more survivor objectives, because gens are not fun to play around

The more games as killer I play the more I find myself asking why the ######### survivors have so little objectives to do to win the match. Call me a bad killer or salty killer main etc ive been told it all, but why is it that in most cases when playing someone like doctor, by the time I can down 1 survivor 3 gens have been done regardless of the amount of moonwalks mind-games reads etc... which is 60% of the survivors objective, but I still have to hook survivors another 11 times before I can win?
You wanna know why people bring mori's now a days, because you need 4 hooks to win the trial, which in all honesty seems a lot more fair then 12. which against any survivors worth half a braincell, can finish in well under 3 hooks.
honestly ive started to face camp and tunnel because if you wanna T-bag and be a scummy survivor to me, im going to be a scummy survivor to you and get my blood points out of it.
so that leads into my question, why are there not more objectives for the survivors, outside of gens and exit gates, both of which take no time at all ESPECIALLY in SFW groups. Because assuming while one survivor is being chased and the remaining three work on separate gens, it only takes 1.5 minutes to get 3 done instantly. leaving only two left, which if one of those survivors went for the rescue and to get chased again, its only another 1.5 minutes before the exit gates are powered... that seems wayyyyy too un fair on the killer perspective.
Devs have said they don’t plan to do this in the near future.
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The devs don't care about killers or high rank play. Nothing new here :(
Old Ruin at least helped with early game pressure, but now there is nothing to stop survivors from completing a couple gens easily in the beginning of the match; this especially hurts killers with low mobility or early-game setup.