The art of the triple tunnel

Make peace with the entity, survivors. It may not have worked out this time, but my powers will only grow. Soon I will be tunnelling all four of you from the start of the trial onwards.
Nah but seriously when do queue times get sorted out so I can play the role that doesn't make me want to chew off my own fingers?
"DoNt GuArD tHe HoOk"
"Ds Is AnTi TuNnEl OnLy!"
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I laugh but it's painful to watch. Demonstrates the issue with DS quite well. You were screwed no matter what you did there.
The sad part is in reality you got off easy. They would have normally also all had BT thrown in as well.
So unbalanced.
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Possibly a record for getting ds three times in that amount of time lol
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This is ridiculous and all too common. The balance team is on par with Roger Gooddell and Congress.
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Can't deny, that really hurt a bit, even though i predicted the 3rd stab.
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The sad thing is the devs see zero problem with this.
sHoULD'Ve APpliED mORe PreSSurE
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DS isn't broken, what is broken is that you managed to hook 3 Survivors in that amount of time that allowed DS to work! MUST NERF KILLER'S ABILITY TO HOOK THAT FAST!
Seriously though... Self-Care is the #1 most used Perk. Yeah....
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Welcome to the trials, we've got fun and games
We got everything you want honey, we know the devs
We are the fog people that can find whatever you may need
If you got the blood points, honey we got your decisive strikes
Trials, welcome to the trials
Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees
Uh I, I wanna watch you bleed!
Welcome to the trials, we take it dead by daylight
If you want it you're gonna bleed but it's the price to pay
And you're a very toxic surv, very dead hard to please
You can taste the flash lights, but you won't get there for free
In the trials, welcome to the trials
Feel my, my, my no one escapes death
Uh, I, I want to hear you scream
Welcome to the trials, it gets worse here everyday
You learn to live like an sweaty animal in the trials where we play
If you got a swf team for what you see, you'll take it eventually
You can have anything you want, but you better not take it from me
In the trials, welcome to the trials
Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees
Uh oh, I'm gonna watch you bleed
And when you're high, you never
DS will bring you so down, so down, so down, yeah!
You're gonna eat ds, adrenaline and bt for all internettyyyyyyy
In the trials, welcome to the trials
Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees
In the trials, welcome to the tirals
Feel my, my, my, my decisive strike
In the trials, welcome to the trials
Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees
In the trials, welcome to the trials
Watch it how ds bring you to your, it's going to bring you down, till you entity displeased.
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Why not just make it 1 DS active at a time?
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Hmmm? How?
Only 1 person can be tunneled at a time right? So as soon as new DS activates, the old deactivates.
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DS shouldn't be active during EGC. Literally nothing the killer above could've done, I don't understand how survivor mains can defend this aspect of ds.
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Ds till the end baby :D
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This is why the devs donโt take suggestions from the community ๐
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This video is exactly why I take care of DS as early as possible
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That's the most crutch thing ever.
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DS is balanced btw
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Tired of getting DS'd? Here's an idea..."Stop Tunneling and Git Gud".
I mean hell, they might have all gotten away... But at least you got Brutal Killer and not Entity Displeased. You could have gotten 1 or 2 of them, but you got greedy and lost all 4. You took a risk, and you lost. Learn from it and move on.
(Perhaps after Steve escaped/you hooked the second survivor/downed the third, you should have left the third on the ground and chased down 4th. The one on the ground may have crawled out the exit, but you could have possibly prevented that last Survivor from unhooking the other. Either way, you take a risk. It's up to you to analyze the situation and decide the best course of action.
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The killer played alright, now that you've seen the video you know what the best approach was so that irrelevant. Most importantly, he wasn't tunnelling
The survivors on the other hand didn't put any thought into escaping because of DS immunity and were rewarded for it.
DS shouldn't work during EGC imo.
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The idea that ds is only to stop tunneling is the problem here.the perk was nerfed and the idea is now you may never get to use it where as before you pretty much were guaranteed a use.ds is strong but that doesnt mean ######### about killer you have strong perks and on some really strong hag you can teleport which in it self is strong.stop trying to make your life easy and everyone elses harder.
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Watching that hurt me. This video shows exactly why second chance perks shouldn't activate in the endgame.
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It was at this moment that community knew, devs ######### up..
Damm it hurt to see all those DS, I feel you buddy.
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This is Art! love it!
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What in the actual ######### are you talking about?
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Queue times will not be sorted until killer is buffed and more enjoyable to play. Right now most people only play survivor and queues suck
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Working as intended. Devs need their number one customers to feel all powerful at all times.
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My back is sore, it feels like I'm having a shard of glass being shoved into my back thrice hmm empathy is an interesting emotion.
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Have you tried just going for the unhooker instea of the freshly unhooked? No no, not THAT unhooker, the OTHER unhooker... What do you mean they ALL have DS active at the same time and can now just nosedive the exitgate because even if you slug, they'll crawl out?
In all seriousness though, moments like this are just rough to watch. This is why some people will purposefully eat the DS early so it doesnt pop up at endgame...which isnt really a fair counter IMO. Thats like saying the counter to enduring/spirit fury is to stun the killer to use their spirit fury up NOW so they wont have it for the NEXT pallet.
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Yes because that's not abusable by swf at all. Not to mention the fact that end game altruism leads to nothing but more points for both sides. But yeah, let's give killers more power in endgame :))
(99ing gens to proc DS, something like that)
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How WOULD that be abuseable by SWFs? Serious question.
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Yeah I get rid of it early on if given the opportunity (jumping into lockers/doing gens in front of me etc) but these lot saved theirs, healed up and stayed out of my way after being unhooked. Sensible of them.
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I'll gladly yank someone from a locker if they do that, im just saying "Just eat it" isnt a fair "counter". If someone jumps into a locker while im chasing them, I'm gonna yank them out as opposed to some people who just walk away at that point. Why would I let you stay in that locker when walking away is giving you the same exact benefit of using your DS, only your now keeping it while possibly healing up with inner strength and prepping a head-on, lol? Nah, you get yanked out and you better not have been trying to bluff having DS.
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To be fair the killer did misplay...they could've gotten their kill still if they didn't greed the DS from the Kate. Even after that, the killer still had a chance at looking for the unhooker. This video makes sense to me: playing bad/brainless = bad results. Simple, no?
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:( Honestly I'd forgotten I even hooked the Kate. The last few minutes of the game were pretty fast-paced.
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Yea it's ok...I guess it wouldn't hurt if survivors weren't allowed to use DS to rush exit gates and put pressure on the killer. Happy compromise?
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I'm happy with anyone giving me advice on things I could've done instead, I'd like to avoid this scenario happening again, obv. There was the other meg as an option but like the kate I didn't know when I last hooked her. I guess paying more attention to who I've hooked and when but I'm not sure I can countdown multiple 60sec timers in my head while trying to do everything else. ๐
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Maybe, I'm not sure what the solution is. I still support DS as an anti-tunnel perk, being tunnelled is grim especially with survivor queue times being what they are.
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@Peanits ^
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I've always said the same, that I have no problem with the perk acting as an actual anti-tunnel. Thats one reason why I've never really had a problem with BT personally. BT's timer is short enough that its unlikely to be protecting someone who I stumble across working on a gen or cleansing a totem.
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If this is the level of play all the GeN rUsH iS a ThInG, DeCiSiVe StRiKe Is OvErPoWeReD players talk about? Haha you deserved to get a 4 man escape.
4 survivors still alive at the end, I mean wow, you sweating into a rank you can't play?
You pick up a survivor, that intentionally baited you for the DS hit. I will mitigate this with being unsure as to how long he had left on his DS timer, but I will guess it wasn't that long.
You then down the next survivor, great! Then down the recently unhooked survivor, who was also baiting you for their DS hit.
You then proceed to hook her, right next to the gate! With another hook option further away or just slug her a little further away.
You then took the other survivors quite obvious DS strike, though tbf, there wasn't really many good options for you at this point, regarding Kate, but picking her up was just stupid as it gave time for the 4th survivor to unhook the survivor on the hook you just put her on.
You then down and pick up the survivor that was literally unhooked 5 secs ago....with quite obvious repurcussions.
The other survivor breezes past you, customary thanks for being a nooby killer teabag.
Where as, I would have left sailor boy with his ######### flashlight skills on the ground. Downed the meg and the Kate, would mostly likely have slugged the meg at some point between the back of the mound and the further hook. I would have then gone back for meg 2, who would have either been trying heal sailor boy or ######### around, depending on his proximity to the exit, I would hit meg 2 or picked up sailor boy, hooked him/slugged him other side of the mound. Maybe meg 2 would have stayed close to meg 1/sailor boy to heal/rescue them, leaving you open to the possibility of downing her too. You turned a very potential end game 3 kills, although definitely 1 kill, into a 4 man escape, thanks to your own bad decisions.
Survivors are only as overpowered as how crap the killer is.
Also, what the ######### was that perk loadout?
Chew your own fingers to the bone, they don't deserve to be holding your playstation pad.
Jokes, I wouldn't have done any of that, those survivors would have died long before the gate was open.
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Make it so only one DS can be active at a time.
So basically add an effect like this to DS:
Upon activation, deactivates every Decisive Strike currently active in current trial.
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Okay, maybe not the friendliest response but I appreciate the input regardless ๐
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As much as I want to hate this does fit the theme DS should have: "You tried to have me, but I ain't that easy bucko". Having more than 1 active just sounds very odd to me tbh.
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"Sweating into a rank you cant play" ######### does that even mean lmao.
The problems here are
- DS should deactivate if doing gens, just like when opening gates. So 1st DS shouldnt have happened.
- You cant slug people at exit gates, so DS has literally no counter in this situation.
- Downing or hooking people has no effect on DS, OP downed 2 people and hooked 1, between Kate's got unhooked and picked up, her DS should be inactive after that.
Also what is your problem with M&A, Ruin and Nurses on Hag?
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This is why i try to eat DS in early-mid game :D
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I didn't even mean to bring ruin, I mostly ran corrupt intervention on her before anyway but I haven't played hag in months and this was just the loadout I last used.
Although maybe I should be glad I brought an endgame perk, things could've gone badly otherwise ๐
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It would have helped to see the whole clip. With DS its often in the last 10 seconds that you get picked up. It may have been possible for you to wait a little longer in picking the Kate up for example and chasing the other person.
I can see your frustration. It must suck to feel having multiple kills stolen from you like that. However NOED is basically the same thing. I could post thousands of videos here that show the killer getting multiple free kills thanks to 1 perk.
Killer mains only have themselves to blame for DS. They kept tunneling and tunneling and tunneling really ruining the game for everyone else and then when a defence comes about its *surprised Pikachu face*
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I'm not a fan of noed either tbh. Although bloodwarden is starting to look appealing.
Not a killer main btw, I go both ways.