4 Gens done in under 3 minutes, how do devs think this is fair and fun for Killer?

I've had my fair share of games done in under 5 minutes by survivors rushing the gens optimally but this is just on a whole new level, 4 gens done in about 3 mins exact and Tru3 only engaged in about 2 chases which ended pretty quick up until the point when the fourth popped.The devs always say they want the game to be fun for both sides but the recent patches that have been going through prove otherwise and the lack of bug fixes on the killer side, it seems to me that BHVR doesn't care enough about their killer player base to even mention all the issues that have been present since these patches went through starting from the Cursed Legacy DLC that introduced the sound bugs.
There is currently not very counterplay exept a strong killer with a mori
If they don't fix gen times all games at high ranks will be nothing but a gen rushing fest with killers sweating with moris
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The only counter is to not play an M1 killer.
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Which means most of the killers are underpowered. It also shouldn't be a game that forces you to play only a small handful of killers just to be strong in what should be the power role.
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That is balance for ya, which the game is lacking, with perks that are obviously way too strong and perks that are obviously way too weak and pretty much the same for killers..... not to mention the very existance of Offerings and Add Ons and Items..... yeah... its a mess
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The game had become.
High Mobility killer -> fair game
Low Mobility killer -> Had to play dirty to have a fair result.
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One could also ask: "Still a 4k even though survivors managed to repair 4 gens in less than 3 minutes - how is that fair?!"
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Another tru3 video where he ends up winning, nice.
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Without watching the video, that sounds like ######### survivors, who make loads of mistakes but nearly get away with it, because they are not afraid to touch generators.
No one should win a game, by just holding down 1 button.
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Yes, but lets be honest, the entire team played like MASSIVE potatoes there, if any single one of them was capable it would have gone much different.
Technically no one did, 15k points at best for everyone involved? thats just a waste of time.
To you as well, have you seen the video?
They managed it purely by avoiding any contact, when all 3 came to save the 1 other survivor they showed just had bad they were, and they were REALLY bad, like suprisingly so.
again, if any of them was even remotely capable this game would have ended with an ez 4S
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So a depip means having won for you?
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One day the devs will listen and actually address the gen speed problem (preferably by implementing an additional, mandatory objective).
They have shown that they're listening to the map size complaints, so that's good.
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Yes let's invalidate the argument by mentioning someone who has played this game for years and not think about the thousands of other killers who aren't nearly as good as Tru3 and how they are suffering from this
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wait....pipping means winning to you?
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I was in a 4 man escape match against an oni with an ebony mori i guess moris are fine because i ended up winning.
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For several people
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Another cherry-picked video from an obnoxious streamer who plays the game for a living. He has between 10 to 20 matches during a stream and one of them fits the narrative so we use that to prove our point.
If you change gen times, you throw 90% of the game out of whack in order to balance for 10% of your players. This may work in an esport game, but not a casual game where you need to maximize participation and purchase.
I've had matches where 3 gens pop before my third trap is in hand. Those are rare matches, but they do happen. Those are not my normal match.
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Not to mention, Trapper shines in endgame if you are playing him properly.
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I agree. It's about getting that snowball rolling downhill.
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In all the games he plays, how many times does this happen? As a percentage.
When you have that answer, you will know 1 legit reason why Devs do nothing.
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It wasn't a 4k...
Also the entire team bombed the hook which was shown if they hadn't they would have finished the last generator(One person alone nearly got the 5th gen done solo before the 4 min mark).
Effectively its a free 3 escape turning into 3k because instead of finishing the last generator everyone threw the game by hook bombing a trapper who had someone in the basement.
If the survivors didn't throw the game there was virtually nothing the killer(Who mind you was a set up trapper with 3 generators close together in a line) could do to stop a 3 escape.
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Talking about cherry picking, when you pull 90% out of thin air. You are dead wrong, and especially at red ranks, I would bet my left nut that way more than 10% are sweet fests where gens pop extremely fast. I should know, since I play there. It is not even remotely uncommon to have 2 gens pop first chase and a 3rd on 2nd hook. If the survivors know how to loop properly, no amount of skill will save you. You just lose. That's how this game is structured.
The balance discussion is already a moot point, since the devs are total garbage at it and are only doing it for the money. Space Coconut made a good video about this.
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Im sure some survivor main is saying "Just apply pressure duh!" Not all killers can apply pressure very well and even if they can, you can't pressure all 4 at once. Unless they're stupid enough to all be standing next to each other but we all know how often real red rank survivors make mistakes.
Then when they only see the top tier killers they will whine. Then the devs will nerf them too. It's starting to be like that movie War Games
"The objective is not to play"
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more whining.
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If I was trying to prove a point, I would have picked a video where the killer gets genrushed like crazy and then loses. I'm not defending the gen times at all.
I don't care about pipping because ranks don't mean anything.
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wanting the game to be balanced is not whining
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All this video proves if that players who can only hold M1 and do gens but have zero looping skill will lose
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Those threads are prove that people arent going for reasonable arguments, just for propaganda, denying most of the logical parts.
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it’s not fun or fair, and the devs could care less.
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Seems like they just don't want people to play Trapper.
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Please stop playing dumb.
The point of the video is that its possible for potato survivors to complete most of the objective with barely any interactions with the killer.
You can extrapolate this game to killers who aren't as experience as true3 going against non-potato survivors
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Instant dc for me
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pipping means for me, i played the game as the game wanted me to play it.
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Don't play trapper. Tru3 really isn't that great either. I can 2-4k at red ranks consistently.
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These games are few & far between. You can just as easily post a video clip of Tru3, Umbra or any of the other top tier killer streamers where they dominate the survivors.
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so out of 17 killers or whatever, just play 2-3 killers?
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Agree totally. I've resorted to iridescent hatchets on Huntress because she's so damn slow lol.
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ok, soooo thats good? because to me that just feels a bit robot-ish, no own opinion of thoughts.
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If you want to play competitively shouldn't you be good at the game? Or are you entitled to free 4ks and pips so you can be a good customer? Serious question man.
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Using the built in scoring system to determine “winning,” isn’t robotic. That’s like saying sports teams that use scoreboard to determine the winner are robotic...
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The game is very fair. Every time the devs play, once a week, it takes forever to find a gen to work on. Plus they have to walk their to save their sprint burst. I swear that the devs themselves are rank 18 survivors which gives us the balance we have. Can’t we just have Rank 20-16 matches as a 5:1 ratio so the game is balanced.
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That’s the rub, if you wanna balance this game for the majority it messes it up for that top tier, or when people like me get matched against the top tier because of bad matchmaking.
But you have to balance for the 99% because that’s smart business 101
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Are we gonna ignore that fact that in those 3 minutes he ignored any interaction with the survivors except Feng? At around 2 mins he even drops the chase to set traps in a corner of the map (which makes little sense since those are low-traffic areas). I mean, what were the survivors supposed to do, wait for mr Trapper to set all traps and tunnel Feng before doing gens?
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He still ended up with 3 kills
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What's your perk builds?
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Infectious Fright, BBQ, Devour, STBFL. Spirit.
BBQ, Enduring, Nurse's, Devour. Pig.
BBQ, Thrilling, Nurse's, Free Slot. GF.
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Hell yeah, yesterday I was playing mobile with trapper and leaving the unbalanced matchmaking, I found myself with four survs making fun of me basically. They just made the gens so quickly... I even had time to make anything, only after they opened the gate I made something. I don't mind if a couple of a matches they all escape, but every match? Something it's not right
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Why do people not understand to just apply a lot of gen pressure. Its not that hard and ive done it my self. Im red ranks and i rarely get g rushed
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Key word is rarely! You’re right, most games you can start to build pressure even if it means 2-3 gens get done the survivors get stuck at 2 left.
But people see this example that happens 1 out of 25 times or 50 times and they use it as their shining example.
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Having the entire game take place with 1 gen left is just painful, stressful and unpleasant. If this game is "Fair" then they should divide the gameplay up with changes so it takes place across the whole game and not just at the last gen.
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Why? It is a simple fact that the fewer gens there are left the easier it is for a killer to pressure them all, specially if close together. Even if split up a killer with mobility by teleport or high speed can pressure all three remaining gens.
How would you rework it to change that? People are so quick to say what needs done without any idea how.