DC Penalties are back! Yes!!

So happy to see this feature return. Half my games in the last week have been Survivors DCing on first down and Killers DCing when they can't get early pressure. I just want to play the game!
*Cries in Xbox* DCs are still rampant over here.
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Honestly, not that happy
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Yeah, now the game crashing will be great as thats considered a DC
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Literally yesterday two games in a row survivors instantly DC'ed when they got down on their first time. I'm glad to see this back. I'd argue survivor DC are worse since if a killer DC the game is just over.
if a survivor DC then the remaining survivors have got to either DC themselves or stick it with a massive disadvantage to themselves. Even if that survivor was an awful player, that player still had 4 perks that the teams been denied to aid them. It's good to see this in place.
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I'll believe it when I see it. Which I won't. You don't exactly see a dc'er get punished so you never know if it's working.
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A small price to pay honestly. The first penalties are very short so if a crash happens, it's really not a big deal.
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DC'ing should also up your rank. Game shouldn't be easier for being salty.
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That doesn't happen very much. The match cancelled thing happens far more often, but even that is pretty rare. Again, we can't just sit around making excuses for not punishing people for disconnect when it's a massive problem.
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They should have fixed matchmaker/ranking before re-enabling the disconnect penalties.
Survivors suicide on hook, killers are just stuck in their games always, but the thing is the matchmaker punishes killers more than anyone so they tend to DC a lot when they realize they stand 0 chance against their match up.
Which, fine, if you want to punish that still, have zero sympathy, that is fine I get it 100% okay; but I imagine survivor queue times are going to get even longer now as frustrated killers either get locked out for a few minutes, swap over to survivor for a while, or just log off to prevent an escalating ban.
Don't get me wrong that is totally the intent I get that, but they should have addressed some of the major DC causes FIRST and then enabled the penalties. That is all assuming they fixed the thing punishing you for an infinite loading screen error and such too.
I dunno though, I could be wrong we'll see in a little bit I suppose.
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It certainly worked last time. You could always try DCing yourself if you don't believe it works.
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Just DC from a game yourself and you'll know that its working.
I think that would be hilarious, rage quit only to come back 4 minutes later and get curbstomped. It probably wouldn't work as a feature in the long run, but its a nice thought.
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Time to use my 100 ebony moris on each killers i guess.
PS: it's a joke :)
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I main trapper and most people dc when they try to loop me and step in a trap. What's better is when they ds then step in a trap >.>
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DC penalty will arrive when dedicated servers are released on Xbox. Hang in there.
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You're exaggerating about 1 hour. The initial penalties are very short (1 minute for first DC). If you crash, the penalty is already up by the time you reboot the game.
And besides, players disconnect and ruin the game way more often than crashes happen.
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I dced a few minutes ago to test it. It defo works,it will say matchmaking locked in the bottom right corner and you'll have a timer. Nice to know they're working :F
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Feels like Survivors will just give up on hook & Killers can get held hostage.
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It scales. first one is like a few seconds, next is around a minute or less, after that it goes up to several minutes and than rapidly escalates into like 15-30 min, hours, etc....
So if you get like 2 or 3 crashes in a session, and I have very much had that happen before, (I will be honest it is rare for me to have that many, but it DOES happen) then I get locked out for like an hour or so how is that fair? I did nothing wrong.
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So wait 5 mins and play again.
Or dont play. If its buggy, and you play and get dcd, you went into it KNOWING it was possible.
Yes they should fix the bugs causing DCs, but going into it knowingly as a possibility then bitching about it happening seems childish.
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Oh then clearly you don't know this game
You have people who hold the game hostage on Thompson House, bugs, crashing
It will be more than 5 minutes
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I'm well aware of how this game works. I've been playing for almost 3 years. (Check my forum creation date, it's well after I began playing)
I know what happens. And what is possible. If I get held hostage (which is extremely rare these days) I watch youtube and report post game. Not hard.
My game rarely crashes, but when it does, I play something else for a while. DBD isnt life.
I said wait 5 mins AFTER dcing (which I dont do, as I told you what I do when rarely held hostage) or being kicked to restart.
It's not hard. And if your game (because mine doesnt) crashes MULTIPLE times a day or session, try reinstalling, or playing something else for a bit until those issues are resolved.
It's like going to a roller coaster that says "closed due to possible failure" and suing them when the ride breaks. You KNEW it was a possibility, regardless of how it shouldnt be an issue to begin with.
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I am already starting to see some salt, great!
I just played a match with trapper, found a kate doing a gen in my face hit her, she goes to a pallet, stuns me and the bags, downed her and she dced... OK...
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Like you said, the first few are very short. So even if you crash a 3rd time, the penalty is like 10 minutes.
The point is DCs are WAY more common than crashes. Penalties need to exist.
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Exactly. Net issues, bugs, dcs, wont give you an hour penalty unless you keep putting yourself in the situation where it's possible.
However letting people DC to avoid or screw over whatever, needs to have a penalty, or they will do it game after game.
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If it is happening a lot for you, you may want to look into your system. The DCing has gotten so bad that it is honestly ruining the game. I can only speak for myself when I say a game crash happens maybe two or three times a year to me.
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swf who dc to give hatch are mad lol.
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Eh, not really. I doubt they do that EVERY game, so doing it once for a minute penalty every 5/10 games wont affect them.
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I've been saying this forever. and you can't even make a post trying to collect information for the devs to see on why people *c because "it is against the rules".
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i like this new update but i am not liking that people will just die on hook and still get points.. i am not happy that now killer can slug and ruin someones gaming experience. do something about that as well.
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I'm with you... where the xbox love at? Ps4 has had servers for a while and switch always had it...B.E. hates us :(
J/k I know they are trying.
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I'm super happy to see it back too, honestly i love the salt on the forums from people saying:"my internet is bad or there are bugs", just bs all around.