New Plague Main

I am relatively new to this game, been playing for a few months. I went out of my way to earn enough extra money to buy a few characters but the one that I wanted most was Plague. I loved the idea of her powers. Using her, though, I have run into difficulty. I'm not the best killer as it is and neither is she, so it would seem. Does anyone have any useful tips for using Plague? Or just being a killer in general? I have been working on this for months and am preforming much better with other killers but I still suck at the one I love most. I watched a bunch of videos on Youtube and still haven't gotten much better. I thought maybe the killer needs work but then I saw a few other videos that said she was in an ok place. Thoughts?


  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    dedicated servers makes it pretty hard to use her. you'll hit people with your puke only for them to cough and not get infected. also it sucks that survivors control your power, and when they use all the fountains they reset :(

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I'm just starting to get into her now. Still learning and trying new builds.

    Monitor and abuse is so good. Most survivors won't heal. You'll be surprised how close you can get with Monitor, then it's one hit until they're down. It's a lot of fun. Eventually they'll get fed up and start to cleanse.

    Rather than try to puke someone to broken you're better off giving them a little bit of puke, maybe a hit or break a pallet and then switch targets. You want everyone infected asap. Then when they're all broken that's when the fun begins.

    I've been trying out Blood Echoes recently. You'd be amazed how fast they cleanse once you take away their DH.

    With this kind of gameplay, you want to be strategic about the gens you protect. PGTW helps massively for that.

    Someone made a good thread about her the other day with good strategies. Try searching the forums for it.

  • Shaggyshawshagz
    Shaggyshawshagz Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for this advice. I will put it to the test. I also looked up the thread. Filled with great stuff.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255
  • Shaggyshawshagz
    Shaggyshawshagz Member Posts: 4

    One more thing. When is a good time and a bad time to grab corrupt from a fountain? Or should I not do that and wait for the fountains to reset?

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I’m by no means a pro on that but generally you want to use it when its convenient. Survivors will often cleanse at the edge of the map. Wait until you’re in the area to pick it up, or wait until they cleanse a closer fountain. Just make sure you aren’t spending too much time getting to it.

    If you use an add on to start with 1 corrupted dont go for it straight away. Survivors will play stealthy. You want it a little later when they’re feeling the pressure and trying to rush gens as they will stay on gens longer making them easier to find.

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41
  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Is it worth to re-infect the guy who cleansed and then use the power?

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    as said before, I think the biggest flaw in plague players is focussing too much on the puking, just tag them and time will take care of the rest.

    Then its M1ing.

    Granted a good team is hard to fight, what happens a lot is that everyone is sick, gens fly, then everyone clences and leaves out the door.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Yes. Like when I catch a survivior just after he cleansed. Should I drink immediately and chase him or infect first, drink, catch up and then chase?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Drink first.

    It's faster.

    You can tag him with the green puke first, but it's generally better to just down him

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    I can tell you corrupt intervention is not good for her because of your vomit. You vomit the rest of the gen, and guess what survivors do? Hide. Until your perk is gone. It's extremely unfun for me.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Plague is like my 2nd or 3rd main and she is pretty strong with the right perks

    Here are some tips:

    -If you are ussing corrupt intervention vomit on all generators that aren't blocked

    -Start looking for your first victim, if you see him as a potentional good looper try just to infect him and leave him be

    -Your goal is too have the most hurt survivors as possible soo it's easier to down them quickly when you catch them off guard on generators

    -In case survivors actually do cleanse, use your red koolaid wisely (don't go running to grab it) If you are in a chase and have a nerby corrupt fountain use it to end the chase quickly(remember survivors can disable your power by stunning you with a pallet)

    -Perks like noed and ruin work good on her

    -Akamina sapapoei

    -Good luck!

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    that's if you have whispers. if you don't, then it's gg. and you only have 2 slots left

  • Shaggyshawshagz
    Shaggyshawshagz Member Posts: 4

    I read it. Very useful. I think I will train myself like you suggested until I score adept. I believe that will seriously help.Thank you.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Have you checked out the streamer fungoose. He is a plague main who went 116 games with 4ks at red ranks with no add ons. Check him out and he will help!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I personally like Infectious Fright, Corrupt Intervention, Monitor and Abuse, and Pop Goes the Weasel.

    IF improves your snowball potential whether it's with M1's or with your Corrupt Purge. You can chain the slugs with this quite easily. This can be your win condition many games.

    CI helps you get all survivors sick early on as you funnel them into the few gens that you've infected.

    Monitor allows you to get surprisingly close before they realize it which is extremely strong on a killer that's gonna be one shotting most the game as everyone stays infected. Also the bonus of synergizing with IF to have an increased range of finding survivors.

    Pop is what will carry you in the end game. It's a very well designed perk as it rewards you more, the better you play. However quite weak if you don't play well.

    She's got a few other perks that work well with her but I've been having the most success with these.

    Just get a tiny bit of infection on a survivor to get them started and then move on to someone else.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Slap Thana on her. It's your bread and butter.

    DON'T dedicated yourself to early chases. In the early game, your goal is to infect everybody. Find somebody, puke on them just a bit. Once their portrait lights up as infected, move on. The sooner you get everybody infected, the sooner you can get into chases. Some might panic or think too highly of themselves and cleanse, giving you access to your power later on.

    Puke on gens. That can be used as a radar, allowing you to know where somebody is if they become infected when you aren't around. Puke on windows, lockers, pallets, when in a chase, and they aren't infected. Denies them some avenues of escape.

    Respect pallets when you're in Corrupt. One slap and you're knocked out. Usually, survivors will camp a pallet if they know you have corrupt, so be wary of that. Use it against them.

    Know the map you're on, and look for a three gen if possible. At her core, Plague is an M1 killer. You can be punished easily if you try and stretch yourself across a map in chases. The closer gens are together, the easier time you'll have juggling.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    use an apple addon to get one corrupt fountain. trust me, getting them all sick is easy but getting them to use a fountain is not but the moment they hear that soul sucking sound of the plague getting corrupt allot of survivors will panic and use the nearest fountain