"Gens are flying, this is not his problem"

Yes guys, saltiest SWF on DbD said me after getting smacked by Noed that I'm a noob for using it and gen speed is not my problem.
Ok boomers.
Ok indeed. Isn't it a bit salty of you to start a thread about it? Gg and go as they say.
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Who cares.
Don't limit yourself based on others approval. You owe them nothing. You should only ever limit yourself to what you find fun. This is a game, not a job.
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I wanted to share here cuz of how much it's hilarious indeed
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Yes it is hilarious you shared it here. We had such a funny discussion about it π
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It's not as interesting as you think. I'm with the guy who was confused as to why you thought making a post about it adds any value
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Exactly, you are not playing to provide fun for opposite side, you are playing for YOUR fun so play any style you like, if you like NOED, tunnel, camp, just do it. Survivors will not ask you if they can gen rush or voice comm. They dont care about killers fun you dont have to care about their π
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Then don't bother commenting on it if you don't even find it worth your time
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I just "ggwp" and close the chat now as Killer.
I keep the chat open to flame other survivors who try to bm killers now as Survivor.
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Yeah I used to hate noed but it's kinda needed now with how fast gens go I just run detectives hutch and cleanse all the totems so they cant ever get it scenes especially a time like this I expect it 90% of the time
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The gens seem to go even faster than before the ruin changes (even when I didn't run it because I don't like Hexes), so I just bring it on killers that I'm not great on just because I predict it's going to be necessary.
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Why comment if it's not worth your time? Why even read it?
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He can do whatever he wants tho. Im guessing your a survivor main? Holding M1 for the win so much skill.
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By that logic the survivors can also do what they want.
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The forum is filled with this kind of posts and sometimes you can't tell if they are worthwhile or not before you actually read them. With this one I took the time to do it and it didn't pay off, so I expressed my displeasure. I'm surprised I actually have to explain this.
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You must be in a bad mood today.
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What makes you say that?
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Making a thread about some random swf? Why :/
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Playing both sides makes a lot of that go away.
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Exactly. Do everything you can to make sure the other four people playing have the worst time possible. Make sure they never want to play this game again! We don't need people playing this game. Screw this game! Yeah! Anarchy! Burn it all down!
Oh... Wait no... That's only how you think if you're a bit touched in the head. Pretty sure you lot don't want queue times for killers going like they go on new chapter ptbs. Maybe don't try to go out of your way to make the game as miserable as possible for your opponents. That goes for killers and survivors alike.
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Your 10 ply bud . Being called a noob is nothing compared to other things that have been said
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Majority of your posts are negative.
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Hmm I guess you're right
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I dont think youre a noob. But just like insidious, you know what you did. And also like insidious. Its just kinda frowned upon. The biggest part about noed people dont like is because in the situations that its a relevant (ie most games the generators are completed) is people have wasted a perk slot to not make you do any better but gate one person from possibly ranking up. Cause the only time noed gets any real value is when stupid survivors run back in. Or when the gates soawn close together and the killers patrolling them intensely. So all this perk effectively do is gatekeep in a really ######### manner. Noed is not a perk that compliments skill. Its a back up to ######### over who ever is unlucky enough to end up on the other side of your m1. Like i said earlier. Its not really good cause any sensable survivors will just leave while youre hooking them or crawl out if youre slugging. It doesnt really help a killer do anything except kill and usually only helps them get one kill. Which from what ive heard from killers, one kill isnt enough to pip up so once again reiterating. Youre wasting a perk slot that could help you do something, anything at all, to be a dick to one person. Which if you just got "gen rushed" like all the noed warriors argue for, one kill isnt going to compensate for the giant gap in what you need to rank up. I dont think its a good perk. I dont think it helps killers get better. I actually think it makes them worse since they wont ever learn to properly patrol gens in a time efficient way cause '######### it ill just get them with noed' it doesnt stop survivors 95 percent of the time it doesnt help at all. And it while youre scooping up the single kill you get. The survs are escaping so... Yeah. Theres that.
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My boi, killers like you, me and other do whatever we want, anywhere, anytime, these survivors are just jealous because of how powerful we are becoming, this war for NOED will never end and we will keep fighting till the END!!
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Your post did motivate me to log on, and piss survivors off today by facecampslugging peeps :) <3
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Why does ranking up matter if lvl 15 killers play red ranked survivors constantly? Usually when Ive used noed It never gets any effect because I get the 4K before it can activate or I down the last guy on the gate when they clearly werenβt going to get out anyways. This is why I stopped using it but I believe itβs a good perk for beginners.
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How to be bullied on the internet:
Express an opinion. Wait.
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I feel so good when this happens in my games