Still no teasers or any data mines for the new chapter? Should we get worried?

Still wondering where they are? xD We still just have the "breakable" walls thing but thats it so far...
No we shouldn’t lol. They will always keep releasing chapters and we’ll probably get a teaser next week or the following.
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I think they should hold off for now. Maybe release another patch or two before they even release new content. There's too many things they need to fix. Plain and simple. I wouldn't be surprised if we did get a teaser soon, though.
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Next chapter will just be a video of the devs telling killer mains to go ######### themselves
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We should get our first teaser sometime this week.
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I'd be happy if they stopped releasing for like 6-9 months and focused completely on core gameplay balance, map reworks, etc.
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IMO they should stop with the cycle of releasing content each quarter. At some point they will be covered in an avalanche of bugs because with every addition new stuff breaks and the more stuff keeps getting in before adressing certain issues i am worried that at some point all they be busy with is fixing bugs.
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I wish they would take a quarter to focus on all the pressing bug & balancing issues before releasing a new chapter -- but I believe I read somewhere queen said this would not be happening.
There really hasn't been any spoilers or videos speculating what the next chapter could be.... which is so much fun.... I hope we get something soon.
Either they have gotten too good at keeping a tight lip, or are ramping up for another Ghostface level type blunder. lol
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm much less interested in the next killer.
The core gameplay problems of the game overshadow any news of new characters for me since I understand how they'll just fall victim to the current state of the game like every other killer.
I'd be excited about news that they'd be skipping new chapter entirely to focus on a balance and bug fixes for a few months.
Predictions for the next killer.
Smashes through walls with a 60 second cooldown.
Rushes like oni and billy
115% movement
Extremely loopable
I want to be wrong :)
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Because that totally worked for R6:Siege
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No, this is quite normal. The next chapter is still over a month away; it might be another week or two before we get the first teaser.
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whats the point tho.. new killer will be fun for killers on potb but unfun for survivors.. so they will wait for people to buy him and week after he will be totally nerfed.. right oni ?
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I agree with everything you wrote. They’ll release a killer that seems fun and OP, but only at first. Then as the newness wears off you will see that they’re easily loop-able like all other killers. They’ll probably nerf it right after they release it too!
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I don't care about new DLCs since all of them are paid and those "free" ones require you to grind the shards for about 40 hours.
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We should worry about the new Survivor Perks that will be released. With all the complaining we have on the forums, one of the perks may involve a satellite laser that targets and destroys all totems on the map.
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That's how they make money, they're not gonna skip a release.
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Nope I’d rather they focus on fixing the game then add more dlc with forgettable killers and perks
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If you're going to use an example; make sure the person you're using it on has A) played the game, and B) has even the vaguest idea of the situation behind the example.
I have neither.
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They gave Oni his flick back. The flick on console is stupidly strong but not on PC.
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Fair enough. R6 tried an operation health. Where they did just that. Focus on bug fixes and balancing, and held off on new operators and maps.
It solved, SOME issues, but overall accomplished almost nothing. There were still bugs, multiple balance issues, etc, just as usual, except now with no new content.
The concept seems like a good idea, but it doesnt always just work out.
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But Dbd still really needs it for my opinion.
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Yeah it absolutely needs fixes, but I doubt focusing on them and ignoring all content is going to help more than what they're already doing is.
Yes, we may avoid a random bug or two from when the content launches, but when new content DOES eventually launch, we still can have those bugs. The game is made with spaghetti code, something always breaks.
Unless they completely rewrote the game, I dont think simply neglecting cosmetics and fixing bugs would be a long term fix. The same issues would inevitably be back, in some way.
Connection issues, sound bugs, etc.
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Well then maybe check out their social media platforms.
You should understand that after chapters/ mid chapters release that there will be a periodic time of cosmetics being released every Wednesday.
Hot fixes are usually Tuesdays and if not are Thursdays.
Maybe try to actually put effort into learning content releases instead of whining, you don't like Cosmetics. Good for you, many others do
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Then they failed at their task. DBD can afford to hold off on quarterly DLC chapters now that they have their battelpass which requires nothing on the part of the devs as far as balancing goes.
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R6 also has decent code. DBD does not.
The battlepass was EXTRA money. They didnt ever need it to survive. They wont turn away their main revenue stream. It draws in new players, and they LOVE new players.
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Unless we start getting some teasers here very soon I'm going to assume it's another licensed chapter as those are usually much more hush hush on teasers etc.
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According to my calculations, the PTB should be around the next week, so we're gonna get some leaks in 2 3 days
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I highly agree with what @Blueberry said, if we don't get anything very soon, it's probably another licensed chapter because they like to keep them as secret as possible.
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I would be pissed, licensed chapters are so boring :C
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I personally prefer originals much more as well. Gives them much more freedom in design and future cosmetics. Not to mention I can buy them with shards.
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If they aren't teasing anything then maybe there isn't a new chapter yet. Which can be a good thing. Less time spent acquiring new chapters, hopefully, means more time fixing the game.
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Killer mains on this forum would be defending them too
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We will get ptb next week 99%
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I thought that the Tomes and the Chapters overlap 50/50, meaning that we get a new Chapter halfway through the Tome.
If Tome Level 1 is 0% and Level 2 is 25%, then the next Chapter should come with Level 3 (50%)
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Yep, I'm under the impression that it is 1 chapter every 3 months so this week or next the PTB should be starting.
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There's a livestream tomorrow, I bet it'll start with the next chapter's Teaser, and next week will be the PTB
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Yeah, if we don't get any sort of teaser in tomorrows livestream then, in my opinion, that really tips the scale in favor of it being a licensed chapter because those license teasers usually just drop out of the blue. With that said, it's still extremely 50/50 currently.