Do you want the next chapter to be licensed or original?

Original all the way. These are the best/more interesting killers
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But that's what I'd like, not necessarily what I'd want.
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I'd prefer original since they're great at making killers, but I'd be fine with either
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I would like something from Resident evil to be added but original wouldn't be that bad. If it came with some original new ability. (not like Oni, we already have a instadown killer with movementspeed, also oni is a Billy with some extra steps)
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Original 100%
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Licensed myself, whilst yeah they get more creative freedom with original characters, theres creativity when you're hit with the limitations of a licensed character. Cant just add jason and have him be able to sprint everywhere etc.
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i love original chapters they are much better then licensed ones for me
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If I can't have Friday13th, I'll take Hellraiser....but that's doubtful too sadly.
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Original, I’d like to see another non human killer.
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Original. I think the killers are more interesting and fun and not limited to running every change through contract negotiations. Plus some of the cosmectics for the killer and survivor can be purchased with shards as well as the killer/survivor. With licensed characters everything has to be purchased.
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I'll always prefer original, but the preference is pretty minimal.
I just like something completely fresh.
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that just does not make any sense, both are made up characters, you cant possible call one more or less interesting.
That said usually movie characters are far more fleshed out then the characters in dbd
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Neither. I'd be very happy to see the devs skip one or two chapters to focus on game stability and balance and not rush new content every 3 monts, cause apparenty with every new major patch, there are game breaking bugs so best to improve the code before adding more stuff.
If they really want to throw new content, so far on release original content were always the better than licenced.
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Original, mostly cause I’d love a mermaid/siren killer and as far as I’m aware there aren’t any horror mermaids iconic enough for the dbd devs to pursue a license for.
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Original killers are always more interesting to me, the licensed killers are put in to just draw in new players imo.
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80% of the perks are useless compared to meta, 70% of the killers can't do well against coordinated teams, solo survivors suffer from matchmaking ang bad teammates, the balance of keys and moris, bugs, no new objectives, broken maps...
Do we REALLY need another chapter?
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Original.. more freedom with the killer's power and aesthetic.. increases availability of cosmetics that can be bought with shards as well
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I always prefer originals.
They give the devs more leeway in design and they're much more likely to get cosmetics.
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I was reading this and was like "how would a mermaid even look when it's 'walking'?".. then I thought of how Nurse floats.. mermaid could 'float' on a small layer of water.. that'd be cool
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Original all the way. You see more unique characters that way, and their powers are usually interesting. Licensed characters are great too, but we've all seen a vast majority of them and we know how they work, and to me, it's a little bland seeing it again, just in a game instead.
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Always original. There is no licensed Character which is somewhat interesting to me. Also the original Chapters are better than the licensed ones, except Halloween.
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What good licensed killers do we have? Myers, Ghostface (similiar) and Demo (a bit).
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Always orginal
And with a completely new power that uses status effects. Like plague or doctor because they are my favorite. I dont want it to be another chainsaw or "stealth" killer
Maybe someone with a secondary locker teleport or locker traps so lockers are more killer involved then hatchet storage
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Licensed. Pinhead must be in the game!
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Licensed, if it'll be Pennywise or another inhuman character.
Perhaps, it could be a combination; original and licensed. An alien that could take the form of Pennywise, the actual Alien from the films and a host of other forms that could be original.
So, yes, a combination of original and licensed for The Alien where whichever form you take influences the Perks that you get.
Just like The Legion, just a lot more varied and unique.
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I like both but, origina will always be my favourite. Also the big thing i like from original is that you ca customise their outfit while lincenced is strictly bound to movies therefore it get's little bouring.
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I would prefer original becuz indeed BHVR do hella badass killers but if tgey release xenomorph or jason would be great 👍 Btw im sure next chapter will be original 🤷🏻♂️
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Licensed. Give us a Resident Evil or Alien chapter thank you very much.
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Original don’t get me wrong I want them to do more licenses like pinhead or even Jason one day..but I do enjoy there original stuff
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Original, It allows more freedom for the Developers and most of there original killers created so far were creative and interesting.
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I think xenomrph would the the worst thing done ever. I mean it's a horror not syfy, xeno kinda kills it.
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Next killer will be on the 18/25th latest and will be original which im glad for, however for future licensed killers id like hellraiser ones (can be like legion different skin same power) or probably Marcus from underworld as a vampire hybrid would be pretty cool to see
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Since it might be a wall smashing character, I want it to be Jason. That's basically his signature thing is plowing through walls.
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I'd love to see more original characters, so far they've been good. But I would like to see some licensed characters too. Like the Xenomorph from Alien along with Ripley as the Survivor and the Nostromo as the map. The original Alien movie is a horror movie so I think it would fit perfectly.
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