If you are telling killers to just "bait deadhard" youre actually not aware of this perks strengths.

Just bait it 4head.

If deadhard is run by a survivor who knows how to loop its just way to strong for every m1 killer that has no counter then simply following the survivor.

You get looped for 30 seconds then get a hit. Looped again for 30 seconds and thats when deadhard is used as another health state. The distance is used to reach another pallet/window and the loop continues. And a good survivor knows how long he can loop before it gets dangerous.

This perk is used in nearly every red rank game and if all people know how to play it correctly the killer has zero chance.

If your tip is "bait it" youre probably a red rank survivor who got that rank because of matchmaking giving you green rank killers all the time.

This is another uncounterable perk if used correctly.

In adittion to its already strong power it can dodge shocks, hatchets, a nurse slash, chainsaw and TRAPS with ease because these killer attacks have no faking abillities. You see a huntress throwing a hatch at you gives you enough time to dodge it via deadhard. A nurse gets guarantied miss because she has a small window to attack after blinking.

So this thread sould show you what deadhard is capable of. I read many posts about it and people said that its easy to counter. Imo these people just didnt know what you can do with it.

I hope i could make some people understand why deadhard is viewed as probably the strongest survivor perk by many killers.

If you have a different opinion share it, but please bring an actual argument.


  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I didn't read this thread, but you can tell someone has dead hard because they are staring behind them while you are chasing them. If you get juked by dead hard more than once, it's your own fault.

    Dead hard for distance is suboptimal, sprint burst or lithe will get you much more.

    It doesn't even work when it comes down the miliseconds, because you just get exhausted on the ground.

    It doesn't work against 1 shot killers.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Well i cant speak for pc. But on ps4 its still consistent. Also i play both roles, my survivor is a solid rank 1 atm and a year ago it was the same. I know how to abuse this perk. Sprintburst lithe head on and balanced landing have no such dodge potential.

    But who does not bait it out as early as possible? Thats what happens if you chase someone. Its no counter to bait it. You have to accept that good survivors have another health state.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Every good survivor looks behind them. You want to mind game the killer at every possible situation. This has nothing to do with deadhard but since most good survivors run this perk we can somehow agree on that i guess.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103
    edited February 2020

    I see alot of the best players with sprint burst over dead hard. Dead hard is lazy and relatively easy to use, but as I said earlier, you will get exhausted on the ground in so many cases if you try to use it to actually juke a hit instead of just for distance.

    I never bother to look behind me in a chase unless i'm actively looping. If I am just running to the next pallet it's not really worth doing anything except a glance to see how much distance I have on the killer.

    I am talking when the survivor is just staring behind them nonstop when they are not going to make it to a pallet in time before you hit them, that's a huge telltale of dead hard.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I've played this game enough to comment without needing to read the argument.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    Dead hard counters nurse hard lol

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    So what do you do in thid situation? Dead hard for distance to reach the pallet. Thats a major problem i have with it. If the killer lunges early the survivor has enough time to react. If you wait another second the survivor deadhards anyways because of the distance. In this situation you broughz up theres no counterplay given. It is a free health state.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    You're not paying attention to what he is saying. It's not about using it for distance in a straight line, it's about using it on a loop and its beyond annoying. It's 100% the best exhaustion perk due to its versatility. It hard counters trapper and nurse, it's strong against the m1 killers, it erases a mind game mistake, and it extends chases.

    Sure it doesn't work all the time, but its game changing when it does.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Dead Hard is less punishing with Unrelenting III, unless they are using it to reach the pallet, the window, or the other survivor ready to body-block.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Sprint burst has more potential than dead hard ever will.

    You can let the exhaustion run down until there's one second left and run around with it, and activate it by stopping for a second and then running away to dodge a hit. It's a more effective dead hard that gives you more distance. I'm surprised you don't know this?

    Red rank survivor doesn't mean a whole lot at the moment, as BHVR has literally said rank doesn't correlate to skill, so I don't know why you think that adds to your argument.

    PS4 has recently had dedicated servers enabled and many people experience going down exhausted when trying to use dead hard. It's a literal side effect of dedicated servers rn, so I refuse to believe you "haven't experienced it" if you've been running dead hard for so long.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I have. After you learn the player has dead hard, you can just blink and not swing to bait it lmao.

    Sometimes you can even down the person with your second blink after they do that if you were close enough initially.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Sprint burst does bit make you invincible, you have to walk way more then usual. If you work on a gen you get exaustion back. If you 99 it youre not doing youre objective and this benefits the killer. You cant walk over traps or dodge hatchets. Sprint burst is a good perk but way less versitile then deadhard.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    As I said, dead hard for distance is suboptimal. Sprint burst or lithe gets you like 5x the distance that dead hard does. If they are dead harding to the next pallet, they probably could have sprint bursted or lithed off to the next loop and not even been in that chase to begin with.

    I had a game where I was looping the shack against the plague on ironworks of misery. I got puked on and eventually injured, but she could not score a hit. I used lithe to vault the shack window and used the distance to make it all the way to the god loop in the main building. With dead hard? I was stuck at the shack and eventually would have had to drop the pallet.

    Sprint burst requires significantly more game awareness to use effectively. You need to know when it is safe to have it on cooldown, or you will be stuck walking across the entire map. Dead hard you can always have in your pocket.

    And then you hit a billy, myers, oni, etc etc and your dead hard is almost worthless.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Deadhard also doesn't work against one shot killers, does that mean it's less versatile than SB now since there are quite a few of those + noed is a thing?

    Good players can manage their exhaustion really well and they typically don't bother walking either unless it's about to come off of cooldown mid chase.

    Why wouldn't you want SB ready to go while working on a gen? That's literally a free escape from a potential deadzone when the killer shows up.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Right, then she goes into fatigue + cooldown. And then the survivor gets to keep creating distance and breaking los. Sounds really fair.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Unfortunate. You act like the cooldown matters if you blink once though. It's literally gone by the time fatigue is over.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Well most of time you have to use two blinks, especially if the survivor is competent.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Just dont heal then and magically it works. As if sprintburst did anything agaibst one shots. Oni is faster billy is faster. Once downed you dobt heal anyways so you can use dead hard next time. Sprintburst is good but still no compairson to deadhard.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    Yes, don't heal against Oni. Give him his insanely overpowered ability for free. The red rank Oni's will usually be running scalped topknot and infectious fright.

    Unless you are literally right next to a pallet, you are going to get murdered by 90 degree flicks.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    As a killer main I agree with the OP. Nothing makes me drop a chase faster than a good looper who knows how and when to DH. These type of players are the real killers in my opinion.

  • NotSimoun
    NotSimoun Member Posts: 27

    When you said you played nurse did you mention you play in red ranks? Because I have and one cooldown and fatigue is all you need to reset chase. R1 survivors know that you only need LoS to mix nurses up and never go to any open field. It is possible to juke a nurse with just one jungle gym.

    good survivors know not to use DH until you swing except if you're directly on top of them. She's probably the only killer where survivors aren't worried about dedicated because they know the nurse has to decide on a swing or not before fatigue strikes. It's mindgames on survivor's terms.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    edited February 2020

    Oftentimes I see Survivors do this. The trick is to, quite simply, be an idiot: Swing early. You might eat a pallet, but you'll have a chance of getting the down if the Survivor has an inferior number of 4heads.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I'd say not using DH until the killer is directly on top of you is the worst time. With dedicated servers, half the time it will leave you exhausted on the ground because the killer hit registered before your dead hard.

    You can really tell who actually uses the perks in this thread.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Nobody is denying DH's power, but it's not as good as Sprint burst right now.

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44

    Honestly tho lol im actually scared of survivors . 😂 Like i appreciate a good chase but when it costs 3 gens back to back..im bringing NO ED idgaf anymore cuz its about winning apparently. And not having fun. Survivors cant complain bout no ED cuz its hex compared to unbreakable and borrowed time and decisive strike. Like 💁

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    Honestly it's not even that op of a perk. half the time it doesnt work or the survivor dead hards into a wall. lol

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree if potatos or just decent survivors use it to dead hard just 1 hit in the entire game but if I get good survivors then it is a pain in the ass for the most Killers. If I play my main "Spirit" then its fine, because I can easily reach him again and kill him in a few sec again. But if I play Legion etc then you are pretty #########. Dead hard has almost no counterplay against good survivors and has almost no downside for this powerfull effect. Why does spirit fury, bbq, make your choice, pop, new ruin etc so many downsides or requirements? Because they would be too strong and frustrating... but yeah as long its not frustrating for survivors then its fine :) Who cares about killers?

    I am starting to use Blood Echo on many killers and this perk is actually really decent and helped me alot. You should try it, its really nice honestly.

  • NotSimoun
    NotSimoun Member Posts: 27

    I don't even understand your first sentence, it's worse to not use DH if the enemy is on top of you? There's still a slight second after the blink when they're on top of you to lunge, and I'm saying that's the only time to pre-emptively DH. Unless that's not what you're saying? Please clarify.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    My experience with Dead Hard and Dedicated servers is not good. I remember I had a game with a wraith, I waited until he was about to lunge and the button for dead hard and ended up exhausted and on the ground. I also waited later and while he was uncloaking right at the end I decided to hit dead hard and it never came out and I just got hit. I absolutely hate using Dead Hard with a passion because it almost never works when I want it to. Doing the 'use dead hard to avoid a killers attack' was beyond frustrating to me.

    One game I friggin used it by running up to the killer and dead harding, I got exhausted and hit at the same time, luckily I had borrowed time. I did eventually manage to get it using the same tactic. But it swore me off from ever using the perk again. Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced, I'll take these three over it any day. Also... They give me more trouble as killer than Dead Hard ever has. Dead Hard's only use really seems to be to get just enough distance to get to a pallet. When just about every other Exhaustion perk does the exact same thing.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    Trying to compare dead hard and sprint burst is silly, theyre used for two very different scenarios. Dead harding for distance lets you reach the window/get an extra loop when you need it to, the caveat where you have to be injured just means its less good against exposed or chainsaws, but usually when youre injured you're in a chase, and actually can get use out of it

    Sprint burst on the other hand (and i wanna preface that yes i know you can 99 it but thats not always viable), its use is make it harder for you to be out of position. Doing the generator in the middle of the corn or in a pallet dead zone is suddenly alot less dangerous, since if a Billy just suddenly comes barreling towards you you can beeline for safety.

    They're both great perks, with upsides and downsides, but serve different niches

  • Happy2Heal4You
    Happy2Heal4You Member Posts: 119

    In my honest opinion, if you take away dead hard as a perk I can guarantee that you would be able to quickly end chases against any survivor except for those who just drop pallets instantly and the actual top of the tiers survivors.

    If you play killer for awhile you begin to notice how quickly it would be to end a chase if that survivors didn’t dead hard to that pallet or window and extended the chase for longer. As a killer if you actually are able to outplay the survivor it doesn’t matter because dead hard is able to make up for that survivors mistake. This is why I also believe dead hard is technically a second chance perk. A perk that gives the survivor a free pass for making mistakes.

    Now I would agree that yes sprint burst is probably better then dead hard, but that’s not the issue here. Dead hard is brainless to use as all you need to do is press a button and you immediately extend the chase for even longer. Sprint burst used at its highest level can be 99nd to act as a stronger dead hard, but how many survivors has anyone seen recently actually pull this trick off except for the occasional Claudette who is trying way to hard to be their favorite youtuber? Most of the time sprint burst is used poorly by people as they will do dumb plays like walk until the killer gets close so they can sprint burst away only to go down soon after because they couldn’t find a good loop.