Killers Getting Bullied

Disclaimer: I'm going to start by saying I'm a rank 3 Killer and a rank 6 Survivor, so I understand both sides of this game. If you're a salty whiny survivor that doesn't care to get actual skill, go ahead and Alt+F4 before reading this. If you're willing to take in what I have to say and possibly provide some good counterargument, enjoy the post.
So recently (I mean within the past 6 months or so), Killers have been getting bullied over and over again. As a killer main, I feel like by the time I get my first down, the survivors have been able to easily complete 2 gens. So I'm about 8% done with my objective while survivors are roughly 40% done (yes, I know Tru3Ta1ent has been discussing this recently too). Usually, I get one kill and will have to camp for a possible 2nd kill, which ends up bringing me closer to depip. The recent "balance" changes to rank and the Hex:Ruin nerf have only made killers weaker as well. DC'ing survivors are only a detriment to rank, and it happens so often that I don't think there are any actual real punishments for it.
Here's what I propose to make the game a little more balanced, and funner for killers that have to go through what I feel:
Generators: Up the charges on generators from 80 charges to 100 charges.
A single chase usually takes around 100 seconds to finish, but that doesn't include time to find survivors or transport time to the hook. Even with a toolbox, that'll go 90 seconds assuming no great skill checks are hit. This speed isn't significantly slower, but added up among the 5 gens, it makes a huge difference to the killer.
DC'ing: Double depip anyone who DC's, both survivor and killer, and give rank value to everyone when someone DC's.
It happens way too often with SWF that can change a well-played killer from a double pip to a no pip. True, everyone gets bloodpoints when this happens, but the decrease in rank because some crybaby survivor decided he didn't like getting punished for playing worse than another is mind racking. I think giving even a 10% points in both sacrifice and chaser will be plenty suitable to ensure that I'm not decreasing rank for playing well.
Chases: Reward killers for completing chases quickly.
Afterall, this is the job of the killers. If I end a chase in 10 seconds because the survivor was lousy, why should I get punished? It drives me nuts every time I end a quick chase and nearly depip because I didn't make sure the survivor felt like he/she did well by playing like crap. A well-finished chase should reward killers much more than a longer chase.
Rotten Fields and Fractured Cow Shed: Rework it to make it less corny.
Not a single killer besides Billy and sometimes Oni like these maps. I love Rancid Abattoir because the corn is sparse enough that although it's still hideable, it's such a small portion of the map that I won't lose someone for too long in it. However, RF and FCS are basically 60% corn, with viable looping along the entire outside. It's way too easy to hide and lose killers here.
Thanks for reading this. If you agree/disagree, feel free to reply.
All off that sounds good the one thing i would look at changing is the DC people will use it as a way to derank themselves to a lower rank maybe add on that they can only derank so far due to DC, otherwise you will have red rank survivors using that to derank to bully low rank killers and killers doing it to vs low rank survivors.
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i have no issue applying extreme pressure as clown.
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So in my opinion in each category.
Generators: The charge time increase from 80 to 100 sounds great. Only if they don't change toolboxes. Depending on how they change toolboxes would making the time to do it, seem to drag.
DCing: It is so stupid that a person would dc for any reason except for emergencies. This punishment seems fine. The person who DCs depips, meanwhile the others (Killer and Survivor) should get the DC bonus and get a safety pip guaranteed.
Chase: I think this is fair, if the chase music starts. However this can be debated if that is a chase or not. You should get something extra for ending it early.
Maps: I do agree that maps need to change and these ones too. The Devs might start the next rework map on the one, most picked from the survey. So this map might not be next but soon it will change.
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No offense but how are you rank 3 if you can barely manage 2 kills? I don't have an issue getting 2kills let alone 3
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Lul, survivor mains be like
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Gen times and toolboxes are currently getting reviewed anyway. Aside for the corn thing all of your other suggestions revolve around the emblem/pip system, which is getting scrapped, so you might as well re-name this thread to "Reduce corn density in the coldwin farms." or something like that.
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helevetin_hidas ei tainnu iha ymmärtää meemiä.
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Always use NOED. They end gens fast without breaking totems now.
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So what are you gonna do when they slow down gens (according to your idea) and all those slow down builds become a nightmare?
Some of them are borderline too much.
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I'm a fan of the idea of generators taking longer to repair in the beginning and gradually becoming faster to repair as the match goes on. I feel like on the dc situation it should be a timer to make it to where no one depips, maybe if someone dc's 3 minutes into the match no one loses rank so it can't be abused too hard. And those coldwind farm maps, they're the real killer when it comes to DBD. Every time I load into cowshed I start getting flash backs, between the insane amount of pallets and the corn.
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So you say that you get bullied, because the Survivors do Gens?
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About rotten fields and fractured Cowshed: you're wanting the wrong things to be changed. The corn is the least of a killer's concern on those maps. The worst thing is the sheer size, and tile generation that can make some disgusting setups where it's next to impossible to catch a survivor running them. Not to mention the infamous coldwind loops that are scattered through these maps. Survivors can see over them, meaning they're impossible to mindgame and they're also so big and tall enough that killers like Huntress can't do anything about them. It's just a hold W experience.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
This was not my point.
But Killers tend to call things "bullying" which are part of the game. Like doing the Objectives.
So OP was not bullied at all, he just lost. Maybe he is at a too high rank, who knows.
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I think there's a slight misunderstanding. Of course the size is the big problem, which is generated by the corn. I just entertained the idea that by getting rid of corn would make the map smaller as well. Of course I'd like to see a few more loops in the center of the map rather than all outside (especially with the sheer amount of good loops that "randomly" appear) as well, but I figured the corn was a great place to at least start the changes.