Hex: No One Escapes Death - Rework

I'm just gonna jump right into this since there's no need for intro. You know exactly where this is going. Quick Note: I'm pretty sure The King originally made this rework concept, but I'm gonna post it anyway just cause it's the most reasonable change in my opinion.

Hex: No One Escapes Death

A hex rooting its power on hope. You are animated by the power of your hex totem when Survivors are on the verge of escaping.

Each time you hook a Survivor before the Exit Gates are powered, gain a token, up to a maximum of 6-9-12 tokens. Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is a dull totem remaining on the map, this hex is applied to it.

While No One Escapes Death is active, all Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect for 20 seconds per token acquired, up to a maximum of 120-180-240 seconds. Your movement speed is increased by 4%.

The hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.


Plenty of people have been complaining about how NOED rewards Killers for losing the game, which isn't completely false. I do think it's unfair to compare NOED to Adrenaline, which rewards Survivors for completing their objective, since the two are completely different. In this version, Killers will receive tremendous power depending on how efficient they were at hooking Survivors before all of the generators were completed.

Twenty seconds may sound small, but in reality, that translates to three hooks = one minute of Exposed. Not to mention that you'll keep your 4% speed increase even after the time elapses.


  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    I'm just gonna say that, if you gain 9/12 tokens before the last gen is done, you've come close to winning/have killed everyone already...so that part of the idea should be rethought.

    I would say this is very similar to my idea that I posted, except mine just had Exposed permanently once the required number of tokens is achieved before Exit Gates are powered. And for examples sake, my required amount was 4 tokens (since NOED is primarily used as a crutch for baby and unskilled killer players. Having to earn anymore tokens is harsh on them, since an experienced killer using a perk like NOED is overkill now and will always be, so that aspect of consideration is void)

  • Blackhouse
    Blackhouse Member Posts: 15

    Completing generators is not the objective: escaping is the objective, of which completing gens is a necessary step.

    Additionally, NOED is not a reward for killers allowing gens to be completed: it is a punishment for survivors missing dull totems.

    I know this seems pedantic, but it's important distinctions to make in the aging argument that NOED (in its current form) is in need of changing.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Kinda like the difference between "gates being powered" and "generators being repaired"

    Rancor requires all generators to be repaired

    Noed requires the doors to be powered

    In the end, generators being repaired or hatch getting closed power the doors, so doing all gens or closing the hatch both trigger noed.. but rancor doesn't get triggered if you close the hatch, only if all 5 generators are complete.

    Different wordings that mean the same thing half the time.. the other half when it means something else is when you wonder why it's not working ;p

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I personally don’t have an issue with NOED. This was more of an experiment to see what people think. If people want NOED changed, then this is what I would envision for it to hop on the bandwagon of skill-based perks.

    The outcome? Barely a difference unless the Killer gets utterly destroyed.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I’d be much happier with NOED if it didn’t activate if the killer spent too long around a hook or tunneled one survivor 3 times in a row. Its always the lamest players that take it.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    What you are suggesting is similar to an idea I had before. Only difference is I would make it no longer a hex totem. I'd put it on a timer. Start it with a base of 60 seconds. You would gain a stack for every hook. You get an additional 15 seconds per stack. So if you got 6 hooks you get an additional 90 seconds. The numbers could be changed, but that's the basic idea.