistic to save someone they know, rather than some random they matched up with. Just makes it easier for me to get points and kills. But, go off I guess.
The problem is the game was not and is still not balanced for all 4 survivors being in a group with voice chat. Hence why low-tier killers, and solo survivors can suffer in the current meta.
The devs themselves are even aware of the SWF-solo gap and yet here we are almost 4 years since the game was released and still the gap exists. People are frustrated the problem has existsed for so long, especially after they have a bad match involving SWF.
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I really don't know what the point of this thread is but as a survivor main it's very obvious how blatantly overpowered SWF is. I spent all my Sunday afternoon practically bullying killers cause I was playing with my friends and even though I never t-bag or do anything that could be considered toxic there was no way any of these killers could have won.
And we weren't even "sweating" we just play for fun but having spent just a few hours in the game just makes it so easy to play optimally. And before you say I must be a killer main for saying this I'm not. The reason I hate how OP SWF is is because I can't always play with friends and I know how frustrating and unfair it is to play solo compared to people who are together and not even on comms; just one steam message "killer is chasing someone else" is enough to give survivors a massive advantage.
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You sir have my upvote, I adore playing with my usuar SWF and as killer I never lobby dodge
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People have it in their minds only swf can play optimally as survivor. Spoiler Alert: playing survivor doesn't require much info or awareness to be played properly. If you watch Ussylis you'd see how little the difference can be between the two. I personally enjoy facing swf as killer because I play more sweaty builds (slug billy, anti-heal GF, Trapper's basement) and I enjoy a bit of a challenge. Sadly, survivors at red ranks aren't as skilled as they used to be, even swf.
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It doesn't require info or awareness but it sure does help. Even ussylis makes mistakes or misinterpretes situations due to lack of information, it's probably why he's always paranoid about being 3 gened.
As a killer on PS4 90% of my games involve a clear weak link or two on the survivors team, they could be solo or inexperienced but either way it's what gives me the edge. The other 10% being a full squad playing optimally giving me no chance.
Because its only 10% of the time that this happens, I'm not bothered by it and just move on to the next game.
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I guess that's true.
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Why is it that you never see BOND or Empathy in high ranked games? Why should they when they can tell each other where they are. Just one example of how outside communication means more than "just having fun".
This affects gameplay. By the way, the killer is over there hence hardly anybody but solo's take detection perks. Others use spine for the extra vaulting speed only.
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As true as this is as I was reading this I had a basement camping bubba with insidious. Would have never known that without my friend telling me. He had a 3k because the other 2 didnt know.
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People are not dumb they can distinguish between swf and solo by them perks and add ons and how organized their play was, problem is as a killer you can only gauge that mid-game by then it's hard to adjust your playstyle. It's like starting at an disadvantage playing as a killer. Before anyone say git gud/apply map pressure etc i'm red rank survivor and killer( threshold for red ranks ez)
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The problem with SWF is that they have 4 items, 4 offerings and 16 perks. And an ability to communicate. Good ######### luck.
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Because people mistake SWF for being good at the game. If 4 Potatoes are in an SWF, they are still 4 Potatoes. Sure, SWF always give an advantage, but 4 godlike Solo Survivors will give a hard time to a Killer anyway.
Playing in an SWF does not make some bad or mediocre Survivors godlike.
And well, its easy to blame SWF instead of your own incapability. Its not your fault that you lose, because you are not that good as you think you are, no, it must be SWF (even tho, those are 4 Solos you just lost to).
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It does not make them gods, but gives them an (UNFAIR) advantage. When Killers uses a bug to get unfair advantage, he gets banned. Same with surviviors. SWF get unfair advantage and are untouchable.
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Because SWF is not a Bug. Hard to believe that I actually have to say this.
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Like I said, its a way to get unfair advantage. Abusing bugs is one of them. Using cheats is other. Using comms is the same, just because its approved by devs doesnt mean its fair. And even SWF without comms has an advantage, because they know eachothers perks, offerings, items, playstyles, ranks and can plan their tactics beforehand. So thats why people dont like SWF.
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Weird flex, but okay.
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A sweaty SWF will trump any killer usually unless they throw because of super altruism.
Majority of SWFs are potatoes but at its highest level a similarly skilled killer will usually lose imo atleast.
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I'm all for playing with friends. It's the intention that is the problem. SWF is abused to the point of, "Let's just gen rush the killer and always know where he is and coordinate Head-ons and flashlight saves." And with all that confidence comes breathing room for toxicity. It was never meant to be like that, but here we are.
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But there's no indicator that says they're SWF, so it's just a guessing game whether to be sweaty or chill.
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*Flashbacks to the God Loop on Rancid Abattoir against a SWF* I've seen some things that no killer should have to see...
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How it works is, if a survivor plays well, they were obviously in a swf. There was nothing the killer could've done better, it's all SWF time
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The bias against swf is that the voice com gives a huge advantage, period. If you want to play swf without voice com, the way the game was intended, fine, go nuts. But if you need that advantage in a 4 vs 1 contest, maybe you should all take your own advice and "git gud". (Btw, that's sarcasm.)
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The real question is, for people who are complaining about it, what can be done?
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More of a reason to have a solo queue for killers, then people like you can queue for swf and people like me can play solo. Everyone gets what they want. People are only scared of this option because the vast majority do not want to play swf.
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When somebody loses badly its much easier to chalk it down to 'I played against a super sweaty swf' rather than accept that they got outplayed. Doesn't apply to all cases, but I do believe it applies to most
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People will blame SWF even when it isn't because they need an excuse to make themselves feel better about how they played. Period.