Penalties for disconnects - Player survey should have been done.

Did you EVER bother to ask players why they dropped out of matches in the first place?

I would have done a survey on that specific reason. Look, we all know that rage quits get real old. Especially when people bail on matches. you NEVER had that problem until the start of 2019.(March 2019) Go back and look at patch notes, as well as streamers. To see the changes when your servers suddenly saw an increase of disconnects. Check the last 30 seconds that lead up to that point before the player LEFT and consider THAT your "burden of proof".

EXAMPLE, EXAMPLE: Just like a person that would pull security tapes from a shoplifting or THEFT incident. Look at what happened prior to the last 30 seconds before the person STOLE the item and see how they did it. Yes, the act of stealing is WRONG. But instead, find out HOW they did it. So you can prevent it. Just like any grocery store or retail store. I worked in one. The major flaw was. They NEVER put security tag sensors infront of the restrooms. People walked the item right into the restroom, tucked it in their COAT and left.

I've already put my opinion here, MANY times. As to the "Why" players stop trying, give up on the match or they chose to close the program out. I know everyone here thinks this is bad behavior. But again. it is a sign of customer DISSATISFACTION. I'd like to SEE the game continue going and if customers are UNHAPPY, it means that the fate of the game could be sealed VERY quickly. We all know how bad H1Z1 crashed hard. Is it so much to ask that I not be considered a BAD PERSON. for encouraging the health of the community to be helped. Not hurt?

Lastly. I would stand on the fact that UNREAL ENGINE. is NOT a reliable, mainstream ENGINE. it is a tool designed to get STARTUP projects and companies off the ground. So we have VIDEO games. The engine HARDLOCKS 3-5 times a DAY in a 6 hour gaming session.And I am on a Koolance system that keeps everything nice n chill.

Even with "l33t hardware" and some decent investments in WIRED internet. I cannot say for the life of me. That reliability is even in the most expensive CONSUMER gaming hardware. These gamers aren't going to be RUNNING ECC RAM, BONDED internet, RAID 10 or 50 arrays for storage. LET ALONE double-failover redundantly paired hot-pluggable CPUs (yes, on PROLIANT machines, this exists). to keep the machine going. Heaven forbid, people are playing WIFI on a college campus which CRASHES constantly, or at a WiFi hotspot. Those go down constantly.


Anyway.. I am SORRY if I sound like a big-talk bully here. But I've been in the startup business of hosting games and I just dont want to have to sit down at MINECRAFT waiting for another hot title to come out that people gravitate towards. Due to this one losing popularity. Yes, I say that because Q times for "Dah killer" are concerning. Again. Apologies.



  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    TL;DR - Take the L when you lose, and don't DC.

    BUT, what about people getting penalized for rank update errors and the like? It's been asked multiple times and you seem to conveniently gloss over those posts.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    edited February 2020

    Isn't the first punishment like a min or 5 mins? What's the big deal? If you left because of an actual issue you'll be fine but if you DC a lot then oh well not our problem.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    Dunno how people get upset about something being standard in most team based multiplayers games...

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Bugs that prevent the game from being played/finished and hostage holding are also legitimate reasons to DC.

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    because most team based multiplayer games aren't buggy frustrating messes.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    IT doesnt matter why you DC, you should be punished if you choose to DC, if you truly MUST DC then this system won't affect you at all.

    EVERY game has it, stop complaining.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2020


    OUCH THE MEETINGS!! RIP. yeah I know those have to be BRUTAL. The comment section on the stream 2 weeks ago on youtube was pretty harsh. im sure that doesn't make for a good thing to come back to either.


    I'd be fine if we EXPLORED some fixes here that pushed a person away from wanting to leave a match., such as a fix for slugged survivors. Right now it IS a strategy for killers having to slug one survivor at some point or another because gens go VERY fast in these rapid-fire high rank games. We don't have much to slow the game down for EITHER side. I know that control of survivors IS important and sympathize with players that have to do it (in the position of operating the killer).

    I then have to look at the fact that survivors have gone from "The IRL adrenaline dump" which comes down as frustration as to why they cannot get back up and fight. That is what makes Hollywood movies FUN and exciting. We go and build back up, to get back into the fight. ..Here, we cannot get that. If we only used 1 2 or 3 metas of perk-builds. it stagnates what can be done in the game too.

    Part 2. What sends players into a fit of rage to DC. Each match I have played has been hitbox frustration. pallets and windows. Hatch closures and people thinking the killer or survivors are cheating so they leave.


    If we can do some fixes for camping, slugging and hitboxes. Id say a 5 minute penalty that doesn't stack and see where THAT goes.

    Im bumping this photo upwards. since people need to see whats going on in this game. Players body blocking and trapping others. I dont think we should of had DC penalty just yet.

    Discuss!! 😎

    Post edited by InnCognito on
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That would mean that players who are stuck should stay stuck indefinitely. Which is silly.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Those cases sure dc, but in all my time playing dbd i have yet to witness one of those edge cases for myself. So I'll have to stick with the other guy. that one in a billion chance happening sucks sure go ahead and dc, wait the minute and play again. If it happens every game then your luck is honestly that horrible and I'd go play the lottery cause you got a better chance in that then a gamebreaking bug.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I've had that happen to me. A game would not end because of a gamebreaking bug that prevented me from picking up the last Survivor (EGC wasn't doing anything to end the game either). I'm pretty sure that player wasn't even in the game anymore; I think my client just desynced from everyone else.

    I'm not saying the game shouldn't have a penalty system because of these edge cases. I'm merely saying that there are more legitimate reasons to DC than just an IRL situation needing your attention.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I should make it clear that I am not against the system as it currently is. I am merely disagreeing with one specific person who disagreed that hostage holding and bugs that prevent the game from being played/finished are legit reasons to DC.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    And in those case, you won't be returning back to the game in one to two minutes. Which means the dc penalties will not effect you in the slightest. Leaving with the intention of hopping into another match will net you an obvious penalty. Leaving with the intention of doing irl stuff will net you a penalty but it will be gone by the time you hop back on.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm not disagreeing with this. The only thing I am disagreeing with is the one person who disagreed that those aforementioned scenarios are reasonable scenarios to DC in.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    not to mention the elephant in the room: DCers will just stop DCing and start killing themselves in hook

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    It doesnt end with a permanent ban, so it shouldnt go wrong.

  • BulldogXL
    BulldogXL Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2020

    The penalty seems pretty drastic, especially considering how many times the game disconnects on its own. Face it, DBD is bug-riddled. Any survivor wishing to avoid the penalty can simply run up to the killer and let him do his thing. The other survivors are still left in the lurch and the intentional DC'er is out of the match. I don't see how the penalty solves the problem.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I think survivors can glitch the game to do this. I dont know how. Twice very toxic survivors ended up this way, the first time I had to wait them out for them to dc, it was over ten minutes, the second time they still had a bleed.out timer luckily

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    It's almost like there's something making that match unpleasant and they would rather go get into a new one.

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    The DC survivor just wastes 30 seconds of the killer and leaves the game. So the other survivor's game is ruined. So what happened? Nothing. What is the difference? Only 1 stack barbeque or hook point for the killer. Both sides ruin the game like hook suicide, going AFK and getting some snack from the kitchen :)) The actual problem is to determine "Why" people DC

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    So is this permanent now? or is it another test?

    I'm sure you said on stream it wouldn't be in the game until everything was fixed, or maybe somebody else from BHVR said it but there's still a lot of things not fixed lol

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2020

    I guess for me, as a player. What makes either side Satisfying is the following reasons:

    Survivor: HORROR. The fear of someone that could find and chop a player up into a million pieces. But at the same time. The availability to feel like I have some control. If I am hiding. I should be in a minimal state of being discovered. If I go out and take a risk such as repairing a generator or completing an objective. It should be suspense at all times.

    Killer: I feel I should be in control of the match more. I should have rapid fire movement and rely on my skills as a player to locate survivors without assistance. But at the same time be able to BETTER PUNISH and penalize players for their risky and/or careless behavior. Than the current state of the game.



    • All aura and location revealing perks visited.
    • A system in place that gives self-reliance back to the player, but at the same time works against us.
    • A way to raise suspense in the game. So it IS scary. Lighting, fog, intense-dramatic trauma added in.
    • The game FEELING fair. So we talk on hitboxes and hit recognition.
    • A way for killers to actually GAIN control of the match and not just by perks.


    A talk about the true meaning of the Hatch to all. The hatch feels like a "sportsmanship" card. Where perhaps closing it doesn't trigger the End-game collapse. But instead the killer activating one of the exit gates and thus TRIGGERING the EXPOSURE status. So both sides feel as though they are still in that State of Suspense. Which IS important to a Horror Genre of Movies and Video games.

    New mechanics. ONLY ideas?

    Sacrificial rage.

    As the survivor hangs longer. The killer powers up with the wrath of the entity. If the killer stays within the radius of their sacrifice. Their power dwindles and the killer doesn't become as oppressive on the field.

    Killers that stay longer in a single chase. They build a meter and as they power up. If they max out. Perhaps a FREE mori?

    ... DISCUSS! 😎

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    Not every one, but you should have gotten your matchmaking and ranking systems fixed first. That was an even bigger and more problematic issue and should have been dealt with first and foremost.

    It also feels a bit unfair that a killer is stuck being bullied all game by much higher ranked groups, while survivors not happy can just go die on a hook and go look for a new game with no penalty. That doesn't seem overly fair to me. Like the equivalent would be if a killer went afk and let survivors do whatever and just leave, and you apparently allow reports and bans for that, so why is hook suicide okay?

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    not all are disconnected by rage, some do it by the constant tunneling and champion or the toxic survivors.

    I prefer to give dc to see a camper in the first hitch to find another quick game to don't waste time, the survivors who are tunneled and champions can not win pips because they can do nothing to "repair" "aultruism" "objectives" nothing of that since they are only in pursuit and then on the hook (being only alone in persecution does not help you to win pips because you must lose the killer to get the progress of the medal). Killers usually give dc when the map is not to their liking or there is a survivor who loops a lot.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    We weren't given a closing date, so until further notice we can probably assume it's permanent.

    I doubt the devs ever actually said anything like that, although it's possible that some random player(s) might have reported them as having said it. They definitely didn't say anything to that effect on any of their recent streams.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    Punish should be on bloodpoints (90% less or none for example) or devs should work on a better rank sistem, were trolls players plays with troll killers, and good surv plays with fair killers...(a rate sistem) but maybe im asking too much for this game...

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    One of them definitely said it. I'm sure it was Peanits on his stream.

    I'd like to know the reset time. Steam is about to go down soon no idea exactly when though. If I play and I get kicked there's disconnect 1, tomorrow I might get infinite load screen there's 2.

    I guess what I'm wondering is would that extend it? say you have 1 dc now, 1 in 22 hours time....does it need a full 24 hour period with no disconnects before it resets?

    Basically it makes me not want to turn the game on tonight until these kind of questions are answered.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Well, take this with a huge grain of salt because this is just the impression I got from the different news posts on the topic, but my understanding is the penalty will slowly decay over time, as long as you're not currently locked out of the queue. So if you disconnect once, after a certain period it will reset and the next time you DC after that will count as your first DC again. However, I don't know exactly what that period is. But I do believe that it resets completely if you haven't disconnected in the last 24 hours.

  • shumkill42
    shumkill42 Member Posts: 21

    I'm all about the DC penalty. What I am not for is when a killer gets his ass beat bad and we get no altruism, minimal boldness, and survive because again we destroyed him, and we get minus 1??? Really?? At least give us 0 but don't fault me because the killer sucked

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I’ve been in a match where a survivor was trapped in a kneeling state. I healed the survivor from dying killer hit that survivor and Claudette was trapped kneeling. Killer couldn’t pick up. EGC also didn’t end the game. I watch it for about ten minutes since we started the game with a DC and the killer was still being a huge tryhard. Killer probably had to DC to end the game. I felt good about that.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Players will not stop DCing. Games that have DC penalties still have people DC. The only difference will be the impact on que times. Also I don’t load into matches pretty regularly, do I get a DC penalty for that? My home internet is usually around 60-90 down 5-15 up so I don’t think the issue is on my side of the tube.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    You want a reason to DC? How about when you get a bad spawn because DBD is so buggy that 90% of the time, 1 survivor spawns within the killers terror radius.. Or when you get a killer that decides to camp the hook with a Mori? or how about the fact that Iri Huntress is a thing? Or a bubba that sits afk in the basement until endgame and kills everyone so everyone depips?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Those are not reasons to DC and all part of the game.

    Dcing due to the things you mentioned is exactly why the system has been implemented so congratulations on helping with the decision to implement it are in order I suppose.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2020

    Almost every multiplayer versus game will have some kind of punishment for being a bad teamate or exploiting. Punishing Disconnects should be considered simple common sense. When you Disconnect it makes solo players very discourage to play and hurts them very much, making the game super unfun. When I play SWF and there is a DC expert on the team I simply stop playing because it hurts everyone and is childish.

    As for the reasons why, there is simply no way to deal with all the problems that would possibly cause someone to ragequit meanwhile ignore the rampant disregard for giving a good match for all. Many survivors will simply disconnect because they were downed too fast, or because they missed DS, its simply preposterous to expect this behavior to be tolerated.

  • shumkill42
    shumkill42 Member Posts: 21

    Ya I agree with you man, kicking the killers ass so bad shouldn't result in minus 1

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    Wait people literally d/c'd to those? I thought Bubba was a meme play

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Killers have NOED for that.

    To a lesser degree survivors have Adrenaline if they think they can get the gens done.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    You would be utterly amazed at some of the reasons players dc lol.

    It just shows exactly why the punishments were asked for and cements the actual need for them.

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    I mean.... If there are worse reasons them bubba(other then first down d/c) i will be amazed

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I want to show EVERYONE here. including @ all DEVELOPERS , @Peanits ...

    of WHY this sort of DC banning stuff should NOT be implemented. At least until ALL issues ARE appropriately addressed. Yes, this was sent OVER to the customer service reps AT BEHAVIOR. Back when this occurred.

    Occurrence: January 28th. 5:56pm Year: 2020.

    This person BLOCKED the player into a corner and they would NOT let the other person leave. Check the server logs. The player in the blue shirt had crows above their heads.

    What made this type of behavior WORSE IS. The killer wouldn't even bother downing them. This is the storm to come. This is what we call "penalty baiting or penalty entrapment ".