I was AFK first three minutes and still 4K gen speed must be ok

So had a killer game today against red rank survivors. Before it started I thought the lobby would take longer so I grabbed coffee, come back and realize the game starts and two gens were already done. Well I went on to 4K so that must mean gen speed is fine.
And BEFORE I hear that it’s only one game, there is a thread gaining momentum from ONE game Tru had during his 20+ steaming that day.
Well, I had a game where I rushed nonstop and ended chases in under 45 seconds and they all escaped. Gens are too fast.
Before anyone says its ONE GAME, this thread is using ONE GAME.
See how that sounds?
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Using one game as an example hardly provides any context. You don’t go into much detail besides the statement that they were red rank survivors. You don’t say what killer you are using, what perks, what the survivors were running. It’s hard to make a vague statement that gen speeds are fine and then provide almost no information to lead people to the conclusion you embrace.
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Pretty sure you guys just got baited. The OP is making fun of the 4 gens done in 3 minutes post with one game as evidence.
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Survivors saw that you were afk and started farming totems, chest, and boldness points. If survivors could pip without interacting with the killer they would be out the door before you got back.
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What if they were afk too
Please think before doing bait threads
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The terrible hitboxes make up for gen speed.
I promise you this
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The amount of people not getting OP's point is hylarious.
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So if survivors aren't doing gens even if they have free reign of the map for a while they lose? Astounding.
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Okay so you were afk for three minutes? How do you know since you were afk and all?
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I can afk until the gates are powered and still 3-4k.
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Th is guy gets it, people are in an uproar over Tru having one game out of 20 that day where survivors absolutely gen rushed the heck out of him. Using that ONE game, with a slow/bad killer to claim Gens go too fast.
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I can afk until I'm back in the lobby and still 3-4k.
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You must have been facing some potato survivors. Red Rank doesn't mean much these days lol
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gen speeds are perfectly fine. but only if they nerf toolboxes, which i think they're working on already
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I believe this post is trying to point out confirmation bias. This is a bias where the person will only favor information that goes with their beliefs. So the creator of this thread is trying to be someone with a bias that the gen speeds are slow and thus is talking about only one match where the gen speeds were slow while ignoring all the other possible matches he had where the speeds could have been fast.
You will see this kind of bias all around the dbd community where people will only ever focus on certain games they had that go with their bias and use only those specific games as a way to make it seem like their bias is right. However they will ignore all other games because those ones don't go along with their beliefs.
This is just what I believe is going on here but I could be wrong.
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Post a video.
I'd like to see ;3
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You're both right. The solution should be to both simultaneously speed up and slow down gens.
How does one accomplish this? Well, let me introduce you to a little something called parallel universes... /s
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EGC tOo Op
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That doesn't involve the ability to travel through the multiverse, so I am not interested.
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During one of my deranking sprees where i went afk and stood there ingame i got a 4k with one gen left to do. Got lucky i guess. I bagged me one and dragged them to the basement. Was goign to leave them alone to be honest but this meg was getting far too much fun out of her flashlight at the time and blinding me solely for points over and over again. So i got her and brought her down. The rest did nto like this and all ended up down there as well. Oh well. Dont mess with bubba down there was the lesson
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My opinion is that you should study a little bit of statistics
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What statistic? That 5% of games end super quickly and 50% the survivors have genphobia? Nah I'm good with those.
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Were you clown? I might have been a survivor that match lol
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I've done that before. Started playing after the gates were open and got the 4k.
All I can say is not do let curiosity get the better of you. Do not go into the basement for the chest. You never know who might be down there with Insidious.
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A true, skilled 4k, or were there " legit strategies " involved?
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Basing this off one match? Bad idea.
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Look, all that one game means is that we need to nerf Legion.
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I had 1 game where I killed all 4 survivors as Legion before they even finished 1 gen. Is Legion now top tier Killer because of this ONE game?
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I went AFK and the Survivors stopped repairing when there was only 1 gen left. They threw themsleves at me trying to farm Boldness and Altruism and it ended up costing them their escapes.
Gen speed was irrelevant.
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You gave the Survivors a 3+ minute head start. It says more about the Survivors than the gen times. Had they been working on them they would be down to 1 or 2 left at least.
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And now pls tell us another fairy tale, maybe about Little Red Riding Hood, I like that one... Gen speeds are huge problem, everybody knows it, nerf is inevitable and your imaginary 3 min afk game will to help you. My games usualy lasts 3 minutes total because of insane gen speeds.
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So many questions, who were you, red rank survivors are easy to get to now, was it solos/swf/swfc, etc yep, one game I get potatoes or sweaty mash
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Doubt it. OP said 2 gens done in 3 minutes, not 4 which isn't extravagant at all. Especially if your not putting pressure on survivors
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I mean, tru3 is terrible for this community and both cases are invalid.
this is likely because the survivors realised you were AFK and you took them by surprise...and/or they were solo queue...which is almost always auto-win for any killer that isn't new to the game whereas SWF is very much in favour the opposite way around.
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Now tell me another fairy tale since the fastest 5 gens could be done is 1:46 plus travel time plus 20 seconds to open gate. Assuming you chase no one that whole time.
Or for this fantasy does everyone bring BNP too?
Even people who say gens go too fast wouldn’t believe your story.
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Lol at all the killer mains who worship tru3 crybaby yet got baited by this post so hard. Y'all are an astounding species that will use any means to justify your crying
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I love how people use a mediocre streamer for DBD who's highly popular as the basis for a argument.
Most red rank survivors are incredibly boosted on the date you posted this. Once you got to red rank you just safety pip or pip up until reset and you would of been or remained at rank 5 till you pip up. It made it possible for extremely bad survivors to get to red ranks and stay there.
Judging from the post your group of survivors you faced were one such group. If you were gone 3 mintues and didn't have 3 to 4 gens done then ya they were probably boosted. Especially since even with 2 gens done they had a good lead.