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Another chapter, another bad killer.

Will Member Posts: 20

Hopefully her ability will be changed to actually be worth using because as of right now you actually perform better without using her power. Her perks are pretty good but man is that ability a pile of #########. We need killers that will unseat nurse otherwise everything you people put out is ######### worthless.



  • Will
    Will Member Posts: 20

    @fcc2014 said:

    Over reacting much watch a highly skilled player use her. Tru3ta1ent for example

    Im a 1300 hour nurse main. The killer makes survivors go invisible its a dream come true for all survivor players and an unuseable waste of money for killers. I made another thread because i realized there is a PTB feedback forum so this one doesnt really matter.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    you can counter pallets if you know what you are doing

  • Will
    Will Member Posts: 20

    @CoffengMin said:
    also killers shouldnt be nurse like, balance is when 2 escape and 2 die

    Thats usually what happens at high ranks.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    thats what SHOULD happen at high ranks

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Those perk's for the new survivor is pretty useless at high rank's. Only the one can possibly be useful.
    Perk's for the killer's are amazing, I love it <3
    Hook change's and map change's are amazing
    The killer look's sexy and amazing <3
    And her power.....hmmm...not really useful

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207

    her power is really useless AF, but the killer look nice, well nurse still best killer

  • Will
    Will Member Posts: 20

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @Will said:
    Hopefully her ability will be changed to actually be worth using because as of right now you actually perform better without using her power. Her perks are pretty good but man is that ability a pile of #########. We need killers that will unseat nurse otherwise everything you people put out is [BAD WORD] worthless.

    Wow, I will expect you to come back in a few weeks once the killer is out for a bit and you are complaining she is OP.

    You are really missing out on the Mind Game potential of this killer. You just don't know how to play her yet.

    Everyone including the devs are missing out on this too because its nonexistant. Shes trash.

  • lay
    lay Member Posts: 25

    She's the meaning of mediocre. Not great but not terrible either, will be around the same tier as Doctor.

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235
    She seems pretty good to me, at least right now that I still have yet to figure out how to counter her. 
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Why all the hatred on the power, its an ambush ability. Just because its not great for chase doesn't make it useless. I have already seen plenty of killers use her effectively. Plan of attack people, great for the survivors that don't respect tr and stay on the gens. 

    it's terrible both inside and outside of the chase

  • lay
    lay Member Posts: 25
    Dude your ability makes you invisible to them, but also they're invisible to you too, but you can see blood and scratch marks better and you're faster while using it... It's basically a free hit everytime if you know what you're doing. How about you actually put time in the character and learn her instead of crying like a bxtch. Plus you're a Nurse main... The best killer in the game. If you're only playing the best killer and not learning ways to get better and better with weaker killers then you're pretty much garbage my boi. Tru3ta1ent actually goes out of his way to play every killer and try his best every game and even try different perk builds to see what makes the weaker killer a bit stronger. That's what I call a True Good Killer main.
    You seem to be the one who has yet to try it with that description. There's a noticeable delay on scratch mark deployment so if you're forced to come out of the phase in a clustered place it might do more harm than good and if you happen to untap it in a place you'd figure the survivor was at the time the scratch marks deployed he'll still cover a fair distance because of the delay there is. It's a gamble ability.
  • Viktahh
    Viktahh Member Posts: 9

    Well you don't have to buy her. In fact you don't ever need to play the game again. Just go ahead and uninstall it and save yourself a world of disappointment.

    The thing is that this killer is going to be a Top Tier killer. This killer will take actual time to realize how to play not just 1-2 hours that the PTB has been out. She will actually take skill as a killer. Knowing when to use the ability versus just spamming it. Good luck finding yourself a different game to play. I heard Fortnite maybe more to scale for you.

    I thoroughly agree with you, and I'm glad there are sensible people like you around. These are the same people that give bad Steam reviews on just a few hours played. Give it time, people!

  • BlazeModz
    BlazeModz Member Posts: 54

    @JAZC_CR said:
    her power is really useless AF, but the killer look nice, well nurse still best killer

    Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @Nightmare247 said:
    Well you don't have to buy her. In fact you don't ever need to play the game again. Just go ahead and uninstall it and save yourself a world of disappointment.

    The thing is that this killer is going to be a Top Tier killer. This killer will take actual time to realize how to play not just 1-2 hours that the PTB has been out. She will actually take skill as a killer. Knowing when to use the ability versus just spamming it. Good luck finding yourself a different game to play. I heard Fortnite maybe more to scale for you.

    So when she's dropped to the garbage bin like most killers and isn't played by, oh, anyone will you do everyone else a favor and uninstall the game and stop playing it? K, thnx, bye!

    I think she is going to be top 5. She is not as strong as Nurse, but on the same skill level as her to play. She is totally a map pressure and mind game killer.

    I have been around for quite a bit. Before SWF was a thing, Legacy Bloodweb, and every new DLC. Each killer presents a different set of challenges to figure out. 3-4 seasons from now she may not be top 5, but at her current release she will be a very powerful killer ONCE people actually understand how to use her and how to play mindgames with her.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    ...he continued to moan on the forum...

    I don't think you know what moaning is mate.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Vietfox said:
    I don't get it. The killer has been playable for what, 2 hours?  If the nurse is the "best killer" but tames hours and hours  to get to that level, then why are u crying about how "bad" this new killer is. Besides it's the PTB, calm TF down. If u want ur ez free kill then go play braindead billy. 
    People who rate stuff when has been just released arent trustworthy. Not gonna name them but i was actually expecting it from them xD
    Oh yea. It didn't suprise me in the least. 
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    edited August 2018

    @chemical_reject said:
    Yea everything I've read that's negative about this new killer sounds like, "whaaaaaa I didn't get a 4 k in the 2 matches I've played so far. This killer sucks. Survivors OP"

    This just shows you haven't been reading any of the threads discussing the killer. You're just jumping onto threads and whining like a standard survivor main. In other threads people are actually discussing her ability intelligently and reasonably. Two things you and good old Senzu know nothing about.

    There's literally a thread titled "another chapter,  another bad killer." Ur point is moot
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    Yea everything I've read that's negative about this new killer sounds like, "whaaaaaa I didn't get a 4 k in the 2 matches I've played so far. This killer sucks. Survivors OP"

    This just shows you haven't been reading any of the threads discussing the killer. You're just jumping onto threads and whining like a standard survivor main. In other threads people are actually discussing her ability intelligently and reasonably. Two things you and good old Senzu know nothing about.

    "The Devs have already shown in the PTB Feedback Forum that no buffs will be coming to the killer so she is what she is. Perhaps even worse when she goes life. I can't imagine two of her perks getting through untouched."

    Yes, intelligent conversation you're having... or more moaning, 3 hours after shes out - and on the forum instead of playing her. LOL

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940

    Yeah, because I can't type while I wait for a lobby to load. Solid logic you got there. As usual, providing nothing of use to the world around you. Good job. I'm through responding to you so, please, do me a favor? Forget I exist.

    Yes please go back to those "intelligent conversations" 
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    The Spirit is a hybrid of Wraith and Hag. 

    Her Phase Walk is basically Wraith’s ability to go invisible instantly. This is mixed with Hag, leaving her husk. While at Pallets, she can Phase Walk and force you to guess which side she is at. This is like Hag standing on one side of the Pallet, and her trap clone at the other. Forcing you to guess if she’s going to teleport or not. She also has the Wraiths “Windstorm” effect coming out of Phase Walk.

    She is the best of Wraith and Hag mashed into one Killer. As far as I can tell, she will be top tier. 
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @chemical_reject said:
    ZombieGenesis said:

    @chemical_reject said:

    Yea everything I've read that's negative about this new killer sounds like, "whaaaaaa I didn't get a 4 k in the 2 matches I've played so far. This killer sucks. Survivors OP"

    This just shows you haven't been reading any of the threads discussing the killer. You're just jumping onto threads and whining like a standard survivor main. In other threads people are actually discussing her ability intelligently and reasonably. Two things you and good old Senzu know nothing about.

    There's literally a thread titled "another chapter,  another bad killer." Ur point is moot

    "There is one thread called X, so your argument is invalid, because reasons"

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    RSB said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    ZombieGenesis said:

    @chemical_reject said:

    Yea everything I've read that's negative about this new killer sounds like, "whaaaaaa I didn't get a 4 k in the 2 matches I've played so far. This killer sucks. Survivors OP"

    This just shows you haven't been reading any of the threads discussing the killer. You're just jumping onto threads and whining like a standard survivor main. In other threads people are actually discussing her ability intelligently and reasonably. Two things you and good old Senzu know nothing about.

    There's literally a thread titled "another chapter,  another bad killer." Ur point is moot

    "There is one thread called X, so your argument is invalid, because reasons"

    Yes I could take the time to go thru and find every knee jerk reaction thread crying about the new content that's been on the PTB for a couple hours BUT it's not worth my time or energy to prove u wrong. 

    Yes there may be "intelligent conversations " but u don't see me comment on them....because their not whining. I've commented and called out the whiners who need to just play the game and get better just like I will comment and call out the survivors when they start whining about the spirit being OP before they learn how to counter her. 
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Vietfox said:
    chemical_reject said:

    I don't get it. The killer has been playable for what, 2 hours?  If the nurse is the "best killer" but tames hours and hours  to get to that level, then why are u crying about how "bad" this new killer is. Besides it's the PTB, calm TF down. If u want ur ez free kill then go play braindead billy. 

    People who rate stuff when has been just released arent trustworthy. Not gonna name them but i was actually expecting it from them xD

    Killer mains would rather have an op killer for two weeks that gets nerfed than have something that's fun and balanced.

    I like the ability it's fun to play with and against and don't mind the perks I think she'll be good by killers that actually play the game and not those that sit on the forums for hours complaining about balance.


  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    @RSB and @ZombieGenesis defenders of the butt hurt unite!
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @SovererignKing said:
    The Spirit is a hybrid of Wraith and Hag. 

    Her Phase Walk is basically Wraith’s ability to go invisible instantly. This is mixed with Hag, leaving her husk. While at Pallets, she can Phase Walk and force you to guess which side she is at. This is like Hag standing on one side of the Pallet, and her trap clone at the other. Forcing you to guess if she’s going to teleport or not. She also has the Wraiths “Windstorm” effect coming out of Phase Walk.

    She is the best of Wraith and Hag mashed into one Killer. As far as I can tell, she will be top tier. 

    We can agree on something, she will be fun, she isn't op so doesn't need nerfed in the first week and she isn't weak that she needs a buff. She's pretty chill.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @chemical_reject said:
    ZombieGenesis said:

    Yeah, because I can't type while I wait for a lobby to load. Solid logic you got there. As usual, providing nothing of use to the world around you. Good job. I'm through responding to you so, please, do me a favor? Forget I exist.

    Yes please go back to those "intelligent conversations" 

    He can't he already left the one me and him were having. He said i was "passive aggressive".

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    The Spirit is a hybrid of Wraith and Hag. 

    Her Phase Walk is basically Wraith’s ability to go invisible instantly. This is mixed with Hag, leaving her husk. While at Pallets, she can Phase Walk and force you to guess which side she is at. This is like Hag standing on one side of the Pallet, and her trap clone at the other. Forcing you to guess if she’s going to teleport or not. She also has the Wraiths “Windstorm” effect coming out of Phase Walk.

    She is the best of Wraith and Hag mashed into one Killer. As far as I can tell, she will be top tier. 

    We can agree on something, she will be fun, she isn't op so doesn't need nerfed in the first week and she isn't weak that she needs a buff. She's pretty chill.

    Aye. She needs no nerfs nor buffs that I can see at the moment she seems perfectly fine. Her add ons seem a bit iffy, but those will need a lot more testing. 

    Any Killers saying she’s weak need to take a harder look, same for any Survivors who say she’s OP. She’s definitely powerful, there is no denial about that from my perspective, but she’s not OP. 
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @chemical_reject said:
    RSB said:

    @chemical_reject said:

    ZombieGenesis said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    Yea everything I've read that's negative about this new killer sounds like, "whaaaaaa I didn't get a 4 k in the 2 matches I've played so far. This killer sucks. Survivors OP"
    This just shows you haven't been reading any of the threads discussing the killer. You're just jumping onto threads and whining like a standard survivor main. In other threads people are actually discussing her ability intelligently and reasonably. Two things you and good old Senzu know nothing about.

    There's literally a thread titled "another chapter,  another bad killer." Ur point is moot

    "There is one thread called X, so your argument is invalid, because reasons"

    Yes I could take the time to go thru and find every knee jerk reaction thread crying about the new content that's been on the PTB for a couple hours BUT it's not worth my time or energy to prove u wrong. 

    Yes there may be "intelligent conversations " but u don't see me comment on them....because their not whining. I've commented and called out the whiners who need to just play the game and get better just like I will comment and call out the survivors when they start whining about the spirit being OP before they learn how to counter her. 

    Sure, I respect that, but you need to understand, that not every thread is just whining, and I would say, that they are rather minority.

    There are some issues with the Rin's power. she may feel OK right now, as I thought she is, but the thing is almost no survivors know that they are invisible to her. When they realise that, she will become easily abusable.

    If she can't see the survivors, her power should last longer, and the cooldown should be 10 seconds, not 20.

    If her cooldown needs to be long, she should see the survivors.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2018

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Why all the hatred on the power, its an ambush ability. Just because its not great for chase doesn't make it useless. I have already seen plenty of killers use her effectively. Plan of attack people, great for the survivors that don't respect tr and stay on the gens. 

    She has the speed of the Hag and the Huntress, without a power to close the gap like them.

    For the few i saw, i think they should slightly increase her speed while in transition without addons.
    Would make her power worth it, because it's not even that good for ambushing in most map, and doesn't worth a 20 secs cooldown.

    Would make it better in chase and ambush.

    I also think that peoples can get used to track survivors only by seeing scratchmark without the help of Predator (with practice of course). That could potentialy free a perkslot for her.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @SovererignKing said:

    Aye. She needs no nerfs nor buffs that I can see at the moment she seems perfectly fine. Her add ons seem a bit iffy, but those will need a lot more testing. 

    Any Killers saying she’s weak need to take a harder look, same for any Survivors who say she’s OP. She’s definitely powerful, there is no denial about that from my perspective, but she’s not OP. 

    She appears to need that muscle memory reflex and addons to reduce cool down but looks cool as hell playing with and against.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @fcc2014 said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    Aye. She needs no nerfs nor buffs that I can see at the moment she seems perfectly fine. Her add ons seem a bit iffy, but those will need a lot more testing. 

    Any Killers saying she’s weak need to take a harder look, same for any Survivors who say she’s OP. She’s definitely powerful, there is no denial about that from my perspective, but she’s not OP. 

    She appears to need that muscle memory reflex and addons to reduce cool down but looks cool as hell playing with and against.

    Shhh, don't tell them practising a new killer will make them better at it, that would be absurd. You should be 4King every match the first time you play her, obviously.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    fcc2014 said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    Aye. She needs no nerfs nor buffs that I can see at the moment she seems perfectly fine. Her add ons seem a bit iffy, but those will need a lot more testing. 

    Any Killers saying she’s weak need to take a harder look, same for any Survivors who say she’s OP. She’s definitely powerful, there is no denial about that from my perspective, but she’s not OP. 

    She appears to need that muscle memory reflex and addons to reduce cool down but looks cool as hell playing with and against.

    As a Nurse Main, muscle memory won’t be too hard to relearn on her. Anyone who’s good at Nurse shouldn’t have too much issue with Spirit. The cooldown reduction does seem something she could use. She is very reliant on her power. As she should be. We don’t need more M1 Killers who’s powers are a hinderance as much as they area a help, or purely a hindrance. 

    I’m absolutely blown away and already love this Killer.