Who the frick invented Insidious and thought it would be a good idea?

DarkPit Member Posts: 87
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Its the most annoying, nooby ans boring playstyle where even braindead people can get a secure kill and ruin the entire mood of others.

I just wanted to play fairly, so i took off my Meta Perks to enjoy other playstyles and fun moments. OF COURSE the one game i wanted to use Balanced Landing i get Shelter Woods (boring aswell) and OF COURSE none of my teammates had DS so there was no Obsession. After a 3 Gen Chase because there doesnt exist anything on this map the Leatherface hooked and instant insidious facecamped me. I even had Kindred which showed him standing in the corner, but teammates are always trying to save instead of doing gens and gtfo. And because he was bad and ran into something with his chainsaw someone with BT saved me after i got second stage.

GUESS WHAT? He just tunneled me hardcore and ignored others.

Why does Insidious exist? What strategic advantage does it give you? Why can even the worst player secure a kill with the worst killer ingame? Who thought it would be a good idea? Please anybody explain it to me...



  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    It doesnt counter kindred. I could see his red aura through me...

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    It use to be a good perk back then also its kinda depressing that you got killed by a leather face and complaining about it in the forums.

  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    I dont complain about LF using it, i wanna know what sense it made when the game came out

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    It was probably meant to counter surviviors aura reading perks, because killer cant hide in lockers to avoid them...

    But well, players found different ways to use it

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    If it does, its my fault and i take it back.

    It just looked like it from my point of view.

    But i checked the wiki and think youre right.

    Insidious applies undetectable, so it should counter

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Why does any survivor perk exist? Killer perks is there to help the killer win and it's a great perk for camping hooks or gens which is one of many strategies in the game. How hard is it to understand that? Just like killers might not like BT or DS..deal with it!

    It is super selfish to complain about killers playstyle since they 100% decide how to play. The other survivors is the ones you can say a lot about since you are on the same team..big difference.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I think I can remember seeing someone that should have Insidious and was still visible, but I'm not sure if he was moving too much or just looking around. From the new Undetectable status description, Insidious should hide your aura, also against Kindred. But it doesn't help anyway. Even if Insidious hides the killers aura, you can see him standing there and disappear, because he needs to stand still for at least 2 seconds. And that shows you he is still there, until he moves again, becomes visible again and walks out of the radius to disappear again. The killer could only choose to walk 16m away from the hook and get Insidious active from there

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Insidious is the perk that tells me how toxic the developers are. Seriously. There is zero use for that perk other than camping. The only reason to run it is to camp. Blatant camping is one of the most toxic things a killer can do. No better than azzhat survivor groups that derank, run 3 flashlights and enter a game vs a rank 16 killer just to constantly blind, body block, etc without caring about the objective. Toxic, bullying, and appeals to the worst type of human beings.

    The developers clearly support that behavior, or Insidious would not be a thing.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    bring back the clause. without it, it promotes toxic behaviour

  • I never use Insidious; it doesn't match my play style. It's a waste of space as it causes you to be inactive. If it activated after you hooked a Survivor for a set amount of time, that would be cool and I would use it then.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    Insidious is a really really weak perk. Just adapt and give thanks he's not running actual good perks.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Because that's the end result of the mechanics interacting naturally.

    Or in other words, that's the default.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Your problem isn't insidious, its camping bubbas

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Insidious is a perk from the early days like Monstrous Shrine and it's just dated.

    I'm honestly surprised that the Devs didn't rework/changed it back, when they updated killer stealth perks with the undetectable status effect. But hopefully it will changed one day.

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2020

    Insidious should not counter Kindred with already how limited communication it is between soloq players. Why should it be like that?

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    They should just make it so that it gives killer the undetectable status for a few seconds after a hook.

    The perk as it is now is just to encourage camping and not to do the main job of a killer which Is to get survivors off the gens

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    How is it poorly executed? It's a perk that assists with a legitimate playstyle.

    There are plenty of other perks that assist with a vast array of playstyles. Just because it doesn't assist with a playstyle you approve of doesn't mean it's poorly executed.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Kindred should override insidious, undetectable or not.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428
    edited February 2020

    That's called slugging. No need to waste a perk slot. That or just not tunneling, but I'm not getting into the DS whining again. I don't use it and I never get hit by it. As far as I'm concerned, you could delete it tomorrow and the only effect it has is bad killers tunnel more than they do now.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I mean... dont all stealth killers have something like this on basekit ?

    Like T1 Mike is insidious that moves

    GF can just tap shroud for insidious right?

    Pig has crouch insidious

    Wraith has it on cloak...

    A perk that requires killers to stand still lol I'd rather they run that then something useful for them. Get stunned lol

    For problems with hook camping or face camping

    Try using idk... basic teamwork and rotation. A team of two should never ever have trouble saving someone from the hook on 90% of occasions. Not with second chance perks that grant 3 states of immunity each. Bate the first strike for save. Have BT- everyone deadhards out.

    Whomever was just hooked takes hits because DS will give them a free escape.

    If chainsaw one at a time. Anyone who fails crawls away and heals. If he picks up 3rd goes for the save. Or flashlight stun or 99 hooks to make him helpless and lead the chase in a corner of map.

    This game is really easy as survivor with a team against almost every killer with bare minimum meta perks.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    No no no. If Kindred, a perk, should *hard counter* a killer perk, Insidious, negating it's effect entirely, what perk can I use that makes DS not work at all, negating it's effect in kind?

    Apples to apples. Slugging is not a perk, nor is it a counter.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    It does not hard counter insidious. I only counters it in the specific situation where you're camping a hook. Feel free to camp a gen with it all you like. Personally, I'd pause the hook timer any time a killer was within 32m of the hook. Camping should not be rewarded in any way, shape, or form.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    Insidious is a perk designed to aid the camping playstyle. Whether that be hooks, gens, etc. Hooks being the most effective.

    So, I repeat, what perk would counter something like DS in the same completely negating way? Camping is a legitimate playstyle. The devs even officially endorse it. The thing is, camping is ONLY rewarded if the rest of the survivors are boosted enough to continue going for saves. It's BLATANTLY obvious when a killer is camping, even when they have insidious.

    Actually, I see you said you'd pause the hook timer. I can already see you're new, just by that statement. They've done that, and it was abused to no end. If you don't see how that could be abused, you need to stop and rethink your ideas. Just by your words alone "camping shouldn't be rewarded" (which it isn't against survivors with a brain), and "pause the hook timer", I really don't think you're at an experience level to be having balance discussions on what is and isn't OP. No offense.

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    Its the favorite perk of one of the devs therefore it will stay like this. :)

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Camping is already lightly punished by reduced emblem score. It is not a fully endorsed playstyle or they never would have implemented a punishment for it, no matter how minor. It is a bad playstyle that negatively impacts *every* player's enjoyment. No matter how much it's not reportable, it *is* penalized in game.

    I have nearly 1k hours played and have been red ranked in both survivor and killer for over a year. Just because you want to defend a crappy playstyle that results in a negative experience for 4-5 players in the game doesn't make me 'inexperienced' by any stretch of the imagination.

    Perhaps instead of resorting to personal attacks, you bring an argument with merit. Except you can't, because it's indefensible.

    Insidious is a poorly designed perk and always was. It promotes a toxic, unhealthy playstyle that's more likely to push people to quit the game than not. It belongs in a dumpster with flashlights, head on, and moris.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    It's lightly punished by emblems, but the keys to it's punishment are in the hands of survivors, and yes it is fully endorsed. IN FACT, the original DBD instructional videos that existed before the interactive tutorials IN GAME literally displayed camping as the original, intended way to play.

    Camping is the POTENTIAL, if SURVIVORS ALLOW IT, to have a killer to very well in a game. While the emblem system punishes it lightly, camping will likely not stop you from getting a pip if you three-hook everyone (and you'd be surprised how often survivors allow that to happen. It's penalized heavily if survivors choose to do so, but it can still win you the game if the survivors allow it.

    Note how I keep mentioning the survivors, and their allowance of camping. They are the only ones who can truly punish it.

    As for your supposed red rank status - I'm going to have to say that's a bold faced lie, base purely on the incredibly flawed "freeze hook timer" idea. Which as I said, has been done, and it was abused.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Just because it doesn't assist with a playstyle you approve of doesn't mean it's poorly executed.

    Actually, to correct you, both me and the developers don't approve of perks that encourage players to prevent other players from playing the game.

    There's a reason why camping is extremely situational and have multiple counters. That's the developers way of keeping killers who camp, just to camp, in check or suffer the consequences.

    You will suffer emblem points for camping.

    Survivors will genrush you once they notice you're camping.

    If you make a mistake, survivors will use their second chance perks such as BT or DS to save victims from the hook.

    The developers want killers to camp, just when survivors are nearby. Otherwise, they have gameplay mechanics and perks to quickly discourage camping because camping prevents someone from playing the game.

    I also implied Insidious is not going to help you against a SWF, it's a perk that feasts on solo survivors.

    Any perk that is good against a particular group of survivors is just not designed properly in my opinion. Shadowborn doesn't take advantage of either group of survivors, the benefit is dependent on how well the killer can use their field of view. Insidious on the other hand, takes advantage of solo survivors not having communication with their teammates.

    Lastly, Insidious is poor designed camping perk to begin with. If I'm going to camp for fun, I'm just going to use No One Escapes Death because now survivors have to cleanse 5 totems upon doing all generators before the hooked survivor dies.

    There you go, that's my reasoning as to why Insidious is a poorly designed perk. 😁

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    Camping doesn't prevent anyone from playing the game, though. That's the thing. Borrowed time exists. Mettle exists. Insta-mettles exist. Even the dev (one of the ones you just spoke for) said, in this thread, it's supposed to be a counter to Kindred. It can only be said counter, if the killer is within a small distance from the hook and standing still. AKA - Camping.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Yeah every time someone tries to insidious next to someone who has kindred - I can see the killer. I'll screencap it next time.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    BT will only work if the killer makes a mistake and doesn't time the grab. This is also dependent on the killer because if it's a chainsaw killer, you minus well not have BT.

    Good luck getting Mettle of Man stacks against a killer who doesn't do anything.

    Insta-mettles doesn't make you immune to getting grabbed while making the unhook. Maybe if it was a chainsaw killer, you could tank a hit and use BT on the saved survivor. However, the killer is just going to camp you now, all you did was switch hooks and gave your team more time to do generators.

    The only true counter to camping is doing generators, which is why Insidious isn't good and No One Escapes Death is. NOED will make sure survivors take their sweet time doing totems instead of generators or make you very lethal in the end game.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    If the killer isn't doing anything (not even hitting you when you go for a save, which counts as a protection hit for mettle of man, assuming you're good enough to bait the hit), how can he be camping?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Depends on the situation:

    Going by memory here, so I could be wrong.

    The game classifies camping when the killer doesn't put at least 16 meters of distance between themselves to the hooked survivor within 15 seconds.

    If the killer fails to do so, the game then checks for survivors within 16 meters to the hooked survivor.

    If there's survivors nearby, you don't suffer a camping penalty.

    If there isn't a survivor nearby, you suffer a camping penalty.

  • Bigdickencyder
    Bigdickencyder Member Posts: 1

    I've used insidious alot in the past. Its actually a very powerful perk. Works really well with a basement bubba build. Sure its toxic but it almost always guarantees 3-4k games as well as some entertaining hater mail. Tbh if people didn't tbag or go out of their way to be toxic I probably wouldn't do this anywhere near as much as I do. It's just nice to serve a bit of payback

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    If you're paying attention at all, you'll notice the Killer's aura leave your vision after they stand still for a moment or two. Kindred still trumps Insidious as long as you are keeping an eye on the hook. You will know roughly where the Killer is camping from, and if there's a potential save opportunity or not.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Kindred still counters insidious...you still see the killer near the hook standing there and then the aura suddenly vanishing after a few seconds. If you seriously can't put two and two together from watching the killers aura stay still, then suddenly disappearing to show that they have insidious...

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Just because a playstyle is boring for you to play as or against, doesn't mean someone shouldn't use it. Also yeah, insidous should be reworked because it's only good for 1 kill if the survivors are competent