Patch 3.5.2´s Genrush/speed Meta into DS+BT+DH = Developer´s fail

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

topic says all,

in my opinion it´s the fail from the devs. Genrush/speed Meta into Decisive Strike & Borrowed Time in combination with Deadhard is a big problem at the momend. Im talking about specially to the Red ranks. It doessn´t matter how good you play with your Killer and it doesn´t matter too wich perks or add ons you use. You can´t do enough pressure, if the survivors listen what they do. One chase 3 Gens done is a bad game experience. With the Emblem System, kills only are bringing you not forward. You depip or maybe blackpip, because the games are going to fast and i can´t believe, that the devs are happy with this situation at the momend. Now i understand why so much killer´s stop playing at the momend.

The pip system is outdated, thats my opinion !

Change or bring a complete new rankingsystem with other elements to motivate killer´s more to play or change some other stuff. A hidden MMR system can´t never work in this game and ofc it´s not enough.

I was rerolling from killer to survivormain and i was rly surprised, how easy it is to survive with all that meta perks. There´s no motivation or reason to change theese perks because they works very well. True, you had longer Qtimes but hey... i can deal with it, that´s not the problem. Nerf killer´s to the ground and destroy the game experience from killers more devs, i don´t care anymore !

Gens are flying... devs said, they want to make focus on second objectives like totems ? forget it, cause totems get ignored by good survivors and if not, it´doesn´t matter on wich place the devs they hide. With all that aurareading perks and map addons, they are very easy to find.

I love to be a survivor main right now. Finally no more stress and very ez to play.

sry for my bad english grammatic


p.S: poooooor killer´s ...

Post edited by PNgamer on


  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477
    edited February 2020

    That leads into a whole other discussion, whether or not DBD is competetive. I fully believe that DBD is a competetive game, and seeing it being balanced for casuals and newbies makes me sad :( There are certain moments when they go for competetiveness, but I think they have to take a side and stick with it, you won't satisfy both camps bhvr.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    I also dislike second changes perks, but without them would the forums be flooded now with survivors threads that cry for better perks and nerf killers (ok, even with second changes perks, they still do it, but not at the same rate imo).

    I don't think there is a way back, -back to a normal gameplay without those perks in every match - and I even go so far, to wish me more of those perks - just so that we see there more variety, instead of always the same perks.

    Survivors complaining at the moment that they in nearly every match see a doctor. They can be happy imo, that they don't see in every match the same perks. If the first one already bores them - by the second one they would die on boredom.

    I think it's the best to accept the existince of such perks and the metas of it, because it will not be changed I assume and only going worse.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    1 Gen solo is around 80 seconds. So, 3 survivors on 3 seperate gens is not a gen-rush. It's survivors doing their objective, while one was chased or wandered around. The issue isn't genrushing, its the fact killers can't pressure every gen all at once

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Not being able to pressure gens is a game issue, not a killer issue. Either the map is too big, or you injure the survs and they hop back on. You can't chase them all at once, but the game acts like you should

  • kidmaxx
    kidmaxx Member Posts: 57

    That's the stupid thing about it. If survivors do what they're supposed to do the game flys by.

    Oh, and if you down them fast to go pressure other gens? LOL no chaser emblem for you

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Why do you want gen speeds nerfed? "They go too fast"

    But you still win right? "They were potatoes and they still got so many gens done"

    You do know 4 or 5 gens should pop per game because 2 survivors can only escape when the gens are all done? "No this is unfair because 2 kills is a depip at red ranks"

    Do you know you're not entitled to be at top skill class unless you perform extraordinarily? "Now you're just harassing me, no more questions"

    Just a little imaginary discussion I thought might fit here 😁

  • Yes, we know that some players suffer against great swf squads.

    Yes, we know some killers really learn there's a massive difference between the survivors in purple and early red ranks and those that can stay at rank 1-2.

    Yes, we know that crappy tradesmen always blame their tools.

    We also know, that 2 gens popping quickly isn't really that devastating, not ideal, but not game over. Instead of crying about survivors doing their objective, cry about your complete lack of ability to play the role you play as, and complete your objective. It's not suppose to be easy at the highest ranks, in any game. Can you imagine modern warfare players complaining that they get brutally butt ######### by their opponents, so they must make the game easier for them??

    If you start to adjust the game to make things easier at the higher level, it trickles down elsewhere. I never hear about gen rush at purple and lower ( which is where most of the player base is at), so maybe set your site's to where your skill level is really at, rather than sweating into a rank you actually can't play in.

    Hard to swallow pills-

    Killers aren't entitled to easy 4ks in every game.

    Survivors aren't entitled to hatches, escapes, not being tunnelled.

    You either win or you learn.

    Stop crying about it

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    He fails to mention the dozen or so noob mistakes he makes in the beginning and he stil 4k'ed the match. Cry a river man.

  • Darkest_Ninja66
    Darkest_Ninja66 Member Posts: 3

    I have uninstalled this game for the meantime. It was fun but now I feel like I have these issues. I am going to take my leave of this game.

    My issues

    1: toxic killers/Survivors/Teammates

    2: game crashing after every match with a friend

    3:it take forever to find a match or a good one for that matter.


    Dead by Daylight

    It was good while it lasted

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    I hate running these perks but it's a prerequisite because of the tunneling & camping that happens nearly every match.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    What if I tell you that some survivors play without or just random perks (they picking them random from their menu page)?

    I know, we can't compare those survivors to every other survivor, but still it shows, that it is possible.

    I am a newb survivor as example, but I would prefer to die a thousand times before I one time touch dh, ds, bt, or adrenaline and even in my killer games, I don't use any slow down perks or noed^^ and I am just average there in my opinion.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    random perks only ?, that to much rng

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    I'm playing more survivor lately for the tomes and almost every match we get 2/3 gens done before the first hook. Red rank solo queue also.

  • poli
    poli Member Posts: 34

    there is no such thi g as gen rush

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    It's clear, survivors win so easyily that a lot of main killers don't want to play . I believe it is the main reason of bad matchmaking and long time to find a game, I'm main survivor and it's to easy escape that I'm starting to get bored. since the developers removed the ruin the game is no longer the same

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2020

    As "Levitika" says:

    Did some testing with a friend; using any toolbox with Scraps, Wire Spool, and Streetwise, a single Survivor can get a generator to between 50-60% in the span of 20-30 seconds. With a Commodious Toolbox, Wire Spool, Brand New Part, and Streetwise, you can get it to over 75% in that time. Doing the math, toolboxes now allow single Survivors to repair faster than two survivors without items. This is absolutely ridiculous; paired with the sabotage changes, Killers are now weaker than ever and finishing four generators simultaneously can now be accomplished in 46 seconds.

    With or without Toolbox: The Genrush second chance Meta is Live and the Devs are only watching......

    The new Sabbotage ? It feels like a bullysimulator

    changing the toolboxes is def. not enough and it takes years to fix it, specially on red ranks ? same with the pipsystem. Its Outdated Devs since alooong time.