What dbd streamers/YouTubers do you like watching?

In dbd I love the king, Yerv, Ayrun, JRM, puppers, Bricky, Monto and noob3. Their content is excellent and I highly recommend them. I may forgot a few, but oh well.
Who do you suggest? Let me know down below.
I like Monto, Noob3 (when he uploads, come back papi) Farmer John, Tru3, Otz, ScotJund and Pain Reliever.
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Otz, he just seems like a cool guy and tries to play nice if given the option.
Ohmwrecker, he just seems like an all around nice and lovable guy that doesn’t take the game too seriously. He just plays for fun and I love hearing him scream or yell “Michael No! No!” I sometimes worry about him when he plays killer tho.
Monto is kool too. I will alwayss appreciate him for teaching me the Hags “Wall of China” strategy. It’s so funny.
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I use to watch all the big names, but mainly just watch fungoose at this point.
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You mean Not otzdarva right? Otzdarva hasn't posted a DBD video in a year If I remember correctly
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Otz and Scottjund.
I think they're both funny and smart people that understand the game. That's all I really look for in DBD content creators.
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Puppers, Pug, and Otz are my main 3. Tru3 is usually not on when I'm home and he's a bit too smug for my taste. I used to watch Panda when I could. Marth was good to watch before he jumped to Last Year.
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Monto, Farmer, Scot, Sat, Umbra and Otz are the ones I mainly watch or at the very least skim through; just not enough time in the day to watch every video by everyone. I'll check out Tru, Puppers, and some other DBDers every now an then as well. Noob and Demi are both fun but they hardly upload.
I honestly like pretty much every well known Dbd streamer/youtuber besides Ochido and Tydetyme. Ochido's stuff just gets a bit old and I don't care for Tyde's personality. Nothing against Tyde as a person but I just don't find him entertaining and he can be really hard stuck in his opinions. I think he's good for the community itself though even though I don't like him.
Edit: If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be Monto. He's just the right amount of skill, messing around and sass for me.
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I like watching Otz, Fungoose and ohtofu. I'll watch some scottjund, umbra and Scorpionz as well, but those are typically my plan B choices...
I also enjoy Bricky's Casefile series, but realistically...the guy isnt very good, so alot of what he says is kinda taken with a grain of salt.
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Raging_Ryuga regulary and also sometimes Monto, if I feel as if I would need to watch tutorial videos for something, to understand it better.
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Salgu, ohtofu, umbra.
The last two are pleasant, although I don't understand the language.
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Monto and No0b3
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Menos trece, Genuine993
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I actually got into DBD by watching Markiplier playing with his YouTube buddies. Seemed like a fun game and when I found out it was on Xbox I jumped right in.
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space coconut monto Scott Jund
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Monto, Scott Jund, Otz, Ohtofu, Demi and noob3 if they upload, Ayrun, Ussylis, and lately I discovered the JRM. I don't catch any streams. Yerv and The King are nice too.
Post edited by Waffleyumboy on0 -
Yea, you’re correct, I didn’t realize there was a streamer named “Otzdarva”. I just assumed everyone referred to NotOtzdarva as Otz.
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I’m mad at No0b3. He left us hanging.
Also, y u has cage on ur profile?
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The only streamers I watch regularly are Scott Jund, Umbra, and Zubat.
I like No0b3 as well but he hasn’t streamed in a hot second
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My favorite is Otz on youtube. On twitch, I like to watch ArchdruidDrey from time to time.
I used to watch a lot of Tru3 but I'm just fed up with him now
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Forgot Ussylis :3
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Zubatlel, Monto, Streamdad, Otz, Umbra to name a few.
I miss Hybridpanda.
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My goto ones are Morf, Scott, Tru3 and Ohtofu as they all engage with their communities and the chat is always nice.
I will watch basically anyone who is on playing DBD so on occasion I also watch Umbra, Pug, Sat, Noob3 and Zubat.
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Edgar, Pug, Umbra, Otz
Scott can be good too. I just generally don't enjoy watching Oni. Oni is like golf. More fun to play than to watch. Ralph is good too.
Others...eh. Nothing against them, but there comes a point when most survivor streamers are carbon copies of each other, and everyone who's not seems like a BHVR shill.
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Otz, Ussylis, Fungoose, Uncharted_
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Hexy :)
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Yes! I miss his videos!
Post edited by Mandy on2 -
Dave18,Ayrun,Tendrils,Tru3 sometimes,Scott aswell,Zubat aswell when i catch him live.
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You are in jail too Waffle?! LOL
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Monto and Otz were the first ones I started watching when I first started getting into the game, still watch them whenever they upload a new video.
Puppers and ScottJund came in shortly after, similarly I still watch all their content as they get released.
Recently I got into watching Umbra (which is shocking since I main Huntress and only now started watching her, the stuff she does with Huntress and Nurse are insane), and also Elix9 on Twitch. I don’t play Hag but the way Elix plays Hag is like art.
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Tru3 and Otz for general information and they're pretty good at the game. I don't like watching people who are bad.
Ardetha if I feel like watching Nurse gameplay.
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Even tho I’m mad at No0b3, I can’t blame him. The game is a mess right now and with how fast matches are and lack of red rank killers, it’s not like he could make any interesting videos.
I just miss hearing his voice. He has a nice voice that would be suited for a television show or the radio.
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DeviB and runningman because they mostly play killer.
Pug is funny af but he is too toxic.
Tru3 Is good but he is too smug (maybe it's just the accent)
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Him and Umbra have very calming and soothing voices that are very nice to listen to. I can just listen to them talk about randoms things all day.
He is a survivor main and queue times are absolutely terrible for red rank survivors. Definitely can’t blame him, he’s probably burnt out on DBD.
Even Jendenise took quite a long break from streaming all together because she was burnt out, but I think she has over 8000 hours on DBD.
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I have never watched Umbra, but thanks for giving me something to do <3
I hope No0B3 comes back to streaming and hits on a goldmine with another game. He doesn't have to do Dbd nor does he have to make a video everyday. He put a lot of work into editing, and the soundtracks and sound effects he adds are great. If you're reading this No0b3, please come back, we just want to listen to your sexy voice and want to make sure you're ok!
If I win the lotto I will fund Samination to make a feature length Dbd parody starring Steve from Stranger Things so No0B3 could reprise his role and voice him again.
I don't know who Jendenise is but I'll YouTube them too!
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Don't worry its an insanely common error, I've done it I don't know how many times. It doesn't help that they are both spanish and strangely
The same haircuts
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72 hours...oh wait
I do like watching Monto though
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Heh, the same haircuts isn’t that strange over seas. I lived in Palestine for like 5/6 years and everyone went to the same guys for their haircut and everyone had the same cut. Rarely would you see a guy with long hair.
I grew my hair out when I came back to the states but realized how much of a blessing short hair is.
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Zubatlel is the best. No bs and cringe.
Vinc3ntV3ga has a fun unique and fun personality.
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TheCheshireKat, Hewie, EarthToLydia, CoconutsRTS, Scorpionz, BoxGhost, Tatersloth are all lovely streamers that are pretty chill to watch.
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Spacelion. The most wholesome of all the players.
Tokki. Cuz she's beautigorgeous.
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When I got into DBD, I watched Monto and No0b3 mainly for fun, and when I wanted to start learning I watched TrU3Ta1ent.
With the games current state there’s no point in taking it seriously anymore so I just watch swordbro_streams (he facecamps with insidious leatherface) otz, and ScottJund.
I can’t stand watching TrU3Ta1ent anymore because he focuses too much on trying to be absolutely perfect, and it shows when he gets mad at the game instead of himself for his misplays. He also doesn’t like to take others opinions and just uses his own, as well as taking criticism.
I also moved on from No0b3. I’m not trying to sound rude here, but constantly abandoning your huge fan base with tons of supportive individuals and not saying anything for weeks is just...bad? Cant see how he doesn’t want to dip his toes in new water, he clearly has a massive fan base that would love to see him play new games.
I still love watching Monto. He’s such a chill guy and he finally got his twitch account up and running!
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Yessss... a fungoose devote! Same or me. I watched a lot of them but now just the goose. Great technical killer. Fun personality, and an awesome survivor as well.
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Otz, scot and raging_ryuga for the most part but i would watch anybody that looks interresting
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Its all about "The Best Educational DBD Streamer" my man FunGoose
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Umbra, Scorpionz,, Ohtofu, Hexy, Ayrun, Tru and Otz.
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AngryPug, EdgarAllanBro, Hexy & Umbra. Get to see both killer & survivor side.
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I like Tru3ta1ent because he has a good knowledge for the game and plays everyone. I like Tofu because he is absolutely insane with hillbilly. I like vinc3entvega because he is funny as hell. I like fungoose because he is very informative. I like scottjund because he is very very good at the game and i learn from watching him, same with zubat. I like otzdarva because he is funny and is always trying different builds.
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TrU3, Monto, Farmer John, No0b3 before he died, Otz, Samination, and Ayrun.
I watched OchiDO when I very first started the game because I used to think he was just a meme gamer. Then I realized a month-ish down the line what he truly is.