DC Penalties Celebration Thread



  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited February 2020

    So you people are mad because survivors will no longer disconnect, making your games harder?


  • LeVoN
    LeVoN Member Posts: 12

    Pff I'm interested which thing has changed? For example, usually I'm waiting at least 10 minutes to start a new lobby as a killer. That has not been changing since 2.4.x and, in addition, because of match making usually on my 19-20 rank I play against purple people.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Exactly, and it already did rise.

    Friends already tell me stories about how every second game is a mori combined with op add ons, slugging at 4 gens with only 2 survivors left for the 4k, camping and tunneling increased etc.. Especially Killers are trying so hard to make survivors DC now its ridiculous. Why even play Survivor now when i can play Spirit with good add ons, stridor plus ebony and they can't disconnect?

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Spam ready once or twice when all 4 are in. Spam it again at 30 seconds. Two or three times more when 20 seconds hit.

    If still not ready by 16 seconds then have the leave lobby button ready to click and they can go back in teh que.

    I let them know to ready up. With insane wait que's they will ready up after being rejected a few times and waiting out 20 min or more

    I got taken by the last second switch ONE time. Now if they dont ready up after being prompted they go back in the que. But i am not playing killer anymore or surv. At least not till this MM gets fixed.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    devs gonna do nothing, a lot of killers with wallhack (no perks, rank 20 and knows were are everyone of all survivors) and nobody did nothing in years... you want a pusnish on AFK people?? hahaha so naive

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I never believed this would fix the issue, but I am excited to see how it fairs out.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71
  • I_Face_Camp
    I_Face_Camp Member Posts: 244

    My first game on today and my match froze for about 20 seconds and then kicked me from the game and gave me a DC penalty ;(

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Not really. It's rather easy to record the evidence needed if the person is guilty of such.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    think dat devs gonna do something HAHAHA i cant bruh, just cant hahah

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Sure. I mean, unlike guessing that someone is using wallhacks, AFK is something that can actually be proven.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    and devs gonna work?? omg stop itr bruh, gonna kill me LMFAO hahhah

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, just going "nuh uh" doesn't really say much to me. Recordable offenses and nonrecordable offenses that can't actually be proven are pretty black and white to me.

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    People who say that the survivors will just kill themselves on hook, well obviously but at least the killer will still get their bp and kill from it and for survivors they don't have to deal with the insta DC giving them more time to do objectives while the killer goes and hooks the survivor

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    Just ######### on the hook then if it's so toxic and unbearable while three gens pop 😂

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    And there is that entitled arguement that pathetic killers always accuse survivors of having. If I felt you were absolute garbage the first time, why should I even be forced to play you again? I shouldn't be forced to give a pathetic killer his points for his toxicity by killing myself on the hook. He hasn't earned it, he only ruines the game, and I and others are forced to deal with him. That is the issue that should have been addressed. Instead they handed killers a reward for their toxic, game destroying behavior.

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    So you are saying that when the killer downs you he doesn't deserve hook points even though he or she got you? Doesn't make sense does it

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    I see reading is not your strong point. Move along troll. Your useless comments add nothing to the discussion.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    What is being celebrated? What stops me from killing myself on hook and screwing over the team? Jumping in a locker and making a cup of coffee when I see a sweat-lord? This improves NOTHING.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I laugh when people cry about disconnect penalties, EXCEPT when it is out of their control. "Oh I didn't like how that killer nodded his head at me, it is TOXIC!" "I'm going to deny the survivors the escape points because I don't give a damn". the thing is I was in a match today, and someone was being healed in the exit and I on my level 10 Hag drove the healing player off, and i then picked up the survivor as he didn't crawl out. suddenly I hear the "ding" and saw the disconnect. I was going to pick him up, pull him back into the match area and drop him so i could find hatch. i didn't care if he got out because I got my challenge/daily done so I was going to let them leave. it was my FIRST match of the day, and why would he disconnect? because he was stuck in the geometry? nope... he just didn't want me to get hook points. I'm sorry.... DC penalties are needed, and people need to start understanding that they are necessary. sure people will suicide on hook, that's their right, there is a mechanic for this. Also there is no reason to keep struggling. NOW you ask what is the difference? 1) there is a mechanic to try to get off the hook, 2) killer gets hook points for the hook, summoning the entity, and then the sac. 3) survivors get the chance to rescue people how ever short, and finally 3) you didn't remove the chance for anyone to complete a challenge what so ever.

    AFK killers: this is just as bad, because this is being done to circumvent the ranking system and it removes the chance for survivors to possibly pip up by removing one WHOLE emblem (chaser) from the calculations! This is the biggest reason.... it can be verified with videos, and data from the dedicated servers.

    I find the only two problems is the game crashes, network issues and lack of appeals because sometimes there are things outside of the player's ability to control that cause the DC, and to penalize people for that, even for a short period of time if it was the first time.

  • DonniKubbitz
    DonniKubbitz Member Posts: 12

    "UNSPORTSMANLIKE:....Purposely losing the game, not participating in or disconnecting from the game to avoid defeat. Examples: AFKing, rage quitting, idling, and refusing to participate in normal gameplay."

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    All I said was that you should just ######### on hook if you wanna leave that bad, what is your problem? I've literally done nothing wrong

  • hungryforoni
    hungryforoni Member Posts: 23

    I wasn't expecting to come back to a full on feud in my thread. Wow. Did not know that the topic would be nearly this controversial. As honored as I would be to have Peanits see my thread, there's no need to go at each other's throats, please.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980


    And of course, tonight will be the night my internet decides to get hiccups...

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    No one is going to force me to play. If I get into a game and I'm not having fun and the killer is going to be a douche like many have said they would, i will just kill myself on hook and move into the next game. It would be stupid for punishing for that. And like someone else said, once the devs go that route, many will be out.

    And I don't see why they allow both sides to ruin the other's games on purpose. That's why I now play mostly killer. And I don't try and ruin the survivor's games. I never hook the same one twice, so I never get hit with DS, and never camp. If a survivor is farmed in front of me, I go after the one who unhooked them. On moris, the majority of the time I use on someone's 2nd hook. And I'm a rank 4 killer.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Why would you celebrate this? This game has frequent crashes, and as the day progressed yesterday. I noticed my Q times kept getting longer. Generally if players dropped out. I learned to WORK THROUGH IT. Heck, I didn't really care too much either. If they left it didn't matter either way. They now pull on the hook after first-down.

    At least if they dropped out PRIOR to being hooked (which most did) we didn't have BBQ proc, lolz.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    that's the right attitude, stay right to the hook and #########. they can't ban you for take unhook chances.

  • Klootviool95
    Klootviool95 Member Posts: 8

    Not worth my time to stay in certain games. I just had a game where i spent 8 minutes looping the killer and not a single gen got done while i looped him, all my teammates were crouching somewhere. So when i got downed after 8 minutes you just want to dc since some games it's simply not worth playing i also got deranked -1 so might as well dc instead of staying 10 more minutes in a game you know you won't win and you know you will definitely derank whatever you do. Now i simply unhook and try to die instead of dcing immediately prevents the penalties

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Look it is simple. if you don't want to play because it's a doc or other killer, go to the killer and get hooked. try to get off 3 times and then don't struggle. if you are that sensitive to game play i understand but if you want to DC then realize that the others will be affected. sometimes i laugh it off but if i've had an off day with this i revert to i don't care i'm ending the game my way quickly without disconnecting.

    If you don't like how someone is playing stop playing. don't cause your friends to have to wait, 5-10-30 minutes or what ever the time period is and leave the game for a while and cool down. the game is the game. you get good ones and you get bad ones. don't ruin it for others.

    as has been stated in the game, participating in non-normal game play or AFKing [IS] against TOS. taking the out provided in the game is not against TOS. IF you're already upset, then don't play, if you get upset go play something else. these DC penalties are there because people have ruined the game play of others in the last year or more. The DEVs seem to look into reports. i just can't verify beyond the message i get back when i submit the second ticket through their website.... anyways have a good time in the game, find something to laugh at.... sure if you laugh at the killer who wiffed 10 times, so be it but don't call them a noob, don't tell them to uninstall because you won. move on. it's one game out of how many?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    take the -1 penalty plus the time penalty.... where as you would have just the -1 rank pip penalty without the time penalty when you just die on the hook. or after 4 minutes of bleeding out. there is no reason to dc because you looped the killer for 8 minutes and then got downed because no one got gens done. does that get you mad? well die on hook and move on, dc and you get to stew while you can't play. see the difference? sure dc, go play another game and be done with it and hope the next time you start up you don't get a similar situation and dc again and now you have 2 dcs penalizing you for even longer of a cool down period.

  • It's funny how all the regular DCers are up in arms about being held accountable now and come up with every fantastical story of something that happened to them( which 99% it's made up) to try and prove why it should be removed

    Its you're upset over 5 whole minutes there is no help for you

    But please, continue with your stories of how you faced Iridescent hatchet huntress 15 times in a row and they all slugged which validated your DCs


  • KaNGoL
    KaNGoL Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2020

    Last night was amazing! There were no DC's in any of the games that I played, as if suddenly, my fellow survivors' computers were healed of all of their mystical issues that caused them to "crash".

    The Devs have become so good at coding, that they were able to fix all of the issues that were causing such frequent crashes (normally after a teammate was downed) to vanish in one patch!

    I only had one game where there were 3 of us, due to a salty teammate suiciding on the hook, but it is what it is. At least they wasted a tiny bit more of the Killer's time, since he still had to carry him all the way to the hook.

    No complaints here!

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    The only reason why I am happy about DC punishments is because it will punish swf that use hatch tech

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    why would they punish a choice in the GAME when the issue is someone leaves the game via a menu button you have to intentionally hit escape [then] selecting leave match. I know someone who plays, can only reliably press the struggle button about 25 percent of the time because he has limited motion in on hand and he tends to not over use his hand. yet he refuses to click "leave game" because he doesn't believe it. There is a difference between dying on the hook and disconnecting. these differences are:

    1) you do not have to open up a game menu to not choose to struggle like you do to click the leave menu button.

    2) it has been said that clicking the button to DC is against the rules

    Those are the two biggest reasons not to do it. here's another example: in american football, you can not form a group (exiting the game to the menu and selecting the button) but you can do a little jig in the endzone when a touchdown has been scored. so no group celebration, but a solo celebration is allowed to some extent because the former requires you to make a choice to bring others in on the "celebration" the latter however is not normally expected.