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Killer mains, how do you feel about DS and is it OP to you?



  • Member Posts: 651

    I try and play nice throughout the game but that usually results in me getting a ds during endgame and watching the survivor teabag thru the gate. I guess I was outplayed???

  • Member Posts: 882

    It doesn't bother me. Sometimes I'll let them DS me to get rid of it ASAP.

  • Member Posts: 110

    Depends on how it’s used.

    If I get DS stunned by someone who I actually tunneled, accidental or not, then yeah the perk is fine.

    If I get DS stunned by someone making a stupid play that they deserve to be punished for, yet get away with it with no consequences for their misplay, than yeah I get pretty mad.

    I also think the stun duration should be reduced back to three seconds, the only reason it was buffed to five in the first place was because of Enduring, now that it no longer affects DS the duration should be decreased, in my opinion at least.

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    They had the worst idea they could possibly have for a perk in DbD and then executed it in the worst way possible for any game.

  • Member Posts: 835

    Not a killer main here, but my 2 cents is that I see DS used more often in abused way than in intended way.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Decrease the stun time and I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. 5 seconds for almost any ability that powerful is down right ridiculousness.

  • Member Posts: 858

    It should deactivate if the killer hooks someone else, but be usable more than once.

    This would be fairer to killers who don't tunnel whilst severely punishing those who do.

  • Member Posts: 464

    It isn't looked down upon as much as NOED but is definitely a low effort perk that warps most games for the killer.

    Pretty much every game, I play around the possibility of survivors having DS.

  • Member Posts: 651

    That would be horrible for endgame. Your best bet as a killer is to eat it early so that you don't have to deal with it during endgame, otherwise it's a free escape if they are remotely close to an exit.

    I would be fine with it activating more than once during the trial only if it deactivates once the gates are powered.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    DS is a weapon is the hands of a good survivor, and carte blanche to complete to their objective or make a bad play for 60 seconds otherwise. I find it to be pretty ridiculous that a survivor can work on a gen for 60 seconds without fear of getting hooked. Not exactly fair to me.

    Plus, I think it's ridiculous that all of the onus for tunneling in the community seems to fall on the killer and almost none of it falls on the survivors. If you want an anti-tunnel perk, cool. 30 seconds and it deactivates if you touch a generator. But it's wild to me that there's a 60 second period where a survivor can complete a gen without being hooked because of a perk.

  • Member Posts: 907

    It's OP in the hand of a good survivor, otherwise it's annoying. I shouldn't get punished for hooking someone else and then finding the last hooked survivor again because he played bad.

  • Member Posts: 471

    Anything that allows free hits or reliably getting off a killers shoulder is OP and should be deleted.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    I feel it's better than it was but it's still not balanced yet.

    I hate how I have to play around it even if they aren't running it. Unlike NOED you can cancel that out before it even happens. I've had plenty of times where I hooked someone, downed+hooked someone else, the first hooked survivor goes for the save, I down them and they still have DS. I didn't tunnel and I still ate the damn thing.

    I don't like how long it lasts or how safe the survivor feels when using it. It's almost as bad as old MoM just not as frequent.

    It either needs to not work in lockers, wear off if you have been healed or wear off if the killer hooked someone else.

    I know some survivor main is going to say "Just dont tunnel or just slug". Well what about when you hook them, leave, they get saved and they go after the killer? Are you to ignore them? You aren't suppose to willingly go towards the killer.

    It's an anti tunnel perk yet it still works if your not tunneling. It's still a 2nd chance perk. The devs just changed the wording. When I play survivor I don't run it because I feel it is unfair. I'm not one of those players that whines about it when used against them but uses it every chance they get. Id rather they remove the perk all together. I can always learn to "git gud" at looping+routing.

  • Member Posts: 337

    I hate it. I never tunnel and yet I get DS’d occasionally. But at the same time, I play survivor and understand how frustrating it is to actually get tunneled so I can’t ask to remove or nerf that perk.

  • Member Posts: 44

    Tbh, even if a survivor does hit their DS, it usually doesn't take too long to catch back up to them. So idc about it, lol.

  • Member Posts: 249

    I think that the perk itself isn't OP. However, its existence is what makes it so annoying. As long as there is an obsession in the match, I can't pick up anyone without risking to get hit by Decisive Strike. Survivors can basically choose 4 full perks and I waste two minutes playing around one that they don't even have equipped.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Its just very annoying, not OP during the match, but is pretty busted during EGC as if you down the survivor at an Exit you cannot do anything to prevent it unless you have a Mori

  • Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    I never had a problem with new DS. Old DS was an assured free drop. It was literally a body armor perk. This new one is just fine.

    If I think someone has DSi just leave 'em on the floor. Most of the time if someone has DS enabled they are injured. I either hit them because they were closer or easier to get than another healthy survivor that had the big brain idea to "bait me" by sprint bursting away after a unhook.

    DS...hell...not even DS...survivors in general get rekt by slugging. Especially when you play as piggy due to their assumed meta-safeness from the masks. Slug disperses the group and decrease pressure on yourself. Since they take one shot and they had little time to ge to safety with a DS still actually enabled it means after slugging them I can vaguely locate where I saw the last survivor and probably start a new chase.

    Safe in the knowledge therei s now one less...maybe even two less survivors working on gens healing her.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Yes, it requires no interaction on the survivor to activate except for an easy skill check. And since Enduring was nerfed, its become even more powerful. It can't be countered, it can only be mitigated, as slugging a survivor means they will likely be picked up anyways. Mixed with lockers and/or unbreakable and it can't even be mitigated.

  • Member Posts: 1,791
    edited February 2020

    On one hand DS and BT are both anti-tunnel perks which are fine. But on the other hand it's been proven to be incredibly abusive and exploitable.

    Yeah it needs to be changed because it simply has no counter in certain situations other than unnerving presence. I'd disable on locker grabs or full heals. EGC as well since a full minute of immunity means crawling out the exit gate unhindered.

    And Borrowed Time I would change to swap hook states with your unhooker. Either that or unbreakable status can only be applied once per match. But along with this change I'd also have killers within 25-30 meters would slow the hook timer. So facecamping would be a huge disadvantage.

    Edit: Actually the slowed hook timer sounds like a bad idea. Still sucks to be the guy being camped though.

    Post edited by Tactless_Ninja on
  • Member Posts: 339

    They are the Ruin counterpart for survivors to extend the time for killers to achieve goals.

    DS and BT need to go as well as was done with Ruin

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm actually perfectly fine with BT. Unless I'm planting a trap or I know someone is nearby I tend to hook and leave. If they unhook in front of me I assume BT+DS so I go for the rescuer. Even if BT was in play I can wait the 15 secs if I feel the need to tunnel that survivor.

  • Member Posts: 392
    edited February 2020

    Ofc its OP...

    - You get no information that its active (sure you can see there is a obsession if you dont run a obsesion perk but how many use it ... who knows).

    -The fact that people teabag / repair gens infront of your face or jump into Lockers cuz they know you cant do anything to em is absolut frustration

    -DS does not help new Survivor Players who actually struggle with camping (its not a thing to camp a person 120sec when 5 gens take 160sec to finish just to get 1 out of 8 hooks...)

    -Survivor rank up to easy thx to "second chance" perks with no skill required (DS/BT) this resulting in so many survivor hit red ranks that queue times become silly long.

    -It punishes weaker Killers (Like clown etc) who have long chase times and forces Killer into playing the best Killers all the time...

    -Survivor just run at Hooks and unhook without Killer even leaving the Hook cuz its fine cuz they have BT/DS to bodyblock and be safe without these perks they have to be sneaky which takes time and would also help the way to short gametimes we have atm.

    Imo survivor should glow when it is active and it should only activate after being hooked 2 times...if "camping" is a problem change the base game by adding bonus points for not attacking a freshly unhooked survivor / prevent unhooking for 30sec etc.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I don’t use ds but I don’t think it’s op it can easily be countered slugging the survivor if you find them again. It’s was suppose to be a anti tunnel perk if you don’t wanna deal with it don’t pick up the ######### you tunneled or down again. It’s honestly not even a good perk if you know how to deal with it. I find DH more annoying and op to go against because it guarantees someone a free escape to the pallet or window vault it was sooo much time if you go against people who know how to use DH and can cost you the entire game.

    if I could I would delete DH from the game but not ds

  • I don't think it's OP, it'll buy a Survivor a few more precious seconds. That's it.

  • Member Posts: 442

    DS should deactivate if you touch a gen, open a chest, or heal a survivor. The idea that you get a minute of immunity to progress the game is dumb. I’ve had survivors get on the gen 5 feet from the unhook and go straight to work. That should deactivate the perk considering games last like 6 minutes and all 4 survivors can run it and have 2 different 1 minute immunity periods.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    I think its fine, if your one of the scummy killers that tunnel every chance they get for a early kill you should be punished. I hate doing it, as well as getting stunned, however If that survivor hopes into a locker or is being cocky i will make them waste their DS since it can be a clutch later on.

    The only people who complain about DS are the ones who tunnel and who are skilless (IMO) and the people that avoid it completely which ruins the end game for them. IF you can get rid of DS without going out of your way to chase someone who got unhooked while being a scumbag and know when to avoid making them use DS when it can be more beneficial to them then there are few reasons to complain about it. In fact the only times i get hit with DS are during the end game if im forced to pick someone up or they escape, grabbing a survivor in a locker, on a gen, or unhooking someone with DS so they waste it, or If i happened to be nearby the hook and downed the survivor who just got unhooked but i can't find the rescuer so i pick them up.

    You can also just slug to be safe while going after someone else which is what i usually do if i down a survivor who was just hooked.

  • Member Posts: 317

    It is fine BUT.

    It needs to be changed as if..

    Are you being healed? Doing gens? Decisive is gone, if that's the case. It's a simple fix.

  • Member Posts: 940

    BT is a beautiful perk for helping prevent slugging.

    DS is abused due to the length of time it is active, it is my number 1 perk if I'm playing in a 4 man SWFC

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I hate it, but it has its place.

    Nobody likes getting DS'ed, but at the same time, I played enough survivor back in the day that I understand its place in the game.

    1. It is nowhere near OP. At most, it could be tweaked to deactivate if the survivor interacts with the locker and reactivate once they leave.
    2. It is a useful tool to counter tunneling, and tunneling is out of control at times. I watch my son play and it is one digger after another. Like all of them are trying to tunnel to China.
    3. If you are eating DS a lot in games, check your play style. It is likely that you are tunneling a bit much. I can count on one hand how many times I've been hit with DS since the change a year ago. I play roughly 15 hours a week and 90% of it is killer. DS is easy to avoid.
    4. There is a rare instance, which is usually when I eat DS, where even non-tunneling killer get hosed by DS. When the door is opened and you are near the door. You down the unhooked survivor and either watch them crawl out in 60 seconds or eat DS. Easy fix: When the last gen is done, DS deactivates.
  • Member Posts: 977
  • Member Posts: 119

    Well moris is a completely different story in terms of being unbalanced. My problems with DS and being an invincibility perk is from the perspective of a killer who isn’t using a mori. Isn’t that a little messed up to think about tho? A killer with something as cheap as a mori can’t be punished by DS but a killer who didn’t bring a mori has to be punished for it?

  • Member Posts: 977

    At the same time, DS is an anti-tunneling perk that only works once per match.. If you find the need to sit so close to the hook and protect your kill, that it takes you less than 60 seconds to down a survivor, then thats on you.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    I think that perk is way too abusable and versatile for its’ effect. It needs to be deactivated when in a locker, on a gen, or fully healed. If you have the time to do those actions, then you are not being tunneled. It also should deactivate if another was hooked before you, because they’re clearly not tunneling.

    I hate this perk. I’ll eat it, but it’s just too good. I never run it on survivor because of this issue.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Throw Borrowed Time into that, and you have two perks that can potentially give survivors a free escape in the EGC. Or just when all five gens are done, since survivors like to 99% gates.

  • Member Posts: 119

    That’s contradictory. Are you saying that that if I down someone else and hook them, then find the other survivor who still has their DS up and I down them and get hit by the perk it is still doing it’s job of being an anti-tunnel perk? Because if so that I should not how tunneling works.

    Also yes while DS only work so once per match, that one time use can cause you to lose the match since you spent time to down, then pick up the survivor only to get stunned for 5 seconds and have that person you downed get away leaving you without no gained pressure. The example I just use is from the perspective of a killer who actually didn’t tunnel. If the killer tunnels and gets hit with DS then fine they deserve it.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Not a main killer but I play killer a lot and have some experience of these perks(Don't use them myself though) I don't see a problem with these perks and don't think they are op. They can be annoying especially if the game is going badly anyway, but that's about it. Not everyone that annoy me is op :D

  • Member Posts: 275

    I usually go for the rescuer and if I can down the dser quickly I do it and slug him. I'm not fine with picking up and eating a DS, unless the survivor runs in a locker. If he does that, I'll eat it and relentlessly kill him

  • Member Posts: 100

    Imo ds is strong . I dont see it op as a anti tunnel perk. However it is really annoying to get ds after you have hooked two other people. At that point it's not tunneling yet you get punished. Ds should really become unactive after another survivor is hooked.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    I find DS pretty fine perk, as long as it is used to avoid being tunneled and not as "60 seconds of invulnerability".

    Although I think it definitely should be disabled any time survivor touches gen/totem/starts healing and when EGC starts because during EGC there's no such thing as tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 2,924
    edited August 2020

    Using it for it's intended purpose is not a problem i have with it, using it to wave your [BAD WORD] in my face for a minute is where i take issue

  • Member Posts: 1,299

    Why did someone bring this back it's from February

  • Member Posts: 55

    Overall I don't care about the perk I rarely get hit by it. BUT it is really annoying if I down them when the gates are open and they're near it since I can't stop them from getting out either way they either get downed and crawl out or I pick them up get hit with ds and they get out that way.

  • Member Posts: 415

    DS is fine, as a rank one survivor and rank 1 killer and someone who runs DS every game and id say that 90% of the time i get to use my DS because the killers who are complaining about it being to strong/OP are the killers who are struggling to get hooks and kills.

    DS by itself is pretty much a bad perk. It only activates when your unhooked and it only last for a minute. 1 minute. Along with only being able to use it once per game. I dont see how people are claiming it to be OP.

    Survivors dont have invincibility for 60 seconds. Cause all you have to do if your to bad to chase one of the other 3 survivors on the map is simply just slug them on the ground and come back shortly after to reclaim your im so good so i just tunnel the person off hook cause im trash and cant chase anybody else kill.

    Now if your one of those super efficient killers whos getting downs so rapidly thats your losing track of what survivors just got unhooked or you go down someone else and the person who made the save had well make it so now the survivor that got unhooked is back to full health.

    If your complaining cause your eating DS like this why tf are you even complaining. If your good enough to keep the pressure up and get so many hooks ect then eating a ds early game shouldnt even be a concern as your a beast rank 1 killer and to steamroll over some noobs with DS is ease. You eat it early game so then its not a problem or if you slug and they unbreakabill then that survivor is free game the rest of the match and nothing he can do about it.

    The only time i would say ds is a problem is end game. If you havent already eaten a ds and you hook endgame and they get rescued then they basically get out for free because there isnt any way to play around egc DS. Best move then is to pick them up and do a quick m1 attack to try and throw the survivor off which will work like 5% of the time lol

    Long story short only killers complaining about DS are bad killers. Most rank 1 killers know how to play around DS or just eat it early game then the survivor is SOL for the rest of the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    DS does a great job of de-incentivizing tunneling, and I'm fine with that.

    My own issue with it stems from the fact that some survivors tend to use what should be a defensive perk in an aggressive manner (locker tech, doing gens in your face, bodyblocking while you carry a different survivor, etc). Especially when combined with Unbreakable, survivors do actually gain up to 60 seconds of being untouchable; killer can't grab them without eating DS, killer can't slug without Unbreakable canceling the pressure of Dying. Survivors who actively flaunt this untouchability are usually some of the most annoying people to possibly play against.

    It doesn't help that this perk is overwhelmingly popular. I would not be surprised if DS is the most-run perk for survivors in Purple and Red Ranks (and would probably be the most-used survivor perk overall if it were not initially locked behind Laurie Strode).

    I'd personally like for them to double-down on DS's ability to punish tunneling, while forcing it to ONLY work in that fashion (giving it additional ways to deactivate if the survivor is not being tunneled off hook, but also freezing the timer when the survivor does get tunneled). Heck, I'd even say they could consider removing its once-per-trial restriction if they limited its functionality to anti-tunneling and nothing else.

  • Member Posts: 294

    I think DS is really annoying on killer's side. Has always been.

    Balance-wise it's fine on its own but OP with other 2nd chance perks like BT and Unbreakable.

    I usually ignore the survivor that's recently been unhooked or slug them. Eating DS is usually a result of miscalculating the timing or just forgetting that this guy was recently unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited August 2020

    I dont mind DS and think its a cool perk as a survivor despite not running it myself, as killer it tends to annoy me because I get DSed while not even tunneling anyone. So I DO think there should be some changes, for example: if you are healed back to health DS should deactivate, you have not been tunneled at all.

    If you start working on a gen, heal someone else etc it should be disabled.

    As it stands, people literally get unhooked, you ignore them, they run off get healed, start working on a gen, you find them again, down them and bam get DSed. That is lame and everyone knows it.

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