If there’s a penalty for DC’ing there should be one for camping

I’ve only been playing the game for almost a year now and I’ve enjoyed my moments being a killer, only for a while, and a survivor. And I get when you have serious players that are trying to focus on the game and there are people that are just goofing off or helping the killer and that causes people to rage quit. Or when a player just gets mad at the get go because he either hates the type of killer it is, the survivor is a troller or it’s someone very toxic causes someone to leave as well(I don’t think giving a penalty for faulty internet service or a power outage should a thing but that’s a topic for another moment). But I think it should be more balanced for certain things that people do in the game as well, i.e. camping. Killers doing this doesn’t give a chance for some players to enjoy the game to their fullest because of small annoyances. Sure enough the killer won’t get a lot of BP for camping but I don’t think it’s gonna make them stop. Where’s the “sportsmanship” in this? The challenge? The fun? If there’s not gonna be a “Report” option at the end of a game for a camper why not just penalize the killer other than just and exclusion of some points that they will recover later on?
One is a strategy, another is throwing a baby fit.
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The penalty is the knowledge that they are a crappy killer.
Unless it's egc.
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Just play till you’re a higher rank almost all high rank survivors agree camping is not a thing
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WHAT is this thread?
Complaining about camping in 2020. 😏
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Oh please not the “vAlId StRaTeGy” line again.
It’s a lazy way to play used by bad players.
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Never said it was a good or useful strategy. If you liken it to Dcing though you need to rethink your position.
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It's going out of your way to ruin another's game. It SHOULD be penalised severely. Same with tunnelling.
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It really shouldn't because though it's a bad strategy (camping) sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do as killer to secure a kill, especially tunneling. Tunneling isnt bad at all cause you are still giving the survivor a chance to run away and if their teammates are good at gens they will escape
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Camping is already penalised. A camping killer basically throws the game by giving up up their entire map pressure, and leave survivors to do generators, and exit gates freely.
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At this point I think there should be a penalty for repeatedly asking for the same thing that the dev's already mentioned against - on the forums.
The dev's already said camping is a legit strategy, and there is already a penalty for camping in the Chaser emblem.
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No it isn't? Tunnelling off hook doesn't "give you a chance" in the sense that targeting the unhooker does.
And why should I have to singularly suffer because the killer doesn't have the stones to work for a kill?
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I've said this a thousand times. Camping is not a strategy. A strategy is a plan you put together in order to win. It takes an opponents strengths and weaknesses into consideration and anticipates counter strategies. For example, using a heavy run package in football vs a team that is weak vs run. Camping 100% depends on the stupidity or lack of skill of your opponent in order to win. No strategy is a plan that hopes for your opponent to be stupid.
Camping is an activity that could fall within an strategy at times. It is a useful tool in some situations, and I would disagree with punishing it due to that. For instance, if the gens are done, door is open and you have a hooked survivor, why would you leave that hook? It is almost a guarantee they get away if you do. AS it is, BT or BS might foil you already.
Camping from the start of the game, not a strategy. It is a toxic activity, nothing more. Strategies are plans focused on winning the objective, not plans that fully depend on the inability of survivors to do what they are fully capable of.
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And loses emblem points, for those who cares about pips (apparently a lot of people do)
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Lol this is getting sad.
You cant DC anymore when you dont get your way
Get over it.
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If you're tunneled under a hook you can't do anything about it but your partners can. That's when you often realize you have a bad killer but also bad teammates.
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That's ironic coming from a guy who thinks Hillbilly is overpowered, NOED is overpowered, but DS is "balanced". Be nice, don't attack other peoples skill levels.
Post edited by McLightning on8 -
You sound so entitled. If I hook someone and see other survivors in the area, I'm going to stay put. It's their choice to be overly altruistic. Just because it's not a free escape doesn't mean I'm ruining someone's game. Leaving the hook knowing an unhook is seconds away ruins my game.
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You want to know what I do in this situation? Target the person who unhooks them for being overly altruistic.
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Problem is, camping players don't care about BP or pips. They only care about griefing other players. They want to make you upset. It is nothing more than a form of bullying. There are times where it is a legitimate part of a strategy, such as when the gates are open, but camping from the beginning is nothing more than griefing.
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Thats clearly not true, high ranking survivors get matched with Rank 16 killers all the time.
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Or perhaps the killer is facing overpowered tiles, toxic survivors and 4990/5000 pallets remaining on the map. Tunneling one out is a valid strategy for your sanity.
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Ok, but if I show ZERO toxicity in all of my games, then why should I get targeted in this manner? Is it toxic if I can blend into a rock, or run you around for 2 generators, because you can't beat me in a chase?
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Do you do this at end game, knowing they need 2 hits to go down? Based on your posts, Im guessing you almost NEVER play killer.
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This is dumb, there have been issues with camping for years. There are even perks that practically encourage this, perks that decrease your terror radius to 0. DCing was a MAJOR issue with this game, and was not intended to be played. Camping in my eyes however is a strategy, it is a tactic that is used to complete one of the objectives which is to kill survivors, and if you camp a hook, that involves killing a survivor. It may not be effective but it IS a strategy. And people shouldn't be penalized for using a game mechanic which was even confirmed by Devs that it will not be changed, so I don't see any reason to change it, people have found their way around it, so figure it out, otherwise I suppose lurk in the forums to be told once again that it's not going to change, so all I can tell you is deal with it.
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If they are altruistic by all means camp them. Just knows that the other will eventually get gens done. Run insidious bubba for extra complaints and reports from survivors.
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I assume because the killer hooked you first. Because 2 gens got done in the time it takes to get 3 pallets out of you. Which on most maps only uses up a very small amount of the maps pallets.
Because the game balance is meant for rank 18 survivors that crouch behind rocks on the edge of the map. Which I'm convinced is the skill level of a lot of the devs that make balance decisions.
A decent survivor can run a killer on shack for 3 window vaults without being hit and go to a nearby pallet to break bloodlust. NOT A TALENTED SURVIVOR a decent survivor. They can then run you in the closest jungle gym through that window twice before dropping the pallet and go back to shack. thats already 2 gens without a hit. That survivor literally still has the shack pallet, an overpowered main building, and a jungle gym and a safe pallet IN EVERY DIRECTION with 3 gens to go and no hits.
The state of imbalance causes killers to tunnel people out of the game.
Umbra streamed a game the other night to prove a point and her squad of friends had the doors open in 4 minutes flat. Killer got 1 hook. Killer brought a mori. He was rank 2, he was watching the stream. Does he need to git gud?
Can we finally admit that this game was designed for players with less than 20 hours of playing time? That survivor defenses are designed for rank 18s. Which I'm convinced is the average developer rank.
I'm just gonna say it, the devs don't play this game enough to understand the game. Would they have designed Lery's, the game, and Hawkins if they were players. I can't say those maps are universally hated, but they are hated by more of the playerbase than the amount of the player base that used Hex Ruin or self care. They are terrible, terrible maps. They play terrible for killer and survivor. Its like the art director designed the maps and it was 100% about the aesthetics.
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That's optimised survivors, and I'd argue that the killer was splitting their attention. Some of the devs do actually play the game, though, such as Peanits.
As of late though, I've seen more complaints about the corn maps than the indoor ones. Hawkins is better than the Game. Haven't played enough of new Lery's to get an opinion yet. I do like that it is darker than the original version.
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Not really, The devs encourage toxic gameplay so
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@PigMainClaudette I love a coldwind map, provided I am playing survivor. The long wall jungle gyms are like a 2 gen affair to pry a survivor out of them. If played optimally a survivor can run tiles like the meat tree and the long wall jungle gym to the entity blocker over and over. a killer has to get to bloodlust 9000 to get a hit. Which would be a fun challenge if matches lasted 20 minutes. But they last 4-5 minutes if you can keep a survivor constantly in chase if they are decent.
I want to say Behavior stated they had 150 employees working on DBD (remember it from a youtube video and too lazy to look it up). We can name one person who is accepted as an experienced player.
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But that's not fair either by your logic. Why ruin the survivor's game because he wanted the unhook?
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Bullying? Really? How about it's just a game and you shouldn't take it personally. It cheapens the word when it is thrown around so recklessly.
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No, it does not. Someone who enters the game just for the purpose of harassing others is exactly that, harassment. Bullying is a form of harassment. I've seen it plenty of times in this game. Just like depip'ed SWF groups that purposely lower to rank 18 so they can bully new killers. You can call it whatever you want, but it does not change what it is.
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Punishing them for making a bad play is different to picking someone and saying "Imma delete YOU now, k?"
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Camping is a valid strategy when you have a bunch of heroes wanting to get the hook save and the points that come with it. I play mostly survivor, and I HATE it when I'm on a hook and two or all three of my teammates are hovering around the hook trying to get the save regardless of if the killer is camping. When a killer facecamp's me I will not suicide and try to stay on the hook as long as possible, unless my teammates are all crowding around trying to unhook me instead of working on gens.
Survivors are the reason killers camp. If everyone didn't immediately run to get the unhook then killers wouldn't camp nearly as much. No one should rush to get someone off the hook, you have a decent amount of time before they go into struggle.
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Camping does have a penalty. Just not one game changing enough for people to care about
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That's a 10 ply attitude bud. Kill is in the word killer. If someone wants to camp to kill, good on them. Just because it is different then your desired play style doesn't mean it is harassment.
Let's go with your definition though for a second. Flashlights and crouching need to be banned then along with sfw. All these promote "bullying."
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YOu are trying to generalize the point I made. The point I made was that many people who focus on camping don't care about punishments. They are only there to harass. I've seen enough of them talk in post chat to know. They enjoy harassing other players. There are also survivors that like to do the same thing. No amount of punishing will stop them.
My point is that punishments do nothing. There is no point to it. How you get from my post that I'm for banning everyone is quite a reach. The best thing to do is ignore them and move on because this game is built in a way that feeds these types of players.
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It’s literally not a problem at red ranks
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I don't believe I said you want to ban people but if that is what you thought I said, then I apologise for not being clear.
The whole reason I started arguing with you is because you said camoingb from the start isn't a strategy and is only toxic. This is false. If I build bubba to camp hooks I'm basing my play off of common survivor instinct to unhook. It's no different then a hunter in a tree stand with bait. However unethical it might seem, it gets the job done
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I stick by my statement about camping as a pure action from the start is not a strategy, as a strategy is meant to win without counting on the stupidity of the enemy. As in entering a gun fight with a stick and hoping the opponent won't shoot.
Any decent survivor group is going to avoid the camping Bubba and hit gens. Had a match like that with the wife and 2 solos the other night. Bubba in the basement with the hooked survivor, I never saw him leave so I waited ed off the other solo and we hit gens. 3 escaped and Bubba bitched about us letting the guy die. He go a whopping 8k BP.
Camping from the start depends on foolish survivors to succeed. That is not strategy. It's hope.
I did not say all campers are toxic, I said many pure campers do it to harass and bully, and I've seen it enough to know I'm right.
Situation camping makes sense. I main Trapper and if camping the hook while doors are open makes sense, I'll incorporate it into my strategy. If it does not, then I won't.
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I dont like camping killers either but I dont think there should be a ban for it
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How would you even be able to distinguish it from normal playing, and how severe does the camping have to be? And I'll just say there isn't much at all in this game that's fun for both sides. If it's a fun survivor thing it's gonna be irritating for the killer to witness (for example like how Ayrun and his swf group plays. Those kinds of players are a nuisance and really irritating as killer but it's a more involving way of playing the game as a survivor.)
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The killer is the player that camps not the red rank survivors and match’s frequently match rank 16 killers with red rank survivors. You know because game health isn’t the best. Or good. Or acceptable.
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This is a silly thread my friend
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By this definition, Insidious Bubba Basement Camping is a strategy because it is a formulated plan to win by taking advantage of your ability to stealth in the basement and preying on Survivors' blind altruism while at the same time taking into account the possibility of SWF comms or Kindred. ;)
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I miss my lol button
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Maybe I'll start camping and tunneling. It's pretty exhausting playing the way that makes the game fun for survivors and they dont seem to appreciate it, still teabag me if they escape etc.
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Did you look at the thread it’s literally all high rank survivors saying it happens once in every twenty games
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While I agree camping is a boring strat its still 3 years later a strat that works because people would rather complain then adapt and punish camping.