Necesito ayuda Por favor¡¡¡

descargue el juego pero no arranca, me sale un mensaje que dice: DX11 feature level 11.0 i required to run the engine
que debo hacer alguien que me ayude por favor
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From google translate:
download the game but it does not start, I get a message that says: DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine
What should I do to help me please?" ~Justhin
Since I don't have the game currently on PC I can't speak from a great deal of experience....but it sounds like the game wants you to install "Direct X 11.0" or higher.
Anyone else have any computer issues with this error?
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You realize there is an international language section you can post this in.....
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Hay un foro en español.
Lo más probable es que moverán tu comentario a este foro.
Has actualizado tus drivers? La tarjeta gráfica cumple los requisitos mínimos?
El error indica que es un problema con direct x. Prueba de actualizar tu sistema.0 -
No englando => no general secterino
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Pantalones azul0
@Master said:
No englando => no general secterinoThat was.....nothing
@Vietfox said:
Pantalones azulthe only spanish words you answer to this topic is pantalones azul? xD made my day.
As i read the game wants DX11 installed for running DBD. The other guy asked if the drivers where up to date and he also wants to know if the graphics card is good enough (fulfill minimal requirements of the game)
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@S0ckenSchuss said:
@Master said:
No englando => no general secterinoThat was.....nothing
@Vietfox said:
Pantalones azulthe only spanish words you answer to this topic is pantalones azul? xD made my day.
As i read the game wants DX11 installed for running DBD. The other guy asked if the drivers where up to date and he also wants to know if the graphics card is good enough (fulfill minimal requirements of the game)
Hab ihm auch gesagt das er im falschen Forum ist.
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Bin noch am Anfang mit meinem Spanisch-Lernen
Kriege das noch nicht so gut hin wie bei Englisch
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@S0ckenSchuss said:
Bin noch am Anfang mit meinem Spanisch-LernenKriege das noch nicht so gut hin wie bei Englisch
No problem.