The DC penalty is not well thought out.

Zumz Member Posts: 67
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Straight to the point: As someone who ALWAYS get a match-error midway through a game, killer and survivor, this sucks. I will not only get a penalty for something that initially is not my fault but the game's, but depip too. Unless this is fixed soon, this DC penalty will not work and will unfairly get people and their groups banned from matchmaking for a period of time. As if matchmaking wasn't already slow, this will just INCREASE that time.

While I absolutely hate when both survivors I play against and with DC after first down; I cannot help but sympathize for the ones who want to refuse sandbagging teammates a pip or refuse a killer that's playing to ruin people's games even getting remotely close to pipping. While I'm not sure there's an actual good solution for this, the moderation of games seriously needs to get a little stricter. The report option is already trash as it is.

Take a survivor purposely tapping m1 but never actually unhooking you while on a hook, leaving you to die.

Or perhaps a killer bringing an ebony mori, insidious, facecamping you and forcing you to depip.

Or three gens being popped right in your face.

To summarize: Balance the game, make the maps smaller, and make punishment more strict before enabling DC penalties.



  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited February 2020

    We will have to see how much they have changed and what has been fixed from the test as what you describe is a game issue which should be fixed to not give the penalty.

    Penalties should only happen if it's on your own end.

    As for someone dcing due to how another plays well that is the game. It shouldn't be a legit option to just leave as big sides have to deal with things that are unfun.

    At the very least it allows stats to be gathered a lot better for balance purposes and to work on unfun plays.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    I agree to:( they should fix other things ingame before they add this. What if players need to leave a match for example if they had to go somewhere or has a dr apt?

    And when they want to come back and play a round they can't because they just got a penalty for leaving :(

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Oh ok thanks for clearing this up I was a bit confused at first :)

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    @snowflake102 No worries! See you in the fog!

  • Zumz
    Zumz Member Posts: 67

    I hate when other's DC as well, even if the killer / survivor is being a huge jerk. That's why I believe they should fix how large maps are and maybe make the current camping mechanic more punishing. If maps were smaller, gen pressure wouldn't be as hard, and if the current camping-punishment gave survivors survival points and reduced the killer's hunting points(As it currently does) It wouldn't feel as punishing. (The hunting emblem-reducing will start after 10 seconds as it does ATM.)

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    *Laughs in nintendo switch

    - someone that has the switch version, probably

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I like those conditions.

    If you disconnect on purpose: penalty.

    If it's a crash or something, then unless you really have a ######### computer or internet, then by the time it gets back your penalty should be gone. If it happens regularly, you might want to invest in a new computer or change internet providers.

    But I also think, as @SeducedByDaemonette said, there should be a way to reconnect to the game once that happens (especially for survivors, as long as your husk is still in-game and not dead, that is.. if you get caught and hooked and die then yeah too bad)

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I can easily see the match error thing and very, very short internet outages being a major problem.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    While I can see everyone's concerns with problems from match errors of internet blips - I still think this is needed to combat the overwhelming number of DCs that have been left unchecked for far too long. I have always believed that you can't cater to higher latencies/unreliable isp when it comes to multiplayer games. While it is possible to see if dc was caused intentionally or by sudden latency spike; it isn't so easy to know if it was due to intentional or unintentional action.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Sorry to burst anyone's bubbles, but people with bad internet connections or bad computers (or both) shouldn't be playing online multiplayer games in the first place anyway.

  • connieyefimov
    connieyefimov Member Posts: 2

    Dear developers

    Before you make such thing as DC penalty you should at least make an opportunity to reconnect. My 90% of disconnects occur because of your bugged game. I'm getting more and more disappointed by you. There are bugs which aren't still fixed since the release, there's no balance at all and you do THAT. Nice priorities, guys.

    Don't consider your game as esport . There's no need of DC penalty at all since the online of the game isn't good at all. Matchmaking is taking up to 5 min for survivors and 10 to 20 for killers. Now it'll be even worse omg.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    Don't missunderstand me. What I am going to say might sounds a bit rude. I don't DC often but...

    Why load up the game? Because it's a game... I won't be an hour playing if I have something to do but perhaps 20 mins. It's my time and I use it however I want. Why should I explain myself to you?

    As a person who lives in a dangerous neighbourhood, sometimes I hear stranges noises (quite a lot) and yes, I need to close the game if I am supposed to be alert if something happens. I can't be playing a game if let's say there is someone who is trying to break into my home, or to robber a neighbour in the street. Talking about power cuts. I had two last week and one three weeks ago.

    Some people has children. Accidents happens and you can't prevent it.

    It's not odd that today a power loss happens and in two weeks my mother has an accident in the bathroom. Right? I am being fatalist, I know but I am just telling that accidents do happens against your will and sometimes quite frequently.

    I don't know how much time will be until the penalties resets, but I hope it's a short one. And yes, the first penalties will be 5 mins or so but until the system resets, the penalties will increase by time to time. Of course, I can play something else in the meanwhile but that's not the point I am trying to make.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    To be fair yes it is your time and you do have the right to use it how you wish but why should others be left at a disadvantage due to yourself having issues out with thr game? I think that is the bottom line as it can seem like a very selfish attitude when you only consider your own wants.

    Issues with power or service providers is why the first time outs are more lenient to start with as it give a you time for it to be sorted out.

    Things out with your control are always looked into with such a system but if you have to leave a lot of games due to these circumstances happening a lot then I'm sorry but you have to think if you should really be playing an online game as going back to my first point its putting what you want over and above the other players experiences in these matches making it less enjoyable for them.

    You can always choose what to do with your own time but that shouldn't be at the detriment of other players.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    I don't DC and my apologies if that sounded rude.

    And... about the fact of online games... don't missunderstand me, it's an horrible game experience that there are a lot of DC's. Just yesterday two people DC'ed and I thought the killer would be at least a bit mercifull but no. Anyway, It's a game and being that interesed to win might be good if you're playing in a tournament. Don't missunderstand me, I like the DC penalties and think it's necesary, but there are part of me who doesn't and not because I DC, but because I understand that there are people who has a lot of issues. Without talking about bugs and stuff that are out of your control as well.

    Again... don't missunderstand me, I know there are a lot of DC and there need to be some sort of punishment.

    And... thinking that a person should stop doing something because everyone else doesn't like or might have a difficult time... it's a dangerous philosophy.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited February 2020

    I dont think its a dangerous philosopy in a game to want each person to have a pleasant experience and try to cut down on those who make it less so. In other aspects of life yes but in games? this is why most online games out there have a system like this in place.

    As for the DC penalties another user posted the results @PeenutsButt3r thank you for this info.

    First time: 5 mintues

    2nd time: 5 minutes

    3rd: 15 minutes

    4th: 15 minutes

    5th: 30 minutes

    6th: 30 minutes

    7th: 60 minutes

    They arent overly bad and while we dont know the time to reset them they are quite user firendly for DC's due to outside circumstances.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    Yeah, cause bad connection or bad internet are the only reason someone crashes during game.

    I am guessing you haven't forced to close the game because of a crash occurring. or stuck in some place, couldn't do anything but DC.

    The game is far from smooth atm. There are so many bugs and some of them can be considered as game breaking. I am all for DC penalties, as long as they make it fair. If I would have to wait 1 hour or more for something I am forced to do, I'll be pissed. and probably won't return. They shouldn't made me quit playing a game I love.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I had the game crash on me, but not regularly enough to make a 5 minute wait seem like such a bad thing. And if you read the entire post you quoted, I did also mention bad computers, not just the connection.

    And the first two times are 5 minutes.. the hour long wait is after 7 times.. so seriously if your computer gives up on you 7 times in one day...

  • Muntcuffinz
    Muntcuffinz Member Posts: 18

    I think the DC penalty is great. I can't count the number of times I've depipped as killer with a "4k" because someone decided to DC

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    Oh man, I had nearly forgotten about the husks. Fingers crossed that they're implemented soon, now that this is going live.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Not sure if they had thought of making the husk come back to life, so to say, if the player reconnects, or if they're just there to allow the killer to down/hook/kill them, rather than have the body just disappear into thin air and denying them the points/pips.. but who knows ;)

  • imlegion
    imlegion Member Posts: 62

    I think they fixed that issue I believe the system will be able to detect server lag or someone flat out leaving other wise it would be pointless this was needed dcs we’re getting ridiculous

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    They will just give up on 1st hook and you will still de-pip if red rank.

    I like how it was disconnects that needed if 4 people being so tilted they quit the game was somehow acceptable for a depip. The devs were too ######### stingy with the disconnect bonus points.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    Do you know the period of time it being reset? Is it each day? Because I don't know the exact time for it. It could be a week. And yes probably in a week I will have disconnection issues or crashes 7 times, not necessarily because of my computer.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Honestly, I have no idea.. But I read somewhere that the decay time for penalties started after the last penalty ended, and that it was over a period of 24 hours.. so maybe you just need to be in good standing for a whole day? Either that and I misunderstood, and you go back down one penalty a day, so if you reach penalty 5, it'll take 5 days to get back to good standing?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,495

    I still think adding in the husk system first would've been better. Adding in the husk system would take away some survivors' reasons for disconnecting in the first place. With the penalties, we're just punishing them after the fact. Penalties may lessen the number of times it happens, but they won't help when disconnecting does still occur.

  • HipfireBoi
    HipfireBoi Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2020

    Oh, ######### off. Most of the DCs I get are because a survivor didn't like the map or the killer I was using. It will be both a problem for whoever gets errors during loading (which it only happened once to me) and a partial solution for survivors who DC as soon as something they don't like happens.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Deadboy
    Deadboy Member Posts: 15

    This game is broken and it has nothing to do with players PC's. It's the game. The game will crash because of its trash optimization and as such now honest players that have no other option but to force close the game will be unable to play. This game is dying the proof is there. Look at the numbers on player statistics since release to now. This is because people are tired of the game not being properly fixed and the only reason it continues with the numbers it has is because of the temporary boost in players from (free weekend, new license killers,etc). The game needs the crashes solved the lobby load times and matchmaking fixed first and foremost. I was a rank 11 killer and was up against all rank 1's yesterday. That is unacceptable and shameful to (or at least should be) to and for a game designer. Also can people here please learn to spell and write proper sentences? I'm tired of my IQ dropping trying to understand what the hell it is you all are trying to convey.

  • jrosedaily1966
    jrosedaily1966 Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2020

    How about rewarding those who do not dc. Today I was in a game where 2 players dcd with all gens left. Now the killer has an easy game and the 2 remaining players get punished by depipping bc 2 people Dcd. So much for fair.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057
    edited February 2020

    This seriously. If I get disconnects, it's almost always after a down or right before a hook. Once in a blue moon I'll get a survivor disconnecting out of nowhere while I'm chasing someone else. But those are super rare occurences. The vast majority are on purpose and it's obvious, too.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • MJ_Out
    MJ_Out Member Posts: 184

    Come on guys, don't act like u had all ######### game crashes all the time.

    Game crashes after you get downed?

    Game crashes after you get slugged and the mate wait on the hatch?

    Game crashes after get tunneled?

    Do you think we are stupid? I have crashes the whole last year less than 10 times and get f****d by mates dcing dozens of times because they're didn't like the match. Don't fooling around here.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    " As someone who ALWAYS get a match-error midway "

    Sounds like ur DC has ruined alot of peoples matches and good times.

    Fix your rig. Or uninstall forever because noone wants someone who will DC in a match

  • xiozen
    xiozen Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2020

    Very well put. So many posts on here with folks trying to justify the d/c. However, I do lay this apparent survivor entitlement attitude squarely on the developers of this game. While I can understand the "hesitancy" with which they have approached this implementation... the delay only fed into the meta that if a survivor or killer doesn't like the way the match is going due to their perceived way of how things should go...d/c... or a SWF angry that a killer tunnels... d/c...1st person, then 2nd and 3rd and finally 4th... immediately. I could go on and on... it appears the devs have realized their lackadaisical approach was hurting the game and they really needed to address this and I for one and glad they have.

    Perhaps now we can have full games without a d/c to either screw over the other survivors or the survivors being screwed over by a killer who gets angry because of a gen rush.

    Thanks BHVR.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    I thought it was awful like the previous test but those numbers are reasonable.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited February 2020

    There is definitely connection issues in the game still despite what people will say. I just seen a killer get DC'd and it was pretty clear he got disconnected. It weren't on his own accord cause he was doing pretty well.

    Lol I had the same thing happen to me yesterday.

  • HipfireBoi
    HipfireBoi Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2020

    Best way to make it so people won't disconnect or kill themselves on the hook when feel like it is to make rank matter. Make the season last 3 months, give a reward in shards or cosmetics the higher was your rank, make it a zero-sum game and ranks are 50 instead of 20. Rank reset makes everyone go back to the 40-50 range. DCing makes you lose 2 ranks

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I agree seasons should be longer and everyone's rank should fully reset. Start by making them last 2 months and leaving 20 ranks, and see how it goes before making even more ranks. Too many ranks might not be viable if there aren't enough people on at a time.

  • crossboy
    crossboy Member Posts: 55

    DBD Community: people leave matches too much!!! It's unfair and unfun. You guys need to do something about this, it's getting rediculous!

    BHVR: Okay. *adds DC penalty*

    DBD Community: #########!!!! Why would you add these bullshit penalties???

  • YourManAdrian
    YourManAdrian Member Posts: 3

    DC penalty in a game like this Lul This is not a competitive game. DC penalties have no place here. All this is gonna do is push people away and make queue times longer. People are just gonna suicide on first hook. This literally changes nothing.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Hey guys, I found one of the frequent disconnecters!

    Yes they have a place in this game. People disconnecting for no petty reasons all the time ruins everyone else's enjoyment of the game. And the ones who do it most are survivors. Making those unwanted people leave will only make queues faster. And making them play the games fully will also make the lobbies faster because they won't be back looking for matches earlier than they should have been. Either way, faster queue times. It's win-win.