I've had the most fun as killer since the ruin change.

Flawless_ Member Posts: 323
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Ok, before you bash me in the comments, hear me out: I guess I should preface this by mentioning that I have only 600 hours in the game and I play mostly killer but also survivor although not as much.

Anyway, I loved this game from day one. After the initial immersed stage I learned all the mechanics, watched a ton of videos and did the grinding until I was good enough to get to rank 1 playing only...Wraith and Huntress, which by the way wasn't necessarily a good idea. I can sum up my killer experience in one word: frustration. Every time I thought I was getting better next game I'd get my ass handed to me by a coordinated team. Not to mention the toxicity, DCing, balance issues and the dumb emblem system. Yet the game was fun and addictive enough to make me stay and I thought eventually some of the issues would get taken care of by the devs just like in any other game...until the ruin changes were announced.

Like many others I was very upset, not so much about Ruin but the ridiculously biased press release, right after an underwhelming chapter 14 and a wave of nerfs. I thought about just quitting the game and it just so happened that I got a job in a different state so I didn't play for the past month or so anyway. Fast forward to this week when I had a bit more free time and I decided to play a few matches. Since rank reset happened while I wasn't playing I started back at rank 5. With the current state of matchmaking I knew I'd verse red rank survivors no matter what, so I decided to stop caring about rank and frankly I think that was all it took for me to start enjoying the game again. Seriously, it's that simple.

But I need to slow the game just a little bit!...well, you still can win, it just got a bit harder. Or just play without expecting to "win", since all you get for winning is a pip or two, which means NOTHING when you’re going against red rank survivors in every game regardless. Wanna try a crazy build instead? Hell yeah let's see what happens, DGAF if I depip. Wanna mori all 4 little suckers? Why not, DGAF if I depip. Someone tbagging in front of a pallet? Face camp, if you feel like it, or just ignore and focus on getting better at mindgames. You may depip, but you're getting better. You may be thinking, but what about the endgame chat? Easy...don't look at it. If I didn't play well I already know it before the game ends. Hit continue. You'll be in a lobby in less than one minute. Also most survivors aren't toxic. They just want to have a fun game just like you. It just so happens that their objective is the opposite of yours. If you feel that you're being bullied, do yourself a favor and leave the game. Again, you'll be in a lobby in less than a minute. Guess what I don't care about depiping anymore and somehow I'm still around rank 4 atm.

And btw for all you Wraith gamers the new Ruin + Windstorm + All Seeing Spirit is pretty brutal as long as the totem stays up.

TL;DR: With the current state of matchmaking killer rank is meaningless. Since the ruin changes I stopped giving a F about piping and now I'm having tons of fun playing the game. If you still like DBD but care about your mental well-being forget about the winning or losing mentality and just learn to appreciate it for what it is: a non-competitive, casual, often unbalanced game where you whack the ######### outta survivors and sometimes get to kill a few.

Post edited by Flawless_ on


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I actually love playing killer because it's so intense and fun to see whether or not you played well enough to win.

    My definition of winning is receiving above a 2K.

    I have a ton of fun finding survivors, outplaying them, and learn from my mistakes. Sure, killer can be frustrating, but I never had a game where I didn't get below a 2K. 😁

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    I love trying out new builds, and having a new perk to play with that actually fits my play style has been awesome. DBD has really changed a lot lately, so it's been fresh and fun with a new meta 😁

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Tried lots of perks I never used before and also tried camping and tunneling a bit. Sure it's been fun but to lose one of the best, if not the best killer perk can't be a good thing for killers. I want old Ruin back to deal with gen rush because it's very frustrating when you go up against surviviors that only focus on gens, only good thing about that is Noed.

    Bad thing about Noed is all survivors messages after telling me it's a clutch perk or that I am so bad I need Noed etc, so have to tell them they are bad losers and lazy players again and again. Feels like I spend more time arguing with survivors about perks or playstyle these days then playing the game 🙁

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2020

    The thing is, old ruin was still rng. I personally feel more and more that rolling dice isn't a good idea for a build. Yes it may have helped a little, but good survivors would power through it anyway.

    Like I said don't even look at the endgame chat, or just assume people will complain if you use noed. Same could be said for adrenaline or DS. These days if survivors want to be toxic I know I don't need to engage. Move on, you'll be in another lobby in less than one minute ;)

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    Yeah, good advice though not really related to the ruin change at all, cause it's been the only way to have fun since way before that.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I have and had always fun playing killer and i simply can not understand the mentality of many here. Who needs ruin when there are many other great slowdown perks? Corrupt, Pop, Thana, all anyway more consistance then ruin ever was.

    On top of that, i am actually also doing better now. Ruin usually never lasted for more then 60 seconds anyway and then i had to play with 3 perks.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Depends on the killer for me.

    With Hillbilly I’m enjoying the game much more and to my surprise staying at rank 1. I’ve also clearly increased my skill in a chase with chainsaws since the nerf.

    On the other hand, I struggle a lot with Trapper. I’ve gone down from rank 2 to rank 6 with him. Since then I haven’t really gone up or down the ranks with him, mainly due to the fact that I don’t have the time early game to place down five traps without losing two or three gens.