Was I justified with this response?

Last night, I was playing a Bubba game against an SWF on Badham. They broke every hook on the side of the map however, I downed them all without them popping a single gen. So I planned on waiting for the hooks to respawn but they started to message me on PS4 calling me a noob and all this, and getting mad at me for using Bubba's chainsaw? (first time someone's been mad at me for using bubba's power).
So I decided to very nice and slug all four to death.
My friends, was this to far? Have I joined the dark side?
Devotion 5 is a noob by the way.
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Play how you like
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No, imo you were perfectly justified. Play how you like, if others disapprove then they will (im guilty of this). However if they broke every hook, didn't anticipate for slugging (no mither/unbreakable) and then go out of their way to message you, then that's their fault.
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Yes. In fact, as long as you're not cheating, it's always justified.
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Absolutely justified. A lot of survivors think they are entitled and get whiny when games don't go their way. For them to sabo a lot of your hooks is toxic and you shouldn't have to put up with that nor their whiny messaging. Usually why I have my PS4 messages turned off to people I'm not friends with.
Also, play however you want too. You're doing your job as killer.