Super hard achievement for Hag

Animator Member Posts: 372
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Get this achievement is unrealistic. Whether I play with or without add-ons - it doesn’t matter, the game just doesn’t allow to achieve this achievement. I can’t get rainbow emblems in all categories.

At Hag, at high ranks this is not possible. Survivors merging in the first minute on a hook or simply exit the game.

Even when I don’t camp anyone, because I try to get tokens for Devouring Hope. Make the conditions for obtaining such achievements - killing 4 survivors.

And it doesn’t matter if they left the game or not, if you killed one survivor, and the other three left the game, then the achievement is still issued.

Even if you didn’t get 2 pip but killed four survivors, you still get the achievement.

This is the only achievement I have not received. I have already completed all the other achievements (except for the achievement where everyone needs to jump into the hatch)


  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    It used to be get 4 kills to get Adept Killer achievements, I'm not sure why they made it harder despite certain killers like Plague making it hard to get their Adept achievement.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    i can feel your pain, you should've tried to get adept hag before ruin was nerfed cuz hag needs some time early game and none of her perks offer that anymore, she's a 110% killer which mean wack map pressure unless you place traps, place traps and whoop.. 5 gens done. next ranks reet is in a few days, maybe stop trying to get it now and wait until you get to green ranks cuz it's easier to get merciless killer the lower your rank is

  • SeducedByDaemonette

    Just keep trying til you get it

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,354

    You are rank 7 so most of your games are going to be against rank 1s and 2. Personally I would leave it until matchmaking becomes a bit more sensible.

    I'd never have thought that this would become a difficult achievement, but without the old Ruin, its almost like running perkless.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Anyone trying to get Adept Killer achievements at high ranks has my sympathy. I dislike saying it, but sometimes your ONLY chance to get them is to purposefully derank, get it on low ranks, then get back up where you belong.

    If they made it so that 4 Kills = Achievement, then this would not be necessary. The way emblems get scored for Killers though, makes it almost impossible at high ranks. Survivors just have to escape, so it makes sense for all the Adept Killer achievements to be a 4k. Not sure why they haven't changed it yet though. Pretty frustrating for people who want the virtual shinies.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,503

    I have been saying it quite often: 4 Sacrifices. This would be ideal, nobody can "cheat" this with a Mori, to make it super-easy, but it does not get harder, only because you are playing on a higher Rank.

    I have been thinking about playing a lot of Basement Bubba to get to Rank 9 before Rank Reset, to end up in yellow Ranks and to try the Adepts I am missing. But honestly, this should not be a solution. Not only is it hard to play some Killers with only their 3 Teachables, often enough the Emblem-System is not helping at all with this.

    The problem is not so much that you face higher ranked Survivors, this is obviously a factor, but not the one that is most frustrating. The most frustrating part is that it gets artificially harder, because you need better Emblems. It does not make any sense at all that an Achievement is easier to obtain at low Ranks. Especially for those Killers who get punished for using their Power with a low(er) Chaser Emblem.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I got adept hag before the ruin nerf, luckily. Like with other killers, you might have to not play her properly and charge over to the survivors at the start of the match and start interfering with them instead of setting up. You'll want to run nastier addons then those yellow ones, or possibly even the ones that stop her teleporting but make her 115, with a map offering for the meat plant which is small and has some semi-decent totem spots. Also you don't want devour hope to survive too long. Long enough to make them panic and get off gens to look for it is ideal but too many instadowns will hurt your chances, and no moris obviously.

    Ultimately you might have to derank.

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2020

    I got all the adepts with the current system in low rank. Hag being one of the easiest with less skilled survivors.

    So you should really consider a derank...

    EDIT : in low ranks (green and lower), the conditions to double pip are also easier to achieve

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,880

    The Devs already said they never changed the achievements. They still require a Merciless Victory like they did 3 years ago.

    The conditions for a Merciless Victory got changed, automatically making them harder without even changing the achievement.

    We can hope they change the conditions to "sacrifice all 4 Survivors using only the 3 teachable perks"