I dont derive any pleasure at all anymore playing killer, anyone else?

I feel I have to start by saying this is not due to the Ruin change, I never used that perk on any of my killers anyway.
But....idk its just so meh? so pointless? I dont really care if I down someone early or not at all, do a mindgame hit or fail at it, its all just meh, just very unappealing for some reason.
I guess part of it lies in maybe a realisation of repetition?
Like sure we play plenty of games that are the same thing over and over and its fine, but idk im very aware of it now or something.
Like you walk up to survivors, survivors run away, they chose where they go and you follow, the same pallet that they loop 2 or 3 circles, drop the pallet, move on, they loop the shack the same way as it always goes, and you follow the same way as you always do and you try the vault mindgame as you always do.
And you hit them and they go to the next pallet as they always do, and you hook them and go away and you know exactly when someone is unhooking and when a gen will be finished.
And when the doors are powered and you get someone you know exactly whats going to happen, BT, DS, always...the...same....
Any explanation as to why? I'm feeling something similar, due to bad matchmaking mostly.
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If you're saying it's not because of Ruin's nerf then idk
Mostly MM for me as well but I still enjoy Killer because solo Q survivor is hell
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I still have fun playing killer.
Never used Ruin (well, almost never, exept on killers I don't care for and don't have perks on, never on my main ones) I'm a bigger fan of Devour Hope and Third Seal.
And as annoying as it is to always get matched against red ranks as a green ranked killer, I don't mind it that much, it's fun playing against good survivors, as long as they're not the toxic teabagging flashlight clicking type.
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I started as a killer main. Have been playing much more survivor over the last several months. Now i'm back to enjoying killer more. I can't really explain it but i'm having more fun with killer than I have in a while.
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I go back and forth. Now I'm just learning to play other killers. It's probably not fun for red ranks to watch my green ass play spirit or nurse for the first time but we probably shouldn't be in the same lobby anyways.
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You probably just need a break. With DbD having not actual endgame, or any goals other than kill or survive, it’s easy to get burned out.
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That's what I like about this game.. Used to play mostly killer when I started.. then more survivor because I had people to play with, and played a bit of killer here and there when the others weren't on.. and after a bit some of them played less, so I got back into playing more killer, with some survivor here and there when one or two others were around, or with randos I killed in previous games (fun fact, I met the people I play with the most because of the game, killed them and chatted with them a bit in the chat after the game ended, and they invited me over to their discord to join them)
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I don't get pleasure from stomping noobs, nor do I get pleasure from getting stomped by a team with 10k hours in this game. On that rare occasion when matchmaking does it's job, the game is extremely fun.
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I don’t see how people hate playing killer lately, besides getting shafted by matchmaking and going against those teams.
I do play survivor but I find it extremely lackluster and boring these days ever since the ruin nerf. Contrary to popular belief, I actually enjoyed red skill checks, because they actually took skill and made me more consistent at hitting greats.
Playing survivor also gives you so little Bloodpoints if you aren’t using offerings or WGLF which is just a wasted perk slot if you don’t get 4 stacks in my opinion.
When you play killer, you have to numb your mind to the immense unbalance, and when you do it gets fun. Slap BBQ on your killers and just rack up an easy 100,000 BP every game with offerings, with 1 minute queue times at most.
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Most red ranks don't play too hard when I play nurse, they can tell I'm not too good at blinking (though sometimes I do surprisingly well..) and they run me around, and then I go for someone else while the slugged one gets healed. She's a fun killer to play. But yeah some survivors don't care and are just pains in the butt. But you can still practice using your power, best way to practice is using it against someone who knows how to dodge it.. someone running in a straight line is easy to catch.
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I don't find it overly enjoyable anymore.
I think if they added more perks and offerings that let vastly increase bloodpoint earnings in exchange for debuffs, challenges, etc... I would like it more. Would make it less stressful for me and less focused on winning I think.... or some change to relax the role and make it less stressful.
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Haha it's not that. It's that swf matchmaking is pitting up baby grey/brown/yellow ranks against my sweaty killer and killing them isn't satisfying. These types of games make me feel like everyone wasted their time. I can understand why the opposite end of the spectrum might also be frustrating though.
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I find killers such as Billy fun to play but I also like to mess around with other killers and try to win. Thats where my enjoyment comes into play and if I lose, I try to figure out why and do better next game. I love Billy just because he has the ability to curve and zoom across the map. As killer, I put my self in the survivors shoes so I like to think that I am going against my self ( as in the survivors shoes). Of course, the main goal is to 4k but that's not where all the fun comes from.
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Oh yeah. That's no fun.
I rather get matched up against red ranks than brown ranks.. At least have some challenge to it. Had a game yesterday where they kept healing within my radius.. it's like.. "haven't you guys ever heard of Nurse's Calling?"
Turns out the two were ranks 15 and 20 or something.. the other two were reds, so they were probably all together but still all ended up dead because there's only so much a good player can do to carry the whole team
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Some matches I can have fun, but I just keep getting red ranked tryhards who will just mow down Gens and not even bother to do anything else. I get gens are the objective, but when they're ending a match so quickly, it's not fun at all. It's like they'd prefer the killer just didn't exist to interupt their Gen simulator game at this point. As Survivor, it also annoys me when the match is over so fast, because it's more fun when you have a killer interacting with you more than they currently can.
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I actual tryed today to play my first game since weeks in dbd again, but as I had go online - so many steam games wanted to update that it had totally sucked up my playtime^^.
Anyways, guess that safed me for getting instand flashlight blinded if this bug still exist.
Also I still wait for changes to my favorit killer, that they make him more fun to play again, but that should just be a side note here, since I would not like to hijack the topic of thread.
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My guess cause the killers do not vary enough, in the end loopable m1 killers are just that no matter how you twist and turn. Meta is Meta since along time too and yeah that is about it. People will not have more fun when balance and further development is made for new players. To me right now the game is even boring to watch, can not be bothered to play.
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Nurse gives me a headache. I don't like staring at my feet. I hate that cool down. It's the biggest detergent for me.
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Yeah, I'm not having fun anymore. It's just constantly worrying about if this survivor has that perk that will make me lose a lot of pressure in this scenario.
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In the long run ruin nerf will be good but right now being gen rushed sucks
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That sounds more like you're burnt out than anything else. You seem like you're very "meh" towards the very core gameplay loop of the game itself, combined with the current matchmaking issues and the like.
If you don't want to take a break try doing something weird. Do perk roulettes, play more casually in general, make bizarre and gimmicky builds and try to make them work. And if that doesn't work or you don't want to, taking a break is also a very good option if you feel burnt out.
I don't mean it in a "lol just play civ 4Head" sort of way, I've taken breaks from several games I love before because I could tell I was getting burnt out. I've also failed to do it in the past, and as much as I liked the game in question forcing myself to play it ruined it for me. To this day I can't be bothered to ever reinstall it and get back into it.
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I think the wait time for survivors answers your question for a lot of killers out there. A lot of people just dont play as much as they use to. I'm playing around 5-7 hours a week. That's plenty for me right now.
Maybe the devs will do something crazy. Like take away that little speed boost survivors get when you hit them. 😀 Now that would be fun!
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What is even more problematic, is that if you apply pressure and slap them off of the gen and hurt them, some have perks which can increase the gen repair time. Couple that increased speed with the ability to loop efficiently and you have surv's who are not afraid to repair gens while hurt or even next to you. Making the game even faster.