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New pallet idea

w_sohl Member Posts: 124
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

First, before I go into this, I know killer mains, for the most part if not 100%, will be against this, but hear me out.

What if after you were picked up after being downed, while struggling and while being carried to a hook the killer walks through a pallet opening that you had a 1% chance at kicking that pallet and stunning the killer? I say 1% because I was trying to think of a drawback to this like when you try to come off the hook on your own and it costs you time and potentially a phase, but couldn't.

After some thought before posting...

OK, I think I might have thought of something that would be amenable to killers. 10% chance of kicking pallet, dropping and stunning killer. Either way, fail or success, pallet drops and killer can now destroy that pallet. I say 10% here because we all know how important pallets are to Survivors (using them) and killers (getting rid of them). Survivors can avoid chancing pallet by not struggling, killers can avoid potential stun by not walking through pallet, and lets be honest here, the wiggle times (I'm not suggesting we change wiggle times) are long enough that most if not all killers could take a longer route to the hook to avoid the pallet and still hook the survivor.

The percentages are just a starting point and obviously can be changed if they are too strong or weak.

Post edited by w_sohl on


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited February 2020

    I thought of something like this as well, the problem is, its yet another second chance perk which just makes it closer to a 1 on 1 fight which it should never be because its 4 v 1.

    imagine crawling to a pallet and the killer now having no choice but to eat this potential slam and being able to do nothing at all about it?

    Thats just another DS having survivor crawling out the door....

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I like the idea, but a lot of killers know to avoid pallets when carrying so I don't think smart killers would let survivors get a chance at using this mechanic.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    how about no for so many reasons how many 2nd chances do you want to give survivors if the killer chased you and downed you or manged to grab you from something then you shouldn't have another chance to get out on your own unless you have DS active when picked up, changing it so killers can kick the pallet after you have got away yer that sounds real balanced just a thought maybe killers take the quickest path to a hook because they are on a time limit to find the other survivors and kill them and stop gen from being finished.

    why should survivors get a chance of breaking free if your all for that then lets give killers a 15% chance that on first hook a survivor could die and to balance it if you don't die you get to hang there like normal just to make it fair for survivors.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    Well, you can't wiggle till the pickup animation is complete if I'm remembering correctly and even then, if you are picked up in the pallet zone you'll only be there briefly.

    My idea wasn't a perk, but I suppose it could be. I don't think, as a perk, it would ever be used except at initial release just to try it out though.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    I heard this idea before, but as someone said: "Killers already have too many things to worry about" so I dont think adding self dropping pallets is a good idea.

    Not to mention that your version of this idea is based on RNG, and adding RNG is a bad idea by itself.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    If its just build in, everyone has it so a killer would always run a risk going through a pallet, free attempts at a free escape for survivors, that would not do the game much good.

    If its a perk, it would be made so that its worth using, which again would just ruin the game more, imagine just looping knowing full well you will just go down on the pallet if you dont throw it on time, escape and move on.

    We dont need to give survivors more safety nets, and certainly not ones that rely on rng.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    OK, let's make this not active till you've been downed (slugged) for at least 60 seconds. That would still allow the killer to avoid DS which is almost 100% escape, and at red ranks I'm sure it's better than 98% successful. Now instead of taking that 100% chance of losing the survivor it is now only a 10% chance that the killer gets stunned by the pallet, but 100% it gets dropped and destroyed by the killer?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    "Couldn't think of a drawback, so there just isn't one"

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited February 2020

    Not a bad idea, just need a few conditions to balance this out. Second chance perks need conditions to be balanced and fair for both roles. 😁

    Daring Escape

    You will do whatever it takes to escape from your aggressor.

    After being chased for a total of 60 seconds without taking damage from the killer, this perk activates.

    While Daring Escape is active and in the killer's grasp, there's a 30%/40%/50% chance when the killer carries you beside a pallet that you will drop it down and the perk deactivates.

    After being freed from Daring Escape, the killer receives a 10% haste effect until a survivor is put into the dying state.

    Daring Escape can be activated multiple times.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    And if you read the entire post, I came up with one, a pretty important one I think you'd agree.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    All you are doing is giving the survivor another 2nd chance and to balance it the pallet breaks but hey the killer still get's stunned so it makes no difference in the long run and by the time all off that is done your other perks could be ready like DH, SB giving another 2nd chance, survivors have enough 2nd chance's they don't need anymore not when it something like when being carried to a hook.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    Now this is how discussion are supposed to work, thank you for being a civil human being. I like the idea. I'm fully aware that there has to be some give and take and if there is a potential advantage gained, there also needs to be a potential drawback.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    I think the 60s without damage is to long. No good killer is chasing anyone for more than 20-30s if they haven't injured you in that time.

    Also, what if we shortened the time, say 20s, you have the 30/40/50% chance to drop and stun. If you fail, pallet stays as is, but if you are successful, not only is the pallet dropped, but like Spirit Fury, it also breaks immediately?

    I kinda liked the idea of it being anti slugging, killer trying to avoid DS gets DE instead.

    By the way, I think Daring Escape would be a perfect name for this Perk.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Soon as someone like's your idea its " how discussion are supposed to work, thank you for being a civil human being" sorry to brake it to you but everyone that has posted was having a discussion and was being civil with it we just didn't like your idea and was pointing out the reasons why. Nice way to point out which post matter so unless you like the idea no point in responding as the OP will class it as not being civil and having a discussion.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2020

    Guilty conscience? I wasn't calling anyone out and was referring to the way discussions typically go in these kind of threads. What I meant by how discussions are supposed to work was that he saw my idea, saw some issues with it and instead of just saying no way no how, he came up with some changes and ideas about how to possibly make it work. Even if he had tore it down completely I would have had the same response to him because he came with a solution.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited February 2020

    If this perk has the potential to be used multiple times by multiple survivors, there should be a heavy price to getting it to activate — especially when this perk can really hurt the killer.

    The point of this perk is to punish killers who couldn't down you within a reasonable amount of time and decided to carry you to a pallet. If you was downed at a pallet, the perk will have a short cool-down when you're picked up to prevent cheese. 😁

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Here's an example

    You're hiding from the killer and they caught you hiding for a hook rescue. The killer injures you and begins chasing you away from the hook.

    You reach pallet loop and spend 15 seconds keeping the killer occupied before you're forced to move on to the next tile.

    You reach a LT tile and the killer wasn't able to mind game you there for 25 seconds. Eventually Entity Blockers and Bloodlust forced you to quickly travel to the next pallet.

    This pallet delays the killer for 10 seconds because you barely made it there and the killer immediately broke the pallet.

    Killer drops the chase with you because you're taking too much time. Daring Escape needs you to be chased for 10 more seconds to activate and without taking damage.

    Later, when the Exit Gates are powered, you attempt to open the Exit Gates but was seen by the killer. You was chased for 15 seconds before you was downed, Daring Escape is activated.

    The killer picked you up and walked past a pallet, Daring Escape decided not to work due to RNG. You are hooked but someone hooked bomb you and the killer downed you.

    The killer is worried about DS and slugs you. After 60 seconds, you're picked up by the killer and again, they walked past a pallet, Daring Escape worked you left through the Exit Gates.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    So DE wouldn't deactivate if it were unsuccessful? If that were the case I could see 60s being valid. If you're hit before 60s does the timer start over or just stop calculating? Would you need to be healthy for the time to accumulate?

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057
    edited February 2020

    Making it base kit? No.

    Making it a perk? One use only, maybe, but even then.. Still no. How many people get downed and picked up under pallets, this would give the killer literally no chance at picking you up, even with no one nearby to drop the pallet for you.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    It isn't guaranteed to work. I think the percentages might be a little strong, but if it's a perk slot they need to be, especially if it's one time use.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    True. I guess a low percentage would work. Maybe give it a few seconds after being picked up to prevent instant pallet drops, like 3 or 4 seconds after a pick up. But it would be annoying if the same survivor ran both that and Decisive Strike. Decisive Strike should have priority over the RNG of the automated pallet drop. Or the pallet drop needs both the RNG and a difficult skillcheck, not have it 100% automated. But not a skillcheck everytime a pallet is in sight, not to make it Decisive Strike #2. And one more thing. The pallet should break upon impact. Not just drop.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    Yeah, if you go up about 8 posts I suggested that they would break immediately like in Spirit Fury.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I did. There's absolutely no drawback for the survivors.

    "The killer can kick it" is nothing. A pallet for an entire health state is ridiculously one sided

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    You have just made the idea/perk one-sided with that example and pretty much any survivor will know they will have a free escape some point during the match if you want to make it sound half balanced then you need to adjust it so if the killer breaks off the chase the timer will reset on it, having it stay there and pick up where it stopped makes it OP right away survivors can run into range to get a chase going build up 10 seconds then escape come back get another 10 secs and keep going till it activate's and they pretty much have a 2nd DS.

    Like you said "After being chased for a total of 60 seconds without taking damage from the killer, this perk activates." a chase starts and it stops when the killer drops it or you lose the killer. if each chase counts towards the 60sec they will then need to adjust the points you get for a chase and do a total at the end off the match as each chase counts as one and no points are shown during the match or keep it the way it is which means the clock has to restart each chase.

    Being as strong as your making it is there needs to be a time limit on it like DS otherwise there is no counter play for the killer apart from RNG they down you then you might have DS so they wait out the min while you crawl to a pallet they pick you up just to get hit with a pallet. Your buffing it for survivors but your not giving it any real balance for killers.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    If they do it that way, I want bloodlust to be cumulative chase time, then. Every 30 second of chase, I want to level up bloodlust. If I lose chase after 25 seconds, I can pick it back when I start a new chase, no biggie.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I knew someone would mention that and already thought of a solution. For the chase time to count towards Daring Escape, you must be in a chase for at least 15 seconds. 😁

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited February 2020

    The timer will only reset if you take damage from the killer, and it doesn't matter what your health state is — you can get it to activate healthy, injured, or deep wounds. 😁

  • Nazgharul
    Nazgharul Member Posts: 2

    With the Breakout Perk you can take a hit follow the killer and the survivor can wiggle off i do this regularly when i want to play for fun over optimally ntm you can make him easily miss if he swings and block hook with that 7% haste most people are potatoes and if their nearby wont even register the through of taking a hit ntm if he walks through a pallet and im close he's eating that stun regardless

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    How about fixing maps, killers and both killer and survivor perks already in the game instead?

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I'd rather see more debris in the game that is a minor inconvenience like a board that is instantly broken or a pile of boxes you need to crunch or throwing down a bookcase.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    A little late back to the party, but I like how my idea became a reality. And like I said, as a perk, it's only a gimmick.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    The game needs less RNG, not more. Imagine you got that perfect down and a 1% random chance just decided "Well guess what, screw you! You drop the survivor!" it would NOT be fun.

    Ever been killed by a crocket in tf2? It would be on the same level.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645

    Make Power Struggle base kit, but only after wiggling reaches 50%+. Then Power Struggle makes it possible drop pallets at 25% (Half the time). That way solo survivors aren’t totally helpless. I mean even if they knew the killers would no longer walk under pallets under any given circumstance if they carried a person for so long. Meaning players would have make these circumstances. Say there was a hook just outside of basement killer shack where someone was downed, but an ally broke said hook before the killer could hook the person. This would force the killer to walk past a pallet, or drop the survivor… This would only happen with some good coordination. 🤔