My Lazy Killer Tier List

Killer Tier list is based on the potential of a killer in the hands of a player practiced and proficient with that killer, ease of use is not considered. Killers are within no particular order within their categories
A (Strong Tier): Billy, Spirit, Freddy, Nurse
B (Okay Tier): Ghost Face, Huntress, Oni, Hag, Doctor
C (Meh Tier): Trapper, Wraith, Myers, Plague, Demo, Pig
D (Bad Tier): Legion, Clown, Bubba
A Tier killers are about where they should be, although billy needs his addons standardized to the modern formula
B Tier Killers need some minor help and are pretty close to good as they are, generally buffing their power a little nerfing addons where necessary would be good enough to make them A tier
C Tier Killers need some help, typically in the form of a moderate buff to be A tier
D Tier killers are just bad: They need a lot of buffing to even be considered for A tier.
Tell me what you guys think
Doc is A Tier, not B and Hag should be lower. Don't give camping a credible name.
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Again, why is bubba so bad? if he catches you in a lot of situations, you are easily 1 shot.
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Well tier lists are almost per definition subjective, and one would have to kinda look at the entire player base if you want to make a more objective one and if you do that, you would find as you say that MOST would think clown is weak, even if that would only be because "they are using him wrong".
Also the first sentence is just too vague, any killer used properly can do well, because then you are just playing the game properly with proper mindgames etc, but if you are facing an equally proper survivor team, many killers just dont have the mobility etc to deal with it especially on certain maps.
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The reason he's so low is a lack of mobility and also his limited number of bottles make for poor pressure.
I dunno about A tier for doc. I haven't played him very much and I haven't really played against any great docs either. It's possible, but I haven't really experienced any mind blowing doc players so.
Bubbas range on his saw his terrible. Without PWYF he has to be so close to you for the saw to hit, its basically impossible to get a survivor whos at a pallet and you'd need blood lust to do it on any major window loop.
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Thank god someone finally realised Freddy is superb to most killers. I think you generally hit the nail on the head with this one. Definitely D worthy killers in the D tier and would mostly agree with the rest of the list, however I would swap hunters and billy and bring up pig, plague and demo.
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Even if you had infinite haunted grounds as clown and downing people insanely fast, he would still loose a lot of games cause he has no map or gen pressure, just like bubba and legion.
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Nurse is still god tier
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Dont put Nurse into the same tier as Billy, Spirit or Freddy. She is about 2 tiers higher.
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Charge time causes him to loose so much distance that you need to be almost right on top of a survivor beforehand to snag a hit. Keep in mind that he also has to sit through the entire animation and the ensuing stun before he can do anything like vault a window, making him especially weak to them (double if the bubba bumps the sill).
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Hag is one of most effective killers, not sure what you mean.
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Well, I on the other hand would say that Doc is in a good place (if not too high, but I don't think he's exactly C tier too) and Hag should definetly be A, interesting how opinions differ, kinda goes to show how most killers are OK enough to have vastly different opinions depending on the player ... Except Bubba and Clown though, we all know these 2 are total garbage 😗
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Wdym Hag is debatably(?) the strongest killer in the game. Top 3 definitely.
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You put MM in C? You are a noob aren't you?
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Myers, Plague, and Demo could be higher but other than that this would be pretty accurate if you bumped everyone by one tier. A good nurse is S, not A.
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Good survivors won't USUALLY get caught outpositioned, so Leatherface is an M1 killer in 9/10 scenarios.
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Bubba bad?
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And always, people underrated legion and put them with clown and bubba
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Or maybe he put Myers in C because his thoughts on Myers is that he's generally weak? And because MM eats pallets a lot, has no extra mobility options, and if you're going against competent Survivors on even a balanced map for Killer/Survivor, they can put a huge delay on you getting out of Tier 1.
The OP did say it's his "Lazy Killer tier list". So I think that's why he just kept it A-D tiers. I could always be wrong though, but it makes some sense to me at least.
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Mostly agree. I would put demo one higher, you can do sick moves with his shred.
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I would put Plague in B and Huntress in the higher end of C.