Zero point in playing Survivor

5 matches in a row we've not been able to make any real progress because every killer has face camped, tunneled, and took the game hostage. Why even log in to play at all when there is 0 punishment for players who camp and tunnel? There needs to be a point penalty for hooking someone within 30 seconds of being hooked, and a point penalty for every second you stay within 15m of a hook.
But also the gens do go too fast, and they need to be slowed down.
Like I get since ruin was nerfed it's harder to play killer, I play both killer and survivor after all. But when you get downed, can't get anything done because you've been slugged, then finally hooked, then camped, then tunneled if someone gets you off the hook there's NO point in playing Survivor.
When you walk away with less than 10k points while the killer walks away with a ton, esp. with BBQ. They get rewarded for playing in the least sportsman way possible.
I'm tired of having to tell friends I'm playing with, "... Don't come for me, he's just face camping..." as I sit there waiting to die so that my friends might actually get some points for the round.
- Last match I played I got 3,049 blood points, I failed all objectives and I have over 600 hours in game. Sure I got tunneled, but at the end of the day you have to assume every match is not going to be a tunnel fest, its like going out to eat at a restaurant never sure if the food will be ok or not; each time you go you hope the meal will be nice.
- If you find the game is upsetting you, take a break, I did for like a week but it was because of the rank achieves which upset me a lot.
- I heard they have added hidden skill levels. If that is being used for matchmaking, then remove the depips. I want to see what rank I would be if I didnt have to deal with tunnelling and generally poor games at times.
- I spent 10 bucks buying the pass after saying I wouldnt. The sad thing is I am now considering buying out 20 tiers so I can "catch up" with my buddy after a week's absence from the game.
- I pretty much hate myself, have alow opinion of my skill, and due to the way ranks are set up have little idea of how skillful I truly am.
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Killers already get less points when they are camping.
They camp because they are toxic or ######### on solo surviviors not realising that they are camping, so point penaltioes would solve nothing.
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I run into a facecamp once every maybe 20 matches, if that. Quite rare.
I think a lot of people confuse facecamp and proximity camp. Proximity camp is very possible to save from.
I think the title is quite exaggerated. Survivor is quite an easy and relaxing experience in the games current balance.
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Literal face camping is quite rare. I do have to disagree about survivor being relaxing though. If your team is comprised of idiots it's the opposite.
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You might die if they're idiots but you will still pip. That's important because the higher rank you get the less often you get potatoes.
I don't think your team being bad makes the game less relaxing though. Killer on the other hand is actually stressful quite often.
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In the few games I have play survivor, I had face camping only see very rarly and then I had suicide on hook, so that not another survivor runs into the arms of the killer.
As killer, I have not even a handful of times facecamp and that was then, because that specific survivor had really, reaaally annoy me and well... I was the one with the knife.
Don't know how they have thought that would end -_-.
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Whatever survs can die and still pip. At first I thought that was a stupid concept because death = failure but I see why the devs did that because all your progress would be for nothing. When I get in those situations repeatedly I just switch to killer or call it a day.
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I think you are overselling as well. Survivor is anything but relaxing. Camping is much more common than 1 in 20 as well. I moved to killer two years ago because of how bad camping and tunneling is. I play survivor only when my wife plays. For whatever ungodly reason, she has wanted to play lately. Out of a total of 27 survivor matches over the past two weeks. Maybe 8 were without a hardcore tunnel (Chase for several minutes, wait just outside of TR for unhook and chase them down again. Repeat for third hook). Camping is any time the killer's TR never leaves the hook and he remains in sight of the hook.
For experienced players, sure, there are ways around camping, but those are not fun matches. They are annoying has holy hel* and require no skill by the killer. Most of the time, the killer doing it is just trying to harass and get a rise out of the survivors. There is zero value/efficiency in camping from the first hook on. You fully depend on the stupidity of an opponent in that scenario.
I'd rather play killer a thousand times and face SWF every time than play survivor - but, we do what we do for our spouses.
I'm a rank 2 (was 1, but had a couple bad matches last night where I totally brain-farted and lost pips) as killer and will never go back to being a survivor. BP is better. The experience of play is better. I don't have to worry about having a boring match because a snot-nosed kid is camping with LF or tunneling with Wraith.
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I like how the same people that complain about gen speeds and survivors escaping are the same ones saying we should just accept death as survivor and how it’s ok.
Blatant hypocrisy. Maybe killers should be happy with hooks and sacrifices aren’t that important?
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Survivor is fun for me but q times are to long and killer is 50/50 frustrating and rewarding for me
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On the flip side, I just had a match on rotten fields as huntress. Commodious tool box, no mither, prove thyself. Gens were done in about 4 minutes. Entity displeased. Under 10k blood points.
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That's funny because my wife and I had a match on Coldwind with a Huntress last night. She brought in Irid Axe Head, and Eboni Mori. Before we touch a gen, we get a DC. Great. She downs the first guy within 20 seconds and he suicides on hook immediately. We get a gen done, she proceeds to chase my wife. I get another gen done, she downs my wife. Then she camps her. Outright face camps her. She clearly has a belt so she gets 2 insta-down hatches. I do 2 more gens. Wife dies on hook, I escape via hatch. She proceeds to call me toxic for not going to get my wife off the hook.
a 2v1, we get 4 gens done. She face camps my wife (who is the furthest you can get from a toxic player. She'll run back in to die if 4 are going to escape because she feels bad for the killer) with insta-down hatches and a eboni mori and she calls me toxic for not being dumb enough to go for the save?! That was a boring match, but funny.
Oh, we brought no items in. We already had a killer get triggered and tunnel me the whole match because I brought...wait for it....a healer's kit. Kid you know. He went off on me after the match over a healer's kit. WTH is wrong with people?!
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Unfortunately that's not a guarantee. I've encountered far to many incompetent teammates to say even most survivor games are relaxing. Which is really sad, as I consider myself a below average survivor and half these fooks make me look like Noob3.
My point was if your team is bad you're likely in for a highly enjoyable match. Which is not to say that killer games can't be incredibly frustrating as well.
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Survivors have all the control in this game, if you're getting camped maybe you were being "toxic" with Unbreakable + Decisive Strike or teabagging/healing at pallets or whatever. Also, patrolling the proximity for rescuers is a valid tactic, face-camping not only isn't because there's a point penalty for staying close to hook, you're not pushing other survivors off gens so you're basically throwing the game anyway if the survivors are smart enough to leave that person for dead.
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My most fun games as survivor, I did not escape. I got some unhooks, did some gens, healed some people, and had some good chases, dying on my 3rd hook. It's a horror game and in a good slasher most don't make it out.