Why do all killers have BBQ?

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

I know I'm slightly over-exaggerating not EVERY killer has it. But the vast majority do. Even like rank 16 killers have it sometimes.

Bubba is a DLC killer that you have to pay money for AND you have to get him to level 35 just to have the perk. Plus, you have to the respective killer you're playing leveled to get it. Are killers just more dedicated and willing to spend money than survivors?


  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    BBQ isn't the best perk. It can be countered easily. Id say it's one of the only good ways to get bloodpoints. Literally double BPs to just do your job. It's more a waste of a perk spot in order to get BPs.

    Everything is once in a blue moon on shrine. But patience will win out. And eventually it will show up for you. Practice without it. Because eventually the info is useless.

    Why is the info useless? When someone goes down you can get in a locker, hide behind a gen that you are on for a few seconds, get within 32 meters of the killer.

    There are only 3 things you would be doing anyways. On a gen (simply duck behind it. The Gen aura hides yours), following for the unhook (just get in 32 meters, a standard terror radius), or running around doing random crap. When someone goes down and gets picked up. Just hop in a locker and stay until a little after the hook.

    :) Hope this helps. I run BBQ for BPs only. Plenty of better info perks out there than BBQ if you wanted to try hard.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Well if you read the forums most survivors are said to use, DS which is also a licensed perk so that tends to go against the killers are willing to spend more idea.

    The fact is BBQ helps with the grind so the couple of times it has been on the shrine along with the low cost if the DLC makes it extremely worthwhile as in the end you just halved the grind for all you wish to feed points into and LVL up be it killer or survivor.

    You don't even need to play Leatherface themselves just feed points into them until you get the teachable. Then you can factor in the dbp events in which you can easily get to lvl 35 with a couple of hours of play with some bloodpoints offerings.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464
    edited February 2020

    its a good perk that rewards killer for doing objective.

    Also bubba is a fun killer.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I wish I had it. Leveling my my Killers would be so much easier. The stupid shrine is being a poopy head.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I bought Laurie for Decisive when I was rank 8. Didn't have it before then

    And its rare to see more than two decisives below red ranks. Often times I'm the only one who has it at all.

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    It's probably the best perk for Killers, the Aura reading is nice but the bloodpoint bonus is amazing. It's the only perk I'd consider a Must have in every build.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Pretty much what others have said. BBQ turns a 30k or 40k bloodpoint game into a 100k bloodpoint game with an additional 25% offering. On certain killers, like Huntress or Billy, the Aura reading is extremely useful as well, but it's easily countered.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Easy BP for me personally. I am trying to level up and prestige my killers/survivors so it's a good way to earn more points than some of the offerings give.

    There have been a few games where it has come in handy when tracking survivors. One game I hooked the third to last person and the last person alive was just stepping into the locker in the basement when BBQ went off. Saved me a lot of time finding him and ending the game.

    You can easily counter BBQ with just going into a locker or having the perk Distortion. I generally don't have a problem with killers using it.

  • neekocheeko
    neekocheeko Member Posts: 88

    Cause it's op. Gives double blood points and massive amounts of information.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    the info is great, but i mostly use it for the bloodpoints, need to level up my characters

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Imagine complaining about bbq

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    best thing to come with bubba tbh, the character himself is very weak but i run it on all killers do the the extra BP, really does motivate me to play killer more i even tend to forget to look around for auras after a hook but the bonus BP makes putting up with some of the more stressful and toxic games worth it. then again i also run we`re gonna live forever on survivor, im trying to get every perk on all killers/survivors and im nearly there and this perks a god send just for the BP tbh

  • rephaim
    rephaim Member Posts: 96

    When is the next dbp event. Never see them. Just bad compendium stuff

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    If you hook everyone at least once, your long-ass grind is reduced by half.

    If you plan to play a lot, that bonus will only save more time the longer you play.

    Plus i personally really like the Auras.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    Easy BP, gives you quick information, and gets you away from the hook so that other survivors can go for the save and there's less downtime for the hooked player. It's nothing but good for everyone.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    The BP grind is too great that there's a good chance people are trying to perk out their characters.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    The perk itself is one of those that if someone mentions it. Many PLAYERS take it in a negative manner and feel it is a very personal attack on them.

    I play without it and learned quickly that I just don't use it. I play at 6-8 ranks as a killer. The majority of the time I get DE PIP SQUADS and really GOOD SWF groups. VERY impressive, well-coordinated teams that rarely make mistakes.

    To me, I find the perk USELESS. Because the majority of interactions for me are MIND GAMES through Pallet Forts, Jungle Gyms, protecting certain groups of generators on the maps and the teams are ALWAYS going to be playing within my terror radius. So it becomes a place holder and doesn't negate what points could be earned with better perks, and playing through good chases.


    From a survivor aspect. I DESPISE it. I love the fact that I enjoy the stealth character plays in the game. Where the initial aspect of HIDING in grass, behind barriers and HUGGING boundaries is good plays. From a survivor standpoint I am bad at chases, and looping killers. While others can do it.

    So BBQ takes the skill range and splits it down the middle. The killers that USE it. will NEVER IMPROVE on playing against teams that know how to Juke the killer, and Survivors that cannot find or locate a locker are purposefully phased OUT against killers that are using it.

    The discussion: Initially the perk is to discourage camping, which it does. BUT it hasn't positively impacted the game like it should. I could see it being MORE reasonable to be a HEX than a constant ability. OR if it remains a Constant ability. its tokens being used De-powers the ability as it is used up. This suggestion makes sense because CALM spirit and SPIES from the SHADOWS go hand n' hand. While Distortion and BBQ don't align.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    No one knows exactly when they will appear. It's down to the devs and when they make the choice to do one and then they will announce it 😉.

  • SpookyMeerkat
    SpookyMeerkat Member Posts: 23

    I just started playing in January. The first thing I did when I had any idea what I was doing was grab the Leatherface DLC and immediately grind him to 40. The Leatherface DLC frequently goes on sale for about $3 USD which is not much of a paywall and the double BP makes the grind of starting the game much less intimidating.

  • FrankSRfromIT
    FrankSRfromIT Member Posts: 59

    I was willing to spend the $5 to cut down the grind, the Aura reading hardly helps me during the game, it is worth it for the BP's.

  • TrappinMan
    TrappinMan Member Posts: 66

    I run it when I have it, because of the bp boost and unlike most bp boosters, it's second effect is helpful more often than worthless. If you want it purely for detection though, there's not much of a point.

  • The Hillbilly I just faced was running it. It did him a favor of finding me, but we still all escaped. So, it's a just a tool that weaker Killers need. No biggie.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited February 2020

    1. Bloodpoints

    2. Good possibility it could reveal your next target.

    It also encourages the killer not to camp, which makes the game more fun for all.